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                                         Thank you DevilDragonz! Sorry it took so long, I was a bit more busy then I hoped. . .!

Name: Southcloud

Past/Future names: South, Southpaw

Reason for name: South- was his kittypet name

Cloud-his gentle nature

4.8/5! EEEE- THIS IS SO CUTE-! I think him keeping his kittypet name is a bit overused, so I took 0.2 off the rating. Still, the reasoning for Cloud makes sense for the character.

Age: 28 moons

Gender: male (he/him)

Sexuality: gay

Clan: BrookClan- a clan across the river from DawnClan, its in a more open area yet swampy. Their main prey is fish and frogs. All cats are taught how to swim, their leader is Loudstar. It and the other three clans(DawnClan, Cloudclan, and FernClan) originated from the original clans(ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan and RiverClan)

5/5. I like the sound of it! Just wondering, what are the predators?

Former Clan: Hopeclan- a clan created by Yarrowmouth, Finchsong and Amberlight to change the way of the clans(the changed the code and added more roles)

I remember them!

Rank: Warrior apprentice(previously), Nursery king(currently)- male cats who stay in the nursery and help care for kits(like Nursery queens)

The sound of Nursery king is a bit odd. .  perhaps put it to Nursery helpers or Nursery caregivers? Remember, these are just suggestions!

Realistic approach: sure

Alright then!

Appearance: He is a small fluffy white tom with a long tail. He has long fur. He has brown eyes and his right ear is tipped. He has small paws. His ears are gray and the tip of his tail is black. He has a very soft expression.

7/10. If he is pure white, it would be a bit more realistic to have him have blue eyes. Yet, with the blue eyes it may change his whole character due to the risk of him being blind or deaf. Doesn't always happen, but still. Next is the brown eyes. I recommend them being a dark amber since cats cannot have brown eyes. The gray for the ears should be at the tips too, along with his tail tip should be gray. Anyway, I do like the sound of him!

Personality: He is a very kind and quiet tom. He doesn't like fighting and hunting. He tends to keep to himself. He enjoys spending time with the few friends he has(Yarrowmouth, Coyheart- a gray she-cat, Gingersnap- a ginger tom, Wolfpaw-a black and white tom(doesn't have a warrior name yet)), and his sisters. He also loves being around kits. He loves playing and helping care for them.

5/10. I bit overused for the softie Toms but, OK. Where are the flaws? Perhaps make him be more unforgiving to betrayal, or making him be a bit stuck-up sometimes due to some reason. This OC just needs more flaws! 


Mother: unknown

Father unknown

Fair enough.


Northlion-a ginger she-cat with amber eyes, She has short fur and isn't as fluffy has Southcloud or Winterbreeze. She is the strongest of her siblings and loves hunting. She tends to bug Southcloud about being too "feminine".

It's rare for a She-cat to be ginger, same with a Tom being a calico or tortie. You should at least come up with a random mother so that it's a bit more realistic instead of random genetics being thrown around. Yet I do really like the sound of her!

Winterbreeze- a white she-cat with short fluffy fur. She has a much bigger build than her brother(she's still smaller than Northlion). She is very outspoken and protective of her brother.

Alright, makes sense. Again, add a random mother. She-cats are a mix of both their mother and father, so perhaps make her a calico just t make it a bit more realistic?

Mate: Pebblewhisker- He is a mostly white tom but has a gray mask(I think thats what its called when some of the face is a different color around the eyes and mouth) which leads into a stripe along his back. He is a large tom but very gentle. He enjoys making cats happy and is protective over Southcloud.

SO CUTE-! It is called a mask for sure! What is his eye color though? I don't really have a problem with him!

Kits(They were nursed by Winterbreeze):

Mothkit- a brown spotted tabby she-kit with amber eyes

Lemonkit- a golden tabby she-kit with green eyes

Skykit- a brown tabby tom with brown eyes

I can't judge the kits too much, minus just to look out for brown eyes!

7/10. This family just needs adjustments and they will be good to go! Also, make sure to add some personality to the kits!

Backstory: (Its still in development just fyi)

Fine by me!

He was born a kittypet but was taken from his mother at a young age(he doesn't remember her) after that him and his sisters were passed around until they joined HopeClan.

Why did they join?

 There he developed a huge crush on Yarrowmouth. He also discovered he had a love for helping with kits. Due to him being one of the weaker warriors and not really good at any worker work, Finchsong started talking about kicking him out, which Amberlight retaliated saying that that wasn't what HopeClan was about.

For a twist, perhaps Finchsong could be his mentor? It would be nice if Finchsong at least thought that there was some hope in Southpaw!

Yarrowmouth noticed his love for kits and suggested having him work in the nursery, and that's how he got his role in the nursery. After the fight with the clans, HopeClan returned. SouthCloud and his sisters joined BrookClan. There Yarrowmouth became deputy and convinced Luckstar to let SouthCloud stay in the nursery. He also ended up taking on Pebblewhisker as a mate. One day while wandering around the territory he found three abandoned kits and took them in. His sister nursed them as she was nursing two kits already and he and Pebblewhisker raised them. ((That's all I have for him so far))

38/50. I like it, trust me! It just needs some work. I do see it is a W.I.P, which is fine of course! Why did Yarrowmouth also join Brookclan? Or did she? The end is really sweet, and if you make a book it would be a sweet ending if you end it with the kits becoming apprentices. Also, why join Brookclan in the first place?

All together, I truly think that Southcloud is a great OC that needs work!

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