Chapter 14

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✨ Edited ✨

What is everyone's opinion on smut? I'm writing for the second book and genuinely curious how everyone would react to it.


"love, wake up." I felt someone gently shaking me awake as my eyes opened and adjusted to the brightness.

My eyes soon landed on newt causing me to smile. "Gotta get up." He mumbled.

I just nodded as he kissed me before heading to breakfast. I could get used to that.

I'm sure he could to. It felt nice to have a person. My person. He was someone I could always trust and confine in.

I groaned lightly as I rolled out of bed and got dressed for the day before heading off to the kitchen.

I still couldn't believe how far I've come. When I first got here I was a greenie who hated everything but my brother.

But now I have 50+ boys who respect me. I got a few good mornings as I walked in.

I saw newt sitting with Alby, chuck, minho, and Gally. They always usually sat together.

As I sat next to newt I started picking food from his plate. He gave me a disapproving look.

"Don't look at me like that." I smiled as he rolled his eyes kissing my cheek before eating again.

"So are you gonna go into the maze today?" Newt asked curiously. I shook my head in response.

"Not today. I still have a actual job to do." I looked to Gally seeing him smirking.

"Ah. I almost thought for a moment, you forgot you actually had a job." I scoffed lightly throwing newts food at Gally.

Newt glared daggers at me. "You can have some food love, but don't waist it beautiful."

I gave him an innocent smile. He started cleaning up. "You gonna visit me at the gardens today?"

He asked before standing up. I shrugged unsure as he kissed me before leaving.

I smiled as he walked out of the kitchen. I heard a slight gasp from the other side of the table.

All of the boys mouths were hanging open in shock. "Close your mouth boys or you'll catch flies."

Minho was struggling to breathe. "When the hell did that happen?!" Minho asked confused.

"Where do you think we went last night?" I asked standing up with a smirk as I left them.

I made my way to the builders to see them waiting for instructions but were horseplaying around.

"Boys." I called their attention causing them to stop. "Are we a zoo?" I asked sternly.

I refuse to let my builders get hurt for being stupid. "We got a new watch tower to build."

I led them to the area of where it would be placed and started explaining other details.

They all seemed to be listening as I assigned them each their own jobs. After they heard everything I sent them off to start.

I walked back over to the blueprints and fixed up any mistakes. "So you and newt official?"

Gally's voice asked from behind me as I stuck a pencil through my ear. "Yep." I answered without looking back

"He better treat you right." He mumbled as he stood beside me. "Yea, minho gave me the best friend talk in the maze yesterday."

"What's it like out there?" He asked causing me to stop working. I stood up straight and crossed my arms.

"It's dark. Everything feels like death there. The vines look like they could kill you." I sighed deeply.

"But you don't notice it as much when your running for your life." I frowned slightly.

Gally looked at me worriedly. "I'm fine. I'll get used to it." I reassured him.

I walked over to the builders as I started helping them cut the wood and bailing things together.

I noticed newt walking up. I turned to Henry. "You go this for a sec?" I asked as he nodded smiling.

He took the hammer from me as newt stopped In front of me. "How's my hard working builder?"

I rolled his eyes smiling. "Aren't you supposed to be digging in the dirt farm boy?" I teased.

"Ouch. That hurts." He hold his hand to his chest with a hurt expression before smiling and put my face in his hands kissing me.

As he pulled away he smiled widely. "I love I can do that now. But you do smell like a dog."

I scoffed lightly as I hit him in the stomach causing him to grunt. He gently whispered in my ear.

"Am I staying again with you tonight?" He asked and I nodded. "Don't know if we will get much sleep though."

"Newt!" My eyes widened in shock as he had a teasing smile on his face.

"Remember newt you have your limits." Gally said as he pointed at him with a hammer.

"That's my sister. You watch yourself. Hurt her, we kill you." Gally motioned to all the boys staring now.

Some of them had jealous looks but I shrugged it off. I raised my eyebrow at newt.

"I know my boundaries Gally. And they stop when she says so. She knows her limits to." Newt gave gally a warning look.

"Better go before you have builders glaring at you." I warned newt as he kissed me.

"They can glare at me all they want. I still got the girl." He smirked before walking off.

I turned back to the boys to see none of them moving. "Just because I'm talking doesn't me you stop working."

I stated as all the boys got back to work. The rest of the day went by pretty quickly and Soon the runners returned.

Newt soon made his way over to me as he kissed be deeply. "hello to you to."

I said surprised when he finally pulled away. It took me a second to notice the look in his eyes.

He must've had a bad day. Because his face said he was annoyed but his eyes said something different.

He carefully pulled me to my room and closing the door behind us as he kissed me hungrily.

I never thought I would see newt like this but I guess I was wrong. He sat down on my bed as I put my legs on the side of him.

He kissed me deeply as I felt his hands travel to my waist as he slowly started lifting up my shirt.

My skin grew goosebumps as his fingers glided against my skin. A knock on the door prevented him from pulling my shirt off.

"Don't answer it." He mumbled as he started kissing my shoulder. "What if it's important."

He knew I was gonna answer it either way and laid back on my bed with a groan.

I walked over to my door and opened it seeing Alby. "Need something mate?" Newt groaned.

Alby gave him a look then looked at me. "Yea, we are barrowing your girlfriend."

I looked puzzled. I shook my head as I followed alby to where a couple of the boys sat.

"Where have you been kitty?" Ben asked as I sat down. My eyes went wide as I looked to Alby.

"I was doing... Things." I looked at my feet as Alby snickered. Newt then walked up.

"Boys, I'm legally changing my name to 'things'." He sat next to me as I elbowed him in his side.

"Your still want a girlfriend?" I asked warningly as he nodded rapidly. "Yes ma'am."

"Then shut it." He smirked and kissed my cheek and wrapped a arm around me. I liked this. The peacefulness.

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