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                         Thank you DevilDragonz for submitting this wonderful OC!

Name: Yarrowmouth

Past names: Yarrowkit, Yarrowpaw

Future names: Yarrowstar(maybe)

Name reasoning: I don't have a reason, I just thought Yarrow was a cute prefix, the mouth was because he is a good hunter

5/5! The prefix 'yarrow' is totally underused as well as the suffix 'mouth'! I don't mind if there is no name reasoning, lot of my OCs don't.

Gender: Male

Age: 23 moons

Sexuality: pan

Clan: BrookClan- an open but swampy area located in the woods. Their main prey is fish, and all cats there are taught how to swim. Their leader is Loudstar. and they were named after the founder Brookstar

4.6/5. I love the sound it this fanclan! The clan name 'Brook' though is very overused and could be changed to something else. Naming it after the founder if very overused as well, so be creative! 

Realistic approach- I'm not going for genetically realistic if thats what you mean, besides that he is realistic looking

Fine by me!

Appearance: a gray tabby with black ears and paws. He has a white under belly and black stripes. He has green eyes and his left ear is chipped from the battle with Rottentail

9/10. Fine by me, but I would just like to point out that normally only certain purebreeds ears can be a different color then the original. I'm relived you added how he got the chipped ear.

Personality: as a kit he was very adventurous and outgoing. He loved making friends and playing. He looked up to his dad. After his father was killed he became more reserved and kept to himself. He later became very cold towards others and extremely mean. He hates when people bother him and tends to verbally attack anyone at any given moment. He has very low self esteem due to bullying and does not believe in Starclan. However he is protective of the few cats he cares about, and is one of the cats who belives the clans way of life needs to change due to them starting to fail

7/10. It's rather cliche. Having a cat young cat once being happy and playful then become cruel and solemn after a family members passes, well yeah you get it. I'm actually OK with it since it's well balanced so don't worry.

Family: Father- Tigercloud(desceased): a small dark brown tabby with green eyes. He has a large scar across his face from the battle against Honeystorm. He is a kind cat, but doesn't believe that the warrior code is working if cats can choose just to ignore it. Yarrowcloud admires his father, believed everything he said before he died

Seems like a good father figure! 

Mother: Dappletuft: a small fluffy tortishell with blue eyes. She is described to have a nurturing and friendly appearance. She doesn't have a good relationship with the kits she had with Tigercloud however, and Yarrowmouth sees her as an unfit mother

No comment on her.

Sisters: Echomask(deceased): she was named after Tigercloud's deceased sister Echopaw who died as an apprentice. She is a tortishell she-cat similar in apperance to Dappletuft, however she is not has fluffy. They had a normal brother-sister realtionship

I love the name!

Mintwhisker- a brown tabby with a bent tail and a scar across her back. She is described to have a very stern look. Before Echomask's death they had a normal sibling relationship, afterwards she saw him as an outcast with the intent to do bad things

A overused sibling relationship.  Be creative with it!

Mate: Brackenberry- a cream colored she-cat with a stern but friendly look. She is described to be loving but being a strict follower of the warrior code with the only wrong thing she did being taking Yarrowmouth on as a mate. She doesn't like how he constantly breaks the code, and hated when he joined Hopeclan

So Yarrowmouth clearly isn't the best cat, nor a protagonist.

Kits: Kits: Barkkit- a light brown tabby tom, Sandkit- a pale ginger tom, Darkkit- a dark brown tabby tom with similar markings to Yarrowmouth(I may change his name to Dustkit and make him light grey)

I think just keeping the fur color then naming him Dustkit may make more sense.

adopted kits: Carrnationkit- a white she-kit named after the flower(I may change her name to Daffodilkit), and Orchidkit- a dark ginger she-kit

No problem with them.

Backstory: He was born into Rottenclan(a clan made by Rottentail that was basically a moving group of rouges) He looked up to his dad and aspired to be like him. He believed everything his dad said and never questioned him. His family escaped late in the night one night after Tigercloud(his dad) killed Honeystorm. His family moved to DawnClan, the clan his father was raised in. Rottentail eventually attacked Dawnclan and tried to kill Yarrowkit but Tigercloud stopped him. This ended up killing Tigercloud. When he was apprenticed he was giving to Fogclaw, as requested by Dappletuft because she wanted her kits to be trained by their fathers kin. She ended up leaving DawnClan and returning to her home clan FernClan. This made Yarrowpaw believe his mother didn't love him. Yarrowpaw ended up meeting a BrookClan she-cat named Brackenpaw. His apprenticeship went by good. When he was made a warrior he found out his mom had moved on and he ended up feeling unloved by her.

I'm feeling really confused. So he was born in Rottenclan, then moved to Dawnclan, then watched his own father get killed by his own former leader, then his mother moved, then he was apprenticed suddenly? Why did Dappletuft move back to her birth clan? Why did the family escape?

 Due to this he developed a huge hatred towards her. He was also still haunted by night terrors(similar to the ones Mapleshade had about her kits) where his father told him to attack Rottentail. He gathered his sisters and they tracked down Rottentail. They attacked and Echomask ended up being killed. When he realized Echomask had died, he called off the attack.

I'm guessing his father told him them they set out, when they did it wasn't in the dream?

 Mintwhisker and Yarrowmouth returned to DawnClan and many cats(especially Mintwhisker) started to refer to Yarrowmouth as a murder saying it was his fault Echomask died.

Was Echomask a well respected cat? Dawnclan doesn't sound like a very fair clan either. When did they become warriors too?

 He started to doubt himself as a warrior and wondered if he should leave the clans like his dad did when he realized he was an unfit warrior. Mintwhisker and Yarrowmouth returned to DawnClan and many cats started to refer to Yarrowmouth as a murder saying it was his fault Echomask died. He started to doubt himself as a warrior and wondered if he should leave the clans like his dad did when he realized he was an unfit warrior. At this point it seemed like the only person who liked him was Brackenberry. Brackenberry ended up having his kits only a few moons later. While she was in the nursery he decided to once again try and fight Rottentail so he left on his own. He won the fight but realized one of the cats he fought along the way had, had kits. He knew he couldn't leave the kits to die, so he took them back to BrookClan. 

Wait, he killed a nursing cat? I'm getting so confused with this! Brackenberry just had his kits magically, were they even mates at the time I guess I'm going for. 

When Finchsong and Amberlight created HopeClan(a clan on the outside border of FernClan, created by  Finchsong and Amberlight to try and change the warrior code, and make it better due to the clans failing).

Wait so, where did Finchsong and Amberlight come from, and when?

he joined that in hopes of creating a better way of living for the clans. Once again many cats saw him as unloyal and a traitor. Brackenberry stayed mates with him even though she didn't believe he did the right thing however. When HopeClan was driven out he was one of the cats that helped find there new territory. After the Great battle when the clans allowed Hopeclan back and realized they were right, he went back to Brookclan.

38/50. It seems Yarrowmouth has a very interesting backstory! I'm very confused at some parts so if you could explain that would be nice. 

Yarrowmouth seems like a wonderful OC that could use some work! 

Have a nice day, and merry almost Christmas! ^^

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