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Name: Foxear
Past name: Fox, Foxpaw
Why Prefix: His pelt resembles a fox's
Why suffix: he has rather large ears compared to some cats.
Description: Foxear is a medium-sized, male, Somali cat with brown eyes, Russet fur and a white underbelly.
Gender: Male
Rank: medicine cat
Past Rank: Loner, Medicine cat apprentice. When I saw just Fox in past names I though he was a loner or some sort of non clan cat.
Age: 24 moons
Age at death: Unsure right now that's fine
Clan: Sunclan yeee
Past clan: N/A
Personality: Quick-witted and friendly.
Foxear enjoies his role and chatting to his clanmates. His quickness to catch onto the rules and ranks of the clans helped him adjust better. More faults are needed.
Likes: His clan, being useful, proving Loners can be good clan cats.
Dislikes: dogs, having to swim probably more information but in all honesty what you've got it fine but more just gives people who don't know him a better understanding of Fox.
Kin: Dolly(mother. A female tabby with a cream white coat and brown eyes), Cricket (brother. A dark brown tabby with Amber eyes), and Jack (Father, A large Somali cat with amber eyes. A kittypet)
Mate: N/A. Forbidden correct.
Crush: forbidden crush's are exactly forbidden, just seen down upon?
Mentor: Feathertail (A sleek blue-grey she-cat with silver stripes)
Apprentice: N/A
Fox was part of a litter of two kits, him and Cricket. Jack's owner had moved, being forced to leave his stray mate and kits to fend for themselves. How rude

Dolly the name Dolly is starting to grow on me.
raised him and his brother around the nearby woods and taught them several tricks all strays or loners would normally know. (Hunting, defense, etc.) loners don't usually need defence since they're harmless creatures most of the time.
When Fox turned 6 moons old, him and cricket had run into a small pack of dogs that had begun to cause trouble in the nearby neighborhood.
Running from the pack, Cricket had been grabbed by the tail by the pack leader, causing Fox to stop in attempt to help his brother, but Dolly had arrived to take charge.
Terrified at the attack, he hid nearby and unfortunately, watched his kin meet a terrible fate, scarring him. One of them died aye?

Making sure the dogs had left, he said his final goodbyes and ran into the woods where he grew up, looking for a safer place away from the twoleg places.

He eventually stumbled upon Sunclan after several weeks, being taken in reluctantly and instantly catching an eye for herbs and helping the clan, earning his apprentice name, Foxpaw.

After many moons, Feathertail sadly passed to greencough, leaving Foxear to care for the clan.
Modified story slightly, hehe.

So far Foxear has a pretty boring backstory but that can always be improved. There's not much wrong to be honest.

I rate Foxear a 6/10.

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