Chapter 15

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✨ Edited ✨

1 week later...

Newts P.O.V (finally!)

I groaned slightly as I woke up to not feel Taylor next to me. I looked up and around her room to not see her.

I sighed deeply as I laid back down. I'm guessing she went into the maze again.

Why am I not surprised. She probably didn't wanna deal with the new greenie.

Chuck was different. He was the youngest of us and she always took care of him. It was cute at times.

Over the week she got used to her scar. She also doesn't know how the new greenie will react.

I already promised her if he judges her, he will have hell to pay. As I slipped on my shoes I made my way to the box after hearing the alarm.

"Gally, since kitty and Alby isn't here. You get him." Gally had grown worse in his temper.

Nobody knows why except Taylor. But nobody had the energy to fight with him either.

As we pulled the gate opened I noticed the brown haired boy looking frightened.

"Gally go get him." I grumbled as Gally jumped down and got in the greenie's face.

"Day one greenie. Rise and shine." I sighed as Gally and the other boys dropped him on the grass.

"Easy boys. Kitty will kill us if we hurt the new greenie." Winston stated. He wasn't wrong.

The greenie looked panicked before running last everyone. "We got a runner!" Zart joked.

As the greenie kept running the boys all started laughing and clapping when he tripped over his own feet.

"Put him in the pit." I grumbled not wanting to deal with this right now.

"Have him wait for alby. I'm gonna go figure out where the bloody hell my girlfriend ran off to."

I crossed my arms as the boys went and got the greenie and took him to the pit.

I made my way over to the builders not ready to deal with the long day. "Hey Hank, have you seen kitty?" I asked.

I still called her Taylor when I was with her but if I was asking about her I just say kitty.

"She ran off into the maze with Ben and minho." Of course she did. Wish she would have woken me up.

That girl is gonna kill me one day. I noticed Alby with the greenie as I walked over.

"There you are Alby." I caught his attention as he smiled. "Greenbean meet newt, when I'm not around he's in charge."

"Good your always around then. Look that was some dash you made earlier." I pointed out as I shook his hand.

"At first I thought you had the chops to be a runner, till you face planted it." I joked causing Alby to laugh.

"Speaking of which, newt where's kitty? I haven't seen her all morning." Alby noticed.

"Hell if I know. She was gone when I woke up. Hank said she went into the maze with minho and Ben." I informed as he shook his head.

"Wait what? Runner? Maze? Kitty?" The greenie asked confused. Alby gave me a look and sighed.

"I'm gonna have you come with us. Chuck should show up soon." He commented as we walked to the watch tower Taylor built.

"Hope your not afraid of heights." Alby warned as we all climbed to the top and I stood back a little.

The greenie looked around the Glade in disbelief. "It's all we got. A lot of this we owe to kitty."

"We worked hard for it. You respect this place, you and I will get along just fine." Alby concluded.

"You said kitty? Who the hell is that?" The greenie asked as Alby looked at me.

"Listen, kitty, she's done a lot for us. And this place." Alby started as I walked closer to them.

"She saved my life and the others over and over. She built a lot of this stuff alongside her brother and the other builders."

"Wait brother? I thought nobody remembered anything." The greenie asked again.

"It's the only thing they got to keep. Was there named and knowledge of each other." I stepped in.

"Taylor, is a respected person here. She gave us rules, a system. And even though she's keeper of the builders, she's still helps everywhere."

"She is a amazing med jack, saved alby's life form a beetle blade. Saved Clint from a spear wound." I started listing.

"She saved Dave's life but it messed her up for a few days. Hell, she saved me from my own sanity." I smiled slightly.

"You sound like you like her." The greenie figured as alby laughed a bit.

"She's my girlfriend. I sure as hell hope I bloody like her." I smirked slightly at the greenie's face.

"It only took you what? 6 months to tell her?" I rolled my eyes at alby's comment.

"Don't care how long it took me to tell her. I still got the girl who's as stubborn as a rattlesnake."

"Anyways, she has saved our lives so much. She usually makes the tough calls if newt or I can't." Alby put in.

"But, she had a accident a few weeks back." He started looking at me unsure. I gave him a nod silently.

"The boy who she put in the pit for a day getting in a fight attacked her with another kid." I took a deep breath looking down.

"Scared her up pretty bad. She was out for 2 weeks. When she woke up she was a broken shell."

"But after a few days she was back to normal and ran into the maze with minho for the first time." Alby explained.

I crossed my arms trying to relax. "It's not something we like to talk about. Especially newt or Taylor." This made the greenie look my way as I looked up.

"All I ask greenie is you don't stare. She hates it. Makes her uncomfortable." I made it very clear on that topic.

"Stare why would I stare?" He asked sounding a bit rude but I shrugged it off.

"You'll see. Alby you got it from here?" He nodded as I climbed down and was on my way.

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