Chapter Three

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The apprentice ceremony...

  "Let all cats old enough to swim and hunt gather beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" Ripplestar's brisk voice pierced the silent morning air.Shadowkit woke slowly and wearily,for last night had been exhausting.Peonyheart had briefed her on what she must do if Ripplestar announced she was Dawndrop's apprentice,and had taught her some fighting moves,one including the backflip she had seen Minnowpaw do yesterday.

  At her side,Crystalkit was given a wet bath by Coral,who was licking and licking Crystalkit until she practically gleamed under the rising sun.

  Shadowkit peeked through the entrance of the nursery to see Wildsky,the white deputy with bright eyes sitting neatly,tail curled snugly around her slender paws.She would be in that position one day,of course,and she would banish Dawndrop and Crystalkit and Coral and Minnowpaw...The list goes on!

  Shadowkit groomed herself so her pelt shone like silk and felt like silk,too.She stepped forwards,glaring at everyone coldly.Ripplestar began."Shadowkit,step forwards,"he began."From now on,until you have received your warrior name,you will be known as Shadowpaw.Your mentor will be Dawndrop-"

  "-Just a moment!"Shadowkit interrupted rudely.Ripplestar frowned at her,eyes full of rage and fire.She ignored it and said,"I will not be Dawndrop's apprentice."

  A resounding gasp echoed around the camp and every LakeClan cat stared at her in horror.She smirked and went on smoothly."I have a deal.If I defeat Crystalkit in battle,claws unsheathed,"

  That's it,Peonyheart whispered in Shadowkit ear.She smirked and went on."Then Crystalkit will be Dawndrop's apprentice,and Ripplestar,you shall train me yourself."

  Ripplestar stared at her for a moment,and doubled over in laughter."Okay,I swear by StarClan if Crystalkit loses,I will agree to your deal,"he said."If not..."

  Shadowkit understood.He was implying if she lost,there would be a punishment.A big one.

  Crystalkit stared at her sister in terror.

Crystalkit's POV

  I couldn't believe my luck.

  Shadowpaw circled me,eyeing me like I was some sort of prey she would catch.At least neither of us had learned battle moves,so it would be an even match.Plus,she was so tiny!I could simply squash her with one paw.

  The clan was cheering,"Crystalkit,Crystalkit,"around me.Even the warriors believed I would win,so I would probably win.I purred at everyone's trust in me and pounced onto Shadowpaw. Or,tried to.A second later,my muzzle was torn and bleeding and it stung like crazy.The clearing was silent now.

  Shadowpaw had done a backflip.

  She had thrown herself backwards onto her front paws,flipping herself strongly over,her hind legs catching me on the face with unsheathed claws while she was doing it.How was she able to do that?

  My own blood,crimson and flowing like crazy down my jawline and onto the grass.I wanted to quit,but there was nothing I could do when Shadowpaw leapt onto me again,scratching and clawing at my already ruined face,fangs sinking deep into my shoulder.I shrieked in pain and I think I blacked out.

Shadowpaw's POV

  Shadowpaw jumped off Crystalkit smugly and licked her bloodstained paws.Good job,Peonyheart whispered in her ear.She glowed in satisfaction at the sight of an unconscious Crystalkit being carried to the medicine cats' den by Pineflower,Tigerpaw's mentor,Cedarpelt and Birchwave. The sounds of horrified shrieks coming from Coral also amused her."You made me suffer,mother,"Shadowpaw spat under her breath."Now it's my turn to make you suffer."

  That's the spirit,Peonyheart mewed approvingly,and Shadowpaw saw her glimmering, flickering shape barely visible in the light of dawn.Come to me tonight and I'll train you further.Shadowpaw nodded happily.

  Ripplestar was glaring at her with disbelief and hostility."Fine,I will be your mentor,"he told her curtly.He leapt down from the Highrock."Clan dismissed,"he snapped.He faced Shadowpaw."Go moss gathering."he spat,and walked off.

  "Where?How?"she called after him.He didn't reply,only leaping back into his den to probably gloat over Shadowpaw.Shadowpaw hissed in anger and raked her claws over the grass.

Yes,that's it!Peonyheart suddenly spoke.Shadowpaw jumped."What?"she asked curiously. Peonyheart responded by saying,That's exactly how you gather moss.It's also a good battle move called the front paw swipe.It can strengthen your paws and correct your aim,so your move becomes more powerful.

  "Really?"Shadowpaw meowed,shocked."By moss gathering?"Yes,Peonyheart replied.Now once you get out of camp,follow the rising sun as far as until you see a willow tree with a pale,white bark and long,drooping leaves.There is plenty of damp moss at the bottom of the tree.Get some for your own den,then for the elders.

  Shadowpaw followed Peonyheart's instructions until she came upon the moss.Now, Peonyheart ordered,Slice at the moss like you did with the grass just now.Then squeeze all the water out with your front paws,gather them all up by tucking them under your jaw. That is also training,so you can duck your opponent's blows better without actually exposing your belly or your back. Got it,Shadowpaw?Peonyheart asked. Shadowpaw nodded.

  It was labor work,slicing at the moss.By the time she was done Shadowpaw was absolutely exhausted,drained of energy.She staggered to the lake and drank huge,thirsty gulps of water.It had never tasted so sweet and refreshing.

  Feeling much better,she bunched up all the moss the way Peonyheart had told her to and carried them under her jaw and clutched beneath her chest.Feeling proud of herself,she trotted back to camp and went into the elders' den."Here,"she meowed breathlessly,patting the moss down."Can you tell me a story?Pleeease?"

  "Sure,"Gorgewhisker mewed curtly."Once there was a kit called Shadowkit. Everybody hated her.Then she forced the leader to mentor her.She failed her warrior assessment and had to redo it ten times before she finally scraped through. Her warrior name was Shadowfail because she failed at everything.The end."

  Shadowpaw was hurt by the obvious jab.Why did the elders suddenly hate her? Angrily,she shoved all the moss into a corner and stormed out of the den, feeling frustrated and vengeful.

  Mutters were all around Shadowpaw as she settled down to eat her mouse. Everyone was glaring at her,whispering and gossiping about her fight with the 'poor' Crystalkit.Oh right,she was Crystalpaw now.


  An enraged shriek came from Ripplestar's den.The leader stood proud and tall, glaring down at the apprentice furiously."W-what?"Shadowpaw squeaked out, causing every cat in LakeClan to snicker.

  Ripplestar stalked forward,every step slow but delibrate,until he stood nose to nose with her."You.Do.Not.Eat.Until.You.Have.Hunted.To.Feed.The.Clan."

  "Okay,"she squeaked,terrified.Ripplestar continued,"And.You. Left.The.Elders'. Moss.In.A.Corner.You.Are.Slacking.In.Your.Duties!"he suddenly yowled,spitting in Shadowpaw's face.She backed away slowly.

  "For you obvious disobedience,you shall have two punishments,"Ripplestar announced smugly."Number one,since you love to eat mice so much, you must go without any prey until half the fresh-kill pile is half full with mice.And secondly, you do hate laying out the moss,don't you?Well, I have the perfect solution. You must practise to smoothen the moss until you get used to it. Get all the moss from the nursery and every single den in this camp except for mine, roughen them all up, then smoothen them and lay them all out again.Is that understood?"

  "Yes,Ripplestar,"Shadowpaw said tonelessly,hollow with defeat.

  Peonyheart's voice suddenly spoke in her mind,causing her to jump in surprise. I could help you do everything,every single thing,you know.

  "Really?That would be great!Thank you so much,Peonyheart,"Shadowpaw responded, pleased by the StarClan cat's offer of help.

  Yes,I would,Peonyheart went on smoothly.There is just one thing I want from you in return.

  "Name it,"Shadowpaw challenged.Peonyheart chuckled humorlessly.Just one small thing...A truly small thing...All I want from you...Is a promise...Nothing else...

  "What must I promise you?"Shadowpaw asked.Promise me you will always allow me to help you.Promise me that,and I will take care of all your worries and troubles.

  Shadowpaw hesitated.There had to be some sort of catch to this.

  Promise me,Peonyheart insisted more forcefully.Promise me,and I will make all your dreams come true!Promise me!Just say the word...

  Shadowpaw came to a decision.She lifted her head and took a deep breath.

  "I promise."

Next chapter coming out in a few days time!

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