Dreamfrost/Poisonberry - @Birbborb66

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Name: (at warrior ceremony) Dreamfrost. (At death) Poisonberry.

Interesting - did she change her name herself? And by the changed name, she's probably evil. Dreamfrost is a really nice name, I think, and both prefix and suffix are rarely used. But I'm not a fan of Poisonberry, for the main reason that it makes it obvious that she's evil or something.

Age: (at death) 23.5 moons.

That's quite a young age to die - she'd only have been a warrior for about 12 moons roughly.

Gender: She-cat.

Fair enough.

Sexuality: Aromantic. (However, If she wanted a lover, they would be female)

So your saying she's aromantic, but if you hadn't made her that, she'd be lesbian?

Clan: BleakClan (one of my clans).

An interesting Clan name, but it somewhat hints at its cats being rather more harsh or cruel.

Personality: Poisonberry is an intelligent, studious cat who sees the worlds in many angles and lights. She is hardworking, but only works for herself and hates being given orders. She is emotionless towards Clanmates and cold to all - scared to love because anyone she does love, dies. She can be brutal and cruel towards her victims and subjects, and has an odd obsession with poisonous/toxic plants and flowers.

An unexpected personality, I'll admit, and I like how you incorporated her intelligence and hardworking manner with her selfish desire to only help herself and work alone. That, her cold personality and the fact she has an obsession with poisons all work together really well, I think - intelligence is key to poisoning going well, and you'd need to be pretty heartless for it. Although, unless she gave herself the name, it's pretty coincidental that her name relates to her obsession.

Appearance: A short-legged, cream coloured she-cat with long, sleek fur, a stump of a tail, one orange and one yellow eye and many scars. Most notably being a large jagged bit over her eye. Her paws are large and stained, she has a short muzzle and a shredded ear. Her pelt is flecked with darker orange and she has a orange stripe down her back as well as two orange paws.

I do like how she has long fur but a short tail and legs - it's an interesting combination, and adding the cream fur reminds me of Daisy. However, I don't think having the orange fur - unless you just mean a darker cream - is possible or would work very well with the main fur colour. And by stained, do you mean mud or blood? Lastly, I don't think her appearance fits the name Dreamfrost, as there's no white/grey fur - which I usually associate with dreams and ice.

Quote: (spoken in hushed, angry whisper) "This is for you Berrypaw!"

Oo, sounds like revenge is about to happen.

Mentor: Tumblesoar - a tall, patient dark tabby tom with a long, snakelike tail and slitted yellow eyes. Is very clumsy.

I adore his name! I haven't seen either parts of the name used before, and his appearance is very cool.

Father: (deceased) Frozenfall - a cold, huge, white and grey spotted tom with blue eyes and a torn ear.
Mother: Wisewish - a delicate, pale cream tabby she-cat with amber eyes, large paws and a soft voice.
Siblings: Screechpaw (deceased) - a little, grey tom with one white ear, pale yellow eyes and a shaky voice.
Bluehawk - a nasty, tall, blueish grey tom with blue eyes and a small spattering of cream on his chest.

Frozenfall is an interesting name combination, and his appearance fits with it well - he kind of reminds me of Clear Sky though 🤢. Wisewish is a nice name, but I doubt her parents would have called her Wisekit when she was born. I can see where Dreamfrost/Poisonberry gets her fur colour from, though, and I like the addition of large paws. Screechpaw seems to have passed away before becoming a warrior, and he clearly takes after his father mainly. Though with having a shaky voice (which has connotations of anxiety) I don't think Screech was an appropriate prefix for him. And finally, I quite like the name Bluehawk. Not entirely sure where he got the blue-grey fur from, but I like the cream splatter of fur.

Mate: None.
Kits: (Adopted, deceased) Berrypaw, a loving, sturdy tuxedo tom with green eyes, a bent ear, long fur and a springy step.

Ah, so this is where Berrypaw is from. I'm guessing he was killed, reasoning the revenge quote. His appearance is adorable, but I don't think it really works with Berry as they're usually blue or red.

Backstory: Dreamkit was born in the dead of leaf-bare to her single mother Wisewish, alongside her two brothers, Screechkit and Bluekit. Times were tough in the mountains, and although Dreamkit was nearly always hungry, she didn't starve.

Oh, they live in the mountains? And I'm guessing the father died before meeting his kits?

Screechkit however, nearly did, leaving him stunted and weak. When Dreampaw was apprenticed to Tumblesoar, she was disappointed and angry, already disliking the slow cat and all the work. She envied Screechpaw who was training as medicine cat.

Oof poor Screechkit. Dreampaw needs to chill, Tumblesoar is amazing.

One day however, she was tasked with guarding her brother as he searched the lower mountain for herbs. But a rockslide/avalanche started, burying Screechpaw and injuring Dreampaw, leaving her tail trapped under a rock. She wrenched it free, snapping it and eventually leading to its amputation.

No Screechpaw!! :( At least I know why her tail is so short now.

She dug desperately for him, snapping claws and bruising paws, but by the time she found him, he had gone to Starclan. After that, she became withdrawn and sullen, plagued by guilt. Frustrated and grieving, she went to Bluepaw, seeking comfort. But he turned her away, too obsessed with a new apprentice, Emeraldpaw, to care.

Bluepaw isn't very nice 👍

She eventually barely scraped into her warrior name, wanting to be named after Screechpaw but denied, receiving Dreamfrost for her chilly attitude. Things snowballed fast after that, going more and more wrong.

Damn whoever the leader is has no heart 0-0

Bluehawk was becoming egotistical and rude, head-over-paws with Emeraldshatter. They got into a fight over his obsession, ending up with Bluehawk trying to blind her. In a flurry of grief and rage, she blindly stumbled down the mountain, ending up in a bush.

Bluehawk has some serious issues, man. I'm really interested in this story so far, though.

This bush had berries. But these were no normal berries. They were poisonous, deadly when combined with a certain root. She became obsessed, tearing herself apart to make the perfect poison.

This is quite a unique set of events, I'll be honest - I'm loving it.

After yet another conflict, this time with her leader for missing patrols, she ended up near a creek. Something was washed up beside it, proving to be a tiny kit, barely alive. She felt a single warm emotion. Affection. She dragged him up the mountain, naming him Berrykit on the way. A nursing queen took him in, and he became a clan kit.

Aww, this is how she found Berrykit/paw!

After six moons, he was apprenticed, but much to Dreamfrost's horror, his mentor was Emeraldshatter. Emeraldshatter was egocentric, rude, self obsessed and snotty, a horrible mentor. Dreamfrost watched her constantly, checking in all the time. But six days in, an accident occurred. A strong gust of wind swept him off of a cliff, killing him. But Emeraldshatter showed no remorse, leading Dreamfrost to convince herself that it had not been an accident, and she had killed her son.

Ew. Emeraldshatter is perfect for Bluehawk. But is the leader literally blind or something, giving her the non-Clan apprentice? She better not have purposefully killed Berrypaw, though, because she'll have me to deal with too >:(

Anguished, rage filled and broken, she devised a plan to kill this devil of a cat. Late one night, she crept into her nest, half silently slipping her a poison so strong, it killed her within minutes. But panic took hold as she realized what would happen when the Clan woke up. Panicking, grief stricken and guilty, she took a huge dose of toxin and threw herself off of a nearby cliff. (Sorry, dark.) She was placed in the dark forest, changing her  name to Poisonberry.

Damn, that was sudden. How would the Clan figure out it was her, though? They wouldn't be able to reasonably accuse her.

Cause of death: Poison, hitting the ground too hard.
Legacy: None.

What did the Clan (and Bluehawk) think when they found Emeraldshatter dead and Dreamfrost/Poisonberry missing/dead?

Strengths: Battle, cunningness, cruelty, strategy.
Weaknesses: Rain, weak balance, stubbornness, weak claws.

They all make sense - I like how you included weak claws as a weakness, because it's probably from when she tried to save Screechpaw.

Likes: Berrypaw, Screechpaw, darkness, plants, revenge.
Dislikes: Bluehawk, Emeraldshatter, rain, mudslides, harsh light.

All making sense, nothing much to say here.

Hunting: 6.5/10
Fighting: 8.5/10
Swimming: 1/10
Climbing: 7/10
Running: 7/10
Stalking: 4/10
Memory: 7.5/10
Healing: 2/10
Leadership: 4/10

These seem pretty evened out, and make sense with what you've told me in the backstory.


Overall, Dreamfrost is actually quite an interesting character. At the beginning I was a little harsh due to some of the names and appearances, but I really like the story behind her. Finding Berrykit, discovering poisons, her family relationships and her panicked death. There are a few questions dotted around, though

Thank you for sending me your OC Birbborb66 - I hope my advice helps! - and feel free to send in more!

- Grey

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