Chapter 11

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✨ Edited ✨

Couple days later...

It has been 3 days I've been stuck here. 3 DAYS. Clint finally got annoyed of my pestering him to leave and is letting me go.

"Remember, if you feel any pain you come right back." Clint said pointing a finger at me.

I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Yes, may I go?" Clint sighed as he looked to minho.

Minho took the day off to help me walk around. "Go on." Clint waved off as minho helped me stand.

As long we exited the med jacks hut I frowned slightly. "Minho? What if people stare?"

He shook his head dismissively as he let me try and walk by myself. "Not gonna happen. Alby already gave everyone a earful."

Even though I was walking on my own, minho still stayed close as I headed towards the builders. I wanted to see Gally.

He was upset I was like this. But he came to terms with it. As soon as Gally saw me he had a worried look on his face.

Before he could say a word I held my hand up. "Before you say anything, Clint gave me the ok."

He shut his mouth and let out a little smile as he walked over hugging me. Trying not to hurt me in the process.

Suddenly a whole bunch of builders rushed over smiling. "Look who is on her feet. Hello Kitty."

All the boys said hello asking how I was. I noticed a very few struggling not to stare.

I shrugged it off as I noticed Alby walking in the distance. I needed to talk to him.

While I was out, I felt the need to go into the maze. I was hoping he would consider letting me go out with minho.

"Hey minho, I'm gonna go talk to Alby." I suddenly rushed off towards him.

As he saw me he had a proud look on his face. "That looks gonna disappear when you hear what I have to say."

He gave me a puzzled look as I started explaining my sudden urge to go into the maze.

His puzzled looked quickly changed into worry. "Taylor are you sure about this? I would try and stop you but I know it won't work."

I nodded and smiled. "Newt and Gally aren't gonna like it." My eyes widened at the sudden realization.

"Let's not tell Gally yet, and newt will have to understand. Could you talk to them? I'm gonna go sit in my shack."

He nodded unsure but I walked away before he could say anything else. I made my way over to my room and sat down on my bed.

I walked over to a cup full of water and frowned seeing my reflection. I gently traced the cut acrossed my eye.

Clint said I was lucky to still have my vision. I frowned slightly as I just stared into the water.

Suddenly someone burst through my door. "Have you lost your bloody mind?!" Newt asked in disbelief.

"Newt, I need to go. It's something I have to do. I need you to understand that because your the only person keeping me stable right now."

I said in one breathe trying not to let the tears fall. He noticed the water in my hand and frowned.

As he closed the door behind him he walked in and sat next to me. He gently took the cup from my hands and set it down.

I took a deep breath and tried not to look at him. "Hey. You are beautiful. No matter what." He said as he gently put his hand on my cheek.

He whipped a tear from my face. "I don't want you going in the maze. But if it's something you need to do. Do it."

He gently pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Come on. It's getting dark and I have a surprise for you."

I gave him a confused look as he grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.

I didn't notice it was getting dark but a did know the boys surrounding where we usually had fires.

As we got closer everyone smiled at. Alby, minho, Gally, Jeff, Dave, chuck and Clint stood at the front of the group.

All around us was white flowers and a fire started. "What's all this?"

I asked. As newt let go of my hand and stood by the boys. "Everyone here has something to thank you for."

Clint was the first to speak. "You saved my life. I would be dead without you. Thank you."

I couldn't help but have tears swell up in my eyes. Next Jeff spoke.

"It seemed like Everytime I was panicking about helping someone, you were there. Thanks."

Next minho spoke up. "A few weeks back I came back from the maze. Stressed out. Had a bad day. You helped me through it. Thank you."

Dave gave me a warm smile. "Austin tried to kill me. You somehow stayed calm. Save my life. Thank you."

Chuck spoke next. "I was new to the Glade. Scared. But you didn't hesitate to step up and show me I had nothing to fear. Thanks."

Gally then spoke. "I was stressed. I was picking unnecessary fights. But you always seemed to release that stress. Thanks sis."

I took a deep breath, crossing my arms and trying not to cry. Then Alby stepped forward.

"The second you got here, you had one goal in mind. Help the Glade. You gave us rules we needed. You made the difficult decisions when I couldn't. Thank you."

Finally newt smiled. "You gave us a light. When I was losing hope, you always seemed to bring it back."

He grabbed my hand and held it tightly. "You gave everyone here hope. You have made so many sacrifices for us."

"We heard your worried about your scar. It doesn't change you. It proves to us what you would do for others." Newt was struggling not to cry now to.

"And now. Your about to risk your life again for us. They all know about you wanting to help look in the maze." I looked around at the boys.

"We are telling you to be safe. Your a fighter. And we need you to come back to us." Newt concluded.

"So consider this a thank you party. And a please don't die party." Newt added at the end.

"Now, let's enjoy our night."

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