Chapter 9

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✨ Edited ✨

Chuck was a bright kid. Once we got him a change of clothes he started coming out of his shell more.

"Let's take you on the tour." I smiled as I showed him towards the entrance of the maze.

"That's the maze. Only runners are allowed in there." He seemed confused as I said runners but he would soon learn.

"Everyone has a job here. We also have rules. It keeps the peace." I said as we both sat down.

He was playing in the dirt as I started explaining. "Rule one, everyone pulls their weight. Rule two, never harm another glader."

"We had to put my brother and another glader in the slammer today for getting into a fight." He seemed a bit surprised I had a brother.

"Gally can be rough around the edges but it's just how he is." I smiled kindly as he nodded.

"Our last rule is nobody goes in the maze except for the runners." I frowned slightly.

"It's dangerous out there. Can't be losing anymore people to the maze." I sighed and continued.

"I'm a builder. Me and my twin brother are the keepers of the builders. Every structure you see, we made it."

"Alby is in charge. Newt is his second, even though I'm a builder, I help other jobs too when I can." I gently kicked at the dirt.

As I continued explaining the jobs, he didn't really seem interested in any of them. I was curious to see what he got.

As I finished explaining everything I waited for him to ask questions. "I do have a question. One at least."

I tilted my head letting him know he could ask me. "Who sent us here?"

I looked unsure at him before taking a deep breath. "We call them the creators. Don't know why they sent us here or who."

"We should head back. I gotta help the boys set up the fire for tonight." I smiled as I helped him up and made my way to the pit.

Chuck sat now far away as I was waiting for all the builders to show up. "Henry, and Peter, go and get some wood for the fire."

As they ran off I looked to the rest. "Alec, go make sure fry has enough food for tonight. Don't want people hungry."

"Dan and Hank, I need you to go find more logs." I noticed it was just Carl left.

"Carl you and me are gonna start making the fire." As I walked over to the wood we already had there.

Me and Carl started turning it into a teepee. I grunted lowly as I grabbed a log and put it on my shoulder.

As I set it in its place newt made his way over. "Don't stop on my account." He held his hands up as I rolled my eyes.

"What's up?" I asked as I grabbed a rock from the pile so I could redo the rocks around the pit.

"How's the new greenie settling in?" He motioned to where chuck sat dazing off.

"He's fine. Just a little jumpy. Are you doing anything?" I asked as I set the rock down with a thud to the ground.

He shook his head as I smiled sweetly. "Great. You can help make fire sticks." He frowned at me but didn't argue as he sat down not far off.

As I continued working I noticed minho lean down to newt level but I shrugged it off.

"Dude, stop staring. You look like a puppy staring at a bone." Minho stated. Was newt really staring?

"I'm not staring. I'm admiring." Newt replied causing me to shake my head. Same thing newty.

As I put the final rock in place the sun had started setting and I walked over to newt and minho.

I grabbed one of the fire sticks from newt inspecting it. "Good try." I said with a smirk causing newts smile to fall.

Minho cracked up at this and walked off laughing. "You bloody women are you crazy."

I scoffed. "Have you met any other women?" Newt thought for a moment and shrugged. Unsure himself.

Soon boys started piling into the area and not long after they started the fire.

"Kade, go let the kid and Gally out." I told him as he nodded and ran off. As I watched the boys laugh and drink I took the time to walk off.

I walked back to my shack not really in the mood for a party. As I sat down up my bed I pulled boots off and yawned.

Before I could lay down though, newt made his entrance holding something.

"Couldn't find you at the fire, boys said you ran off here." He closed the door behind him and handed me a white flower.

"You said they were your favorite not to long ago. Saw it earlier today and couldn't help but grab it."

As I gently played with the flower I smiled softly and looked up to see newt already staring at me.

I couldn't help but stare back. We sat there in silence. It wasn't a awkward silence either.

Before I knew it we were both slowly leaning in. I didn't know what was happening until it happened.

"Hey newt, Alby needs you..." Minho stopped as I coughed and looked down with my cheeks red.

Correction, almost happened. Thanks minho for being a major cock block. Newt frowned at me and gave me a a apologizing look.

"It's ok. Go out. Have fun. I'm gonna turn in early for the night." He nodded as he stood up and followed minho out.

I released a breath that I didn't think I was holding in. I was about to fall asleep before reality hit me.

Bloody hell. I almost kissed newt. That boy messes me up. I let a smile go to my lips as I let the dark night take me.

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