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            Thank you Bluestar_Starclan for submitting! Sorry it took a bit though.

Name: Redpool

Past names: Redkit, Redpaw

Name reasoning: Red because of his fur and pool because of his calm and easy going personality.

4/5! Interesting! I will say, 'pool' is a very overused suffix especially with the personality trait. Be careful of that! The rest does make sense. 

Gender: Tom

Age: 45 moons

Sexuality: Uhhh idk I came up with Bicurious but idk what does he sound like to you?

He sounds more straight, since his backstory doesn't really speak of any thing sounding more Bicurious. Maybe like- BI or Pan if you add a few more things in the backstory. I will not lie, he also sounds like a Non-binary.

Clan: ThunderClan

Realistic approach: Semi-Realistic to Realistic

Ah OK! Just tell me if you want me to change anything then!

Appearance: Redpool is a reddish-orange tabby tom cat with a white chest, white paws, and white tail-tip. He has bright green eyes and a short, small, and somewhat chubby body build. Redpool's fur is usually slicked back and sleek, but when he gets mad or sad, his fur randomly get ruffled up and looks very messy. He has a big scar across his left flank from a badger fight and a small to average-sized scar on his right foot from his mentor, Nightshadow (she did that on accident).

7/10. Don't get me wrong, it is rather realistic. Just remember though, cats can't be red. I do see it is a reddish-orange, but perhaps a brown-red? That would make him more realistic. The way his fur is is really cool actually! Unrealistic though. I would have it get extra fluffy and look really messy maybe?

Personality: Redpool is a quiet and collected cat, and he is very intelligent, but sometimes he gets in states where he will shut himself away from others and won't talk to anybody. Sometimes he is a big slacker and won't get out of bed, so he will literally assign patrols in his bed. He also is very aloof, so he will shrug you off like an annoying bug that crawls in his pelt when you try to talk to him. This is because of the fact that he was treated like that basically his whole life. Despite doing this, he sees the good in a lot of cats, but not all cats.

10/10! This seems very well-balanced! I like it! I don't see anything off with this either!

Family: Flamepool—Father (Alive). A reddish-orange tabby tom with amber eyes and a tall, lanky body.

Alright! Just remember, a brown-red may be better. Also the same suffix as his son is very cliche. Change it up perhaps! 

Claypelt—Mother (Alive). A reddish-orange she-cat with white markings and a black muzzle. She has bright green eyes and a short, lanky body.

Flamepool and Claypelt seem similar . . . is that on purpose? I would make her the chubby-er build to make him be more of a mix of his mother and father. I really have nothing wrong with her except maybe make the muzzle white then black splattered around?

I will not be rating this either.

Backstory: Redkit was born to their father, Flamepool and their mother, Claypelt. Flamepool was spoiling them, while Claypelt was sympathetic to them. Redkit was very close with Claypelt and never bonded much with Flamepool.

This I see a lot, something to say a major cliche! Be careful!

 At first, Redkit liked being spoiled by his father, but he had the idea that most kits might get jealous, so he to.d Flamepool to stop spoiling him and treat him like a normal kit. He tried to become good friends with multiple kits and apprentices, but none of the friendships became close or lasted for long.

Aw, poor Redkit! He should at least have some good friends, or that will also be cliche. Even if that kit didn't like Redkit back. 

 During his kithood, Redkit enjoyed listening to stories from the elders and learning about Clan history.
Redkit reached the age of an apprentice and became Redpaw. They received Nightshadow as their mentor. She was sympathetic but somewhat ignored Redpaw. She mostly ignored him by not really answering most of the questions they asked. 

Seems like a interesting mentor. . . her name is iffy. I would keep night, but remove the shadow. Like. . . some name example could be: Nightclaw, Nightchase, Nightwing, Nightsky, etc.

Nightshadow mostly focused on hunting while somewhat neglecting fighting. One day, they and Nightshadow got into a huge fight over if Redpaw was crossing borders on purpose or not, and then Nightshadow jumped on Redpaw and gave him some nasty scratches. She had to clean the elders' bedding for 2 moons after that.

I do not like Nightshadow. Why attack him though? At least add a reason!

 When Lakepaw's brother drowned, Redpaw comforted her and they became quite close.
Redpaw became Redpool at 15 moons, due to the fact that the leader thought that he did not try hard enough as a warrior. 

A bit overused, yet I'll let it pass. It almost seems like a curse that Lakepaw's brother drowned. . . with his sister being named Lakepaw. 

Him and Lakefeather started spending a lot of time together, eventually becoming best friends, Redpool gaining a small crush on Lakefeather. They confessed their love to her, but she declined politely. It broke Redpool's heart a bit, but he was fine afterwards.
He became unhappy in the Clan for a while and considered leaving due to the fact that other cats still didn't think he was "good enough", but eventually decided against it. 

Again, poor Redpool! In his personality, you should add on how he can be hard on himself sometimes. He seems to do that for me! 

Redpool got an apprentice with the name of Specklepaw at the age of 20 moons and treated her very well, making sure she knew everything about apprenticeship.

Aw, so cute! The prefix 'Speckle' is one of my favorites! 

He got a second apprentice as well, this one was called Stormpaw at the age of 33 moons. He became a deputy at the age of 44 because of his calm and easygoing personality after the previous deputy died of an illness.

A bit shocking be became deputy, what happened to Lakefeather too? For a twist, Lakefeather could be jealous of Redpool.

37/50. I'm a bit confused at parts but oh well. How did Redpool die? What happened to Specklepaw and Stormpaw? Who is the leader? What happened to Nightshadow too-? I feel he could play a big part in this.

All together, Redpool is amazing OC that needs some work!

Have a great day/night! ^^

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