Chapter 1

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✨ Edited ✨

I sadly do not own the maze runner or it's characters. I do however own Taylor.


My eyes snapped open. The lack of air filling my lungs sent me into a panic. I released deep breaths trying to understand my surroundings.

Into a state of unsureness. Unawareness. Confusion. Not understanding where I was.

I pulled myself to my feet trying to take in my surroundings while also controlling my breathing.

Probably just wasn't a good idea cause it just caused me to fall to my knees again. Which were gonna be super red later.

I decided to mainly focus on my breathing. By the time I did that I took in my surroundings.

I noticed boxes and barrels and clothing of some sorts. I feel like I was just thrown into a box.

But then it hit me. I can't remember anything. My name, my age, what I look like, where I came from.

It was all gone. Why couldn't I remember anything?! The panic slowly set in.

But also confusion written on my face as I noticed the wire fencing. I noticed the lights on the walls as I moved up.

I took the opportunity to stand to my feet a second time as I walked over to the barrels to see anything on them.

The box suddenly came to a stop causing me to hit my head on the barrels and losing consciousness.

I was still there just barely. I tried to stay focused on something as I felt liquid on my head.

Blood in guessing. A bright light show over me as It felt like I was dead. Did I actually just die? To a fucking barrel?!

But that didn't seem the case once voices sounded out. "Bloody hell... It's a girl."

A rough British accent spoke out above the rest. This caused an uproar of voices as I groaned.

Suddenly something came back to me. It didn't feel real. Like a weird memory of sorts. A boy, and in a flash the realization settled in. I have a brother.


But nothing else. I fought to stay conscious but it became more difficult.

"Oh my god. Taylor?" It was all I heard before darkness finally took over.


I awoke to voices unfamiliar but one I did heard sounded familiar. But I couldn't quite recognize it.

"How do you know her? Or her name for that matter?!" The unknown voice sounded confused and frustrated.

"She's my sister. It's the only other thing I remember when I came out of that box."

This caused my eyes to snap open as I sat up quickly and looked around blurry.

"She's up!" A voice shouted as some people came running in. One immediately caught my attention.

Holy shit.

The only other thing I remember. The only person I remember. My brother.

"Gally?" I said more of a question. Not trusting my own eyes. I didn't remember anything but it felt like I hadn't seen him In so long.

I didn't take notice to the other boys around and the lack of girls as Gally sat next to me.

He gently pressed his hand on my cheek. "Taylor..." He breathed out in shock.

I put my hand on the side of his face as the tears formed in my eyes. "Where are we brother."

I asked desperately. Gally looked to a African American man and a blond boy. "Can I have a minute?"

They looked hesitant at first but agreed and left the room. Gally looked back at me unsure.

"We are in the Glade. It's where I've been for 1 years, 7 months, and 30 days." He spoke with disparity.

I grabbed his hand from my cheek with both of my hands and held it. "Why is there only boys?"

"We don't know. Whoever sent us down here decided it. Most of them are good." He said with a slight protectiveness in his voice.

"I would say I won't let them hurt you but, one thing I remember about you is you had my temper." He smiled slightly.

The blonde boy from earlier decided it make an appearance. "Since she's awake and calmed down she should be ok to take the tour."

His British accent thick through the sentence. "Alright kitty. Let's go." Gally mumbled.

"Kitty?" Blonde boy asked slightly concerned for out sanity. "Nickname."

Gally simply said as they helped me get to my feet but I shrugged both of them off and followed them out.

The bright sun forced me to put my hand over my face as I let out a annoyed groan.

It didn't take long for my eyes to get used to the sun as I looked to see my brother annoyed.

I punched him lightly in the shoulder. "Don't look so grumpy, gal." I smiled lightly.

He let a small smile reach his lips as I noticed blonde boy coming back. I didn't even notice he left.

"It still amazes me your here." Gally mumbled lightly as he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

The African American from before walked up and had a Stern look on his face.

"I never thought we would get a girl. We don't have anywhere we can put her. I don't wanna put her near the boys."

This made Gally stiffle a laugh. "You realize this is my sister we are talking about? You think I have a bad temper?"

I scoffed lightly as I slapped the back of his head and sent a glare my way. "I still don't know your names." I pointed to the boys.

"I'm Alby. Kinda in charge here." The African American finally said. "And im newt." I smiled slightly.

"Alby is here to take you on the tour." Gally informed me seeming a bit hesitant.

I smiled reassuringly at him. "Go on. I'll be fine. I can hold my own."

He still seemed unsure but silently agreed as him and newt went off gods know where.

I looked to Alby expectantly as he began his grand tour of my new home.


How was it for the first chapter? Ok? I hope so. I'm still editing my other maze runner book but u couldn't wait to get this one started! Everyone stay safe during these times. It's rough out there. But heres a picture of newt to reassure you 👀

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