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              Thank you DevilDragonz for submitting the OC! It's always nice to see a comment from you! ^^

Name: Finchsong

Reason of Name: She's grey like a finch, and she's very vocal

Future name: Finchstar(possibly)

Past names: Finchkit, Finchpaw

4/5. I love the prefix 'Finch' and it's not so overused I'm about to make a huge speech about. The suffix 'song' is very overused though with she-cats so be aware! The name reasoning makes sense, I'm guessing they only have gray finches where they live. 

Clan: DawnClan- wooded area with a lake running through it. There is a cliff overhanging the camp. DawnClan and the surrounding clans all originating from the original four clans(ThunderClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, and WindClan)

4/5. Like your other fanclans, love the idea of it! The name 'Dawn' is overused so here are some ideas surrounding the 'Dawn' thing. These are suggestions to help you remember!

- Morning

- Early

- Daylight

- Daybreak

Realistic approach: no

Fine by me!

Appearance: a average sized gray she-cat with a white under belly. She has green eyes that sparkle(you know how happy people are described to have a sparkle in their eyes, its like that). The tip of her tail is black along with her ears. She has short fur. She is described to have a very nice and happy expression.

I love the sound of her! Making her ears the same color as her base fur is something I would recommend. Other wise she's good to go! Adding how her eyes sparkle is a nice touch too.

Personality: She's nice but tends to be a rule breaker. She constantly speaks her mind even if she knows it'll hurt someone. She's very vocal about her beliefs. She's a skilled hunter, constantly. She's more accepting of outsiders than most cats are. She's very playful. She also tends to question authority and doesn't tend to do what she's told. She has a tendency to rebel though it did die down a bit after becoming a warrior.

I think this is balanced personality.  A bit overused in some parts but it blends in with the OC! I really like her.

Likes: She loves hunting with her favorite prey being chipmunks and squirrels. She has a thing for arguing with everyone but every little thing she disagrees with. She loves talking. She also loves making friends

I can't help but relate with the talking. . .

Dislikes: unfair treatment, fights happening for no reason, the taste of fish, her mother, Heatherspot( an orange tabby she-cat who is constantly yelling at other cats, especially outsiders), being yelled at which tends to happen a lot

No comment!

Family: mom: Shattersky- a large and bulky orange tabby she-cat with amber eyes. She is covered in scars. She has long fur and is described to arrogant. She doesn't have a good relationship with Finchpaw and constantly expresses disappointment in her.

Wait, isn't her mother Heatherspot-? Oh wait wait- 

dad: unknown

Brother: Firepaw- a large orange tabby tom, he has a white under belly and green eyes. He also has white paws. He is described to be skittish and constantly running from problems. He constantly gets mad at Finchpaw for her getting in trouble

(I put Finchpaw instead of Finchsong because the last time she saw them she was an apprentice)

Ah, fair enough!

Mate: Turtlewing- a grey large tom with a white underbelly. He has amber eyes. He is described to have a stern look. He's a strict follower of the warrior code and isn't very accepting of outsiders(shocked he fell for Finchsong)

I'm shocked too, yet love is love!

Kits: Bushkit(heart)- a light gray tabby tom with amber eyes. He has a crooked tail and is very kind. He is described to have a very friendly expression.

Sparkkit- an orange tabby she-kit with a white underbelly. She has blue eyes.

Graykit- a gray tabby she-cat with a white underbelly.

((Sorry Sparkkit and Graykit's descriptions are so short, I'm still creating them)

Don't worry about it! I understand. I wouldn't mind giving off some warrior names if you would like. . . there's me going on about that again-

Ex mate: Wildtail(desceased)- a lean black and white tom with a long tail. He has blue eyes. He's a fast runner and is described to be very playful and energetic. He died from an unknown illness.

Aww. . 

Backstory: She was born into ThunderClan. She grew up and had a normal kithood. When she was seven moons, two outsiders named Amberpaw and Featherpaw came to ThunderClan. They were kept as prisoners as nobody trusted them since they spoke of unknown clans known as DawnClan, BrookClan, CloudClan, and FernClan. Finchpaw soon became friends with. When Amberpaw and Featherpaw left, Finchpaw decided to go with them. They made it back to DawnClan(a wooded area with a lake running through it. It has a cliff overhanging the camp) Finchpaw as apprenticed to Moonheart. Finchpaw trained beside a cat named Wildpaw who she grew especially close to. Her training went well and she was made a warrior early. She became mates with Wildtail but only a few moons later he grew sick and ended up dying. She was devastated.

I already like this. I have a couple questions though. Why did Finchpaw follow them? What was her relationship with her brother when she decided to go? For a twist, it would be interesting if she was banned from camp for a few days after she disobeyed her leader. Then she could follow Amberpaw and Featherpaw to their camp since she felt so angry at being banned.

She became more reserved, and the only cats who could cheer her up were Amberlight and Turtlewing. Eventually she was visited by Wildtail's ghost and he helped her realize it was better to move on. She did and eventually became mates with Turtlewing. A few moons later her and Amberlight decided that the warrior code needed to change. They noticed how the clans were failing and how border fights were happening more often. They spoke up about this at a gathering and got shut down. However a few cats agreed one of them being Yarrowmouth.

Interesting. So she suggested a code, something that is shocking due to her personality, and then pretty much got shooed off. I know she becomes well, more reserved, but I'm kinda confused. Perhaps Amberlight needed to persuade Finchsong? 

 Amberlight and Finchsong decided to create HopeClan in hope to change the warrior code for the better. The cats who agreed to join were exiled from the clans. Along with that Turtlewing decided it would be best if they were no long together. They all decided to live on the outside border of FernClan(a more dense part of the woods, on the right border of DawnClan). They had many fights but eventually made Icestar the leader of DawnClan see they were right. With the help of Icestar they were able to get the other leaders to decide change was the best course of action.They had many fights(most of the fights started by the actual clans and not HopeClan) but eventually made Icestar the leader of DawnClan see they were right. With the help of Icestar they were able to get the other leaders to decide change was the best course of action. Amberlight and Finchsong returned to DawnClan where she had her kits.

36/50. It's a short backstory and that's fine, but I'm confused over lots of things. The repeated line part may be glitch!

Anyways, Finchsong is a wonderful OC that is in the making to be better! 

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