chapter 10

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✨ Edited ✨

The next morning wasn't what you call, a normal day. Ok, it was awkward.

Not only because of newt. But because minho decided to spend all morning teasing me.

He had a day off which meant I had to deal with it. "So, were you actually gonna do it?"

He asked as I started lifting up rocks to clear a new section for a building. I was sweating a lot as I dropped the rock staring a minho.

"If you hadn't interupted, yes." I growled as I grabbed a larger rock I had to carry on my shoulder as I tossed it.

"What happened?" Gally asked walking over. Wondering why minho was here.

"I walked in on newt and kitty almost kissing." I rolled my eyes at the look Gally gave me.

"We already established I had a thing for newt. Are you really that surprised?" I asked waving my hands around.

A few moments later the kid I put in the slammer yesterday walked over. "Hey Taylor, newt needs you by the deadheads."

I gave him a puzzled look. Newt would have gotten me himself. Maybe he was busy.

I just nodded and took my path to the dead heads. Once I reached it I looked around for newt. "Newt?"

I asked. Suddenly I felt a knife to my throat and someone pushing me against a tree.

"You know what's funny. Everyone sees you as a gaurdian angel." The boy scoffed.

"You threw me in the slammer and didn't even know my name." He growled as another boy showed up.

"I'm Ethan. That guy behind me is Rico." Ethan suddenly dragged the knife acrossed my face as I cried in Pain.

I was throw to the ground as they started kicking my sides. I tried standing up but got punched down again.

I could feel the blood running down my face as I took a deep breath trying to focus my vision.

Suddenly I heard voices and saw boys running over. They all tackled Ethan and Rico to the ground as newt, Gally, and minho ran to me.

"I need you to focus on me love!" Newt said urgently as he grabbed my face.

My vision became fuzzy as I soon lost consciousness. All I heard were voices trying but failing to keep me awake.


All I felt was pain. Not just the physical. The emotional. The people I thought I could trust, aimed to kill me.

I wanted to wake up so much. Just open my eyes. But my body wouldn't let me.

"Clint, will she be alright?" Newts voice broke through the dark silence. "I don't know. Everything we know, Taylor taught us."

"She never taught us how to take care of her." Because I I didn't think you would ever have to.

I suddenly felt a sharp pressure to my side causing me to cry out. "she has wounds on her sides. Once they kicked her it cut her skin."

"She's about to feel a lot of pain." The sharp pain to my side started again as it felt like a needle.

I screamed out trying to move. "Hold her down!" I think Jeff yelled. I suddenly felt hands all over my legs and arms.

My eyes suddenly flew up as I tried moving from the pain. "She's awake!" Clint said with worry.

Everyone had panicked looks in their eyes. Suddenly I became dizzy and my eyes closed again.


"When will she wake up?" I recognized the voice as my brothers. "We aren't sure. We've done everything we can."

"Will it scar?" Alby's voice asked nervously. My eye. "Probably. We won't know if she will be able to see out of it till she wakes up."

"What happened to the boys who did this?" Minho asked through gritted teeth. "Banishment."

"She won't be the same when she wakes up." I could feel newts stress. "She was able to trust us not to hurt her before."

"Now that one has, that trust is now cut shorter." He wasn't wrong. I was able to feel completely safe with these boys. Not so much now.

I groaned lowly as I tried to open my eyes. "Please tell me you boys got something I could drink..." I mumbled.

I heard feet rushing towards me as I opened my eyes and felt the blurriness leave.

My eyes adjusted to the boys around me as I tried sitting up with the help of newt.

They all looked at me frowning. "Come on boys. Don't tell me it's that bad." I tried joking.

Clint then sat beside me and gave me a hurt smile. "Can you see?" He asked unsure if I was ready for the question.

"Yes Clint. I can see." They boys let out sighs of relief as my brother looked angry.

"Gally. I'm fine." I said reassuringly. "No your not Taylor. Look at you! You could have died!"

I frowned slightly as I looked down. "Gally go take a walk." Alby ordered as minho went to follow him not long after checking on me.

I looked to newt and Alby. "How long was I out?" Alby seemed to want to not answer as he talked.

"You scared the hell out of us kitty. Had the entire Glade worrying you wouldn't wake up." I laughed nervously.

"Alby, stop beating around the bush. How long was I out?" I asked again hoping for a answer this time.

"2 weeks." My eyes widened but immediately closed after feeling a stinging pain on my eye.

"Ah." I groaned. Alby decided to take his leave as newt was the only one to remain.

He looked in deep thought as he stared at my face. It made me a bit self conscious now.

What if he didn't think I was pretty anymore? "Newt. Please say something."

It seemed to snap him back in reality once he grabbed my hand. "You scared the bloody hell outta me Taylor."

He mumbled as he drew in my hand. "Everyone's gonna stare. At the ugly girl damage by hatred." I frowned.

This made him shake his head rapidly. "Don't. Don't think like that. Your still as beautiful as you were once you came out of that box."

A grin formed on my lips. "Can you stay with me tonight?" I asked out of the blue.

Mostly I just wanted someone with me. But I also prayed he say yes. "Of course."

I struggled for a moment to slide over to make room as he laid down and I laid down next to him.

My head rested on his shoulder as his arm loosely hung around my body.

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