Chapter 8

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✨ Edited ✨

2 weeks later...

The new greenie was coming in tomorrow. Let's just say I wasn't overly excited.

The boys have worried about me since I handled Dave. They always questioned if I was ok.

I was fine. I just didn't want to talk about it. I snapped at Gally the other day because he was being persistent.

It was getting late and most people were anxious for the new arrival. I didn't care for it.

Just another scared greenie. Dave still hadn't woken up, many people were worrying for his health.

But I knew he would wake up we just had to give it time. I was sitting outside lost in my own thoughts.

"Taylor, you should get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow." I sighed hearing newt.

"I can't. I haven't been able to sleep lately." I frowned. I looked at the grass.

"How about I stay with you? You needed me in there to keep you calm so why don't we try it." I smiled softly and nodded.

He helped me up and we walked to my shack. I closed to door behind me and laid in bed as I felt newt lay down beside.

I rolled over and rest my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me.

I didn't understand how we were both so comfortable in this position but we were.

"Night newt." I mumbled softly. He rubbed my arm with his hand and took a deep sigh.

"Goodnight love." He responded as I slowly drifted off into a much needed slumber.


The next morning seemed so much more peaceful. I shifted slightly not feeling newt next to me.

He must already be awake. As I say up I noticed my hair was fuzzy. I quickly brushed it out as my blonde hair wasn't so fuzzy.

As I put my boots on and stepped outside, it smelled like it had freshly rained. I was surprised I slept through it.

I made my way towards the kitchen and gave fry a smile before making my way over to the boys.

Newt sat with Alby, and minho as I sat next to him he smiled lightly at me.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked frowning slightly. He chuckled as he threw some more bread in his mouth.

"Well you haven't been sleeping properly and I didn't want to wake you. You looked peaceful." He smiled.

I noticed him cleaning his plate. "Where are you going?" I asked a bit sad he was leaving so soon.

"I gotta check and make sure everything is ready for the new greenie." He kissed my cheek before walking off.

I blushed widely as I looked down at my plate. I heard Snickers acrossed from me and looked up. "What?"

"What was that?" Minho pointed to where newt was then to me. "I was having trouble sleeping so he stayed with me."

Alby had a 'ohh' look on his face. "That explains why pretty boy has been so happy this morning."

"Have you told him yet?" Minho asked impatiently. "Not yet."

They both gave me the 'seriously' look. "I will tell him later. I gotta go find Gally."

As I grabbed my plate minho spoke again. "Be careful, your brother is in a spectacular foul mood today."

I rolled my eyes at them before wondering off to find Gally. I noticed Gally not far off starting to pick a fight with another builder.

Shit. I quickly ran over noticing a few boys running behind me and I got in between Gally and the other builder before they could throw more punched.

"Hey!" I shouted pushed Gally back. "Take a walk!" I ordered as he breathed heavily looking down at me.

"But kitty-" he started as I glared at him. "Go Gally. Walk it off!" I growled as he stormed off.

I then turned to the other boy. He was being held back by some boys as I stormed over.

I grabbed the builder by the back of the neck and pulled him out the pit. I threw him inside and glared down at him.

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow. "Explain. Now." He looked down at his feet.

"Gally has been on edge all morning. So when I suggested we start doing something he got annoyed that I was trying to take charge."

The builder summed up the situation as Alby walked in with newt. "What happened?"

"Gally got in a fight with this kid." I sighed as Alby frowned. "What do you think should be their punishment?"

He usually asked me because he knew I would be fair. "Both of them spend the day in the pit. They can come out for the fire."

Alby and newt seemed to agree with my decision as I left the pit. I didn't noticed newt walk beside me until he spoke.

"How are you feeling love?" I blushed lightly causing him to smirk. "Besides what just happened, I'm pretty good."

"What's up?" I stopped walking and turned to face him. "So I've been talking to minho and-"

Before he could finish his sentence the greenie alarm went off. "We will talk later. Gotta take care of the greenie."

I started jogging over as the boys crowded around. I was a bit late and they already had the greenie out.

He was a small kinda chubby kid. Some of the gladers were laughing at the scared kid.

I crossed my arms and waited for the boys to notice me. One did and signalled the others as they all looked wide eyed at me.

"What do I not tolerate boys?" I narrowed my eyes at them. "Bullying the greenie."

Ben stated. I looked to newt and sighed. "Tell Alby I got this one. Everyone else get back to work."

I walked over to the scared greenie and smiled softly. I crouched down to his level to seem less intimidating.

"I'm Taylor." I held out my hand as he shook his nervously. "Don't be afraid, do you remember your name?"

He nodded a bit more confident but he was still obviously scared. "My name's chuck."

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