Chapter 1

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"Are you okay Maplepaw?" An orange tom asked.

"Wha-what happened" Maplepaw asked.

"You fell from the tree we thought you were dead!" A grey tom exclaimed.

"But-" Maplepaw starts. Maplepaw was a marbled orange and brown she-cat with a pretty coloring. She had amber eyes and one white paw.

"You had a fall Maplepaw... it's going to be ok" A black tom said.

"Thanks, Ravenpaw" Maplepaw says as she gets up. Maplepaw lets out a wince but manages to stand up.

"Maybe you shouldn't..." Ravenpaw trails off.

"I'm fine... we need to get back to camp though," Maplepaw says.

"Yeah... let her go Ravenpaw she won't die," The grey tom says.

"Shut up Greypaw," The orange tom says. The three apprentices raced ahead of their friend playing and tugging around at each other.

"Wait up for me!" Maplepaw yells. She hurries along as fast as she can.

"Yeah, Firepaw c'mon" Greypaw teases. Firepaw cuffs Greypaw on the ear. Ravenpaw walks to the side trying to avoid trouble.

The apprentices walk for a bit until they see the brambles of the thorn barrier.

"Look! The Camp!"Ravenpaw exclaims and runs ahead. Ravenpaw had sleek black fur. (Like a raven) Maplepaw hurries along quickly.

"Where were you!" I blue fold exclaim.

"We are sorry Bluestar... Maplepaw fell from the tree and..." Firepaw trailed off looking at his paws.

"Well take Maplepaw to Spottedleaf then," Bluestar concludes. Ravenpaw padded on. Maplepaw followed along with Greypaw and Firepaw. Bluestar leaped up the Highrock, laid down, and sunned herself. Yellowfang padded up to Firepaw.

"Firepaw my moss is spoiled I need you to clean it" she rasps. Fire paw nods and Yellowfang walks away.

"I will be back in a bit guys," Firepaw says. He walks off following Yellowfang to the elder's den. Spottedleaf runs past us into the nursery.

"Wait... Spottedleaf!" Ravenpaw yells. Maplepaw, Greypaw, and Ravenpaw walked on after Spottedleaf to the entrance of the nursery.

"Not now Brindleface is about to have her kits," Spottedleaf calls.

Maplepaw started to get the worst headache. What is going on? She thought. Maplepaw closed her eyes and saw two fierce warriors. Both grey cats but one was a female.

"These are Brindleface's kits what I showed you before was true stop Ashfur's death" A voice whispered in her ear.

"But how" Maplepaw whispered back.

"Change the names change the outcome...protect everyone from Tigerclaw" The voice faded into the wind and Maplepaw burst into the nursery.

"What are you doing here?" Yells Spottedleaf.

"I don't know..." Maplepaw said. I am so dumb it's not like Ashfur is going to die now because he at least lives to be Ashfur. Maplepaw thought. 

"Then will you please leave," Spottedleaf said. Maplepaw rushed out of the nursery and back into the (unstuffy) clearing. 

"What were you doing?" Ravenpaw asks.

"I honestly don't know" Maplepaw responds jokingly. They both chuckle for a moment then walk over to the fresh kill pile. A brown-ish tom approaches the apprentices. 

"Ravenpaw we should train in the clearing soon... after you eat" The tom looked away.

"Yes Tigerclaw" Ravenpaw responds glumily. The two apprentices grabbed a mouse and sat down to eat their meal.

"Where is Fireheart- I mean Firepaw and Greypaw," Maplepaw asks.

"That was weird but they are out on a midday patrol with Lionheart and Runningwind," Ravenpaw says. Ravenpaw finishes his mouse and licks his lips. "Maybe you and Mousefur can come along too" Ravenpaw says.

Author's note

Please note that the art on this page is not mine I found it on the web the original artist is Lest9906 on twitter. I thank her for the art. it is a picture of Ravenpaw, Firepaw, and greypaw

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