Chapter 12

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✨ Edited ✨

All around me I heard laughter and happiness from the boys. I couldn't count how many times they said thank you.

I was currently playing a drinking game with minho and my brother. "Your cheating!"

Gally accused. "No I'm not. You just suck." I laughed as I drank more of my drink.

Minho was laughing until he looked behind me. He wiggled his eyebrows at me. "What?"

"Don't look now. Lover boys watching." As soon as he said that litterally me and Gally looked behind me to see newt walking over.

My face blushed a deep red causing the boys to laugh at me. I started throwing grass at them.

"It's not funny." I grumbled as he felt newt standing behind me. "I hate to interrupt but I need to Barrow this one."

Before I could speak newt had me off my feet and was pulling me along. "Newt where are we going?"

I laughed a little. He kept pulling me along untile ended up by a lonely tree. "What are we doing here?"

He smiled. "I didnt properly thank you." He held my hand softly but gave me a gentle squeeze.

"You are the most amazing person I have ever met. And there is a chance you won't come back tomorrow." He frowned slightly.

He slowly started backing me up until I felt the tree against my back. He gently put his free hand against my cheek.

"You don't just come back to us. You come back to me Taylor. You hear me? You come back alive." He mumbled the last part as I stared into his eyes.

I put my hands on the back of his neck. As I leaned in as my eyes fluttered closed.

(I'm sorry. 😈)

"Hey Taylor!" Called minho. Newt groaned loudly. I couldn't help but laugh. Everytime.

"Yea minho?" I called back as newt had a annoyed look on his face. Newty is upset.

"Your brother is wondering where you ran off to..." minho trailed off as he noticed newts look and our position.

"I can come back later." Minho was turning away as I shook my head. "Nah. I should head back with you."

I gave newt one last look as I followed minho back to the boys. Once we sat next to the boys I smacked minho behind the head.

"Ah!" Minho glared at me as he rubbed the back of his head. Gally spat out his drink trying not to laugh.

"Why did you do that?" Gally asked. But before I could answer newt walked by.

"Because minho is a major cock block." Newt growled as he kept walking.

I couldn't help but laugh a little. Gally smirked at minho as Chuck looked confused.

"Oh Chuckie let me catch you up. I have a thing for newt. Pretty much everyone knows." I glared at minho.

"But Everytime me and newt get close to kissing. Minho interrupts. It's pissing newt off." Minho had a cheeky smile on his face.

"Newts gonna be in a sour mood all day tomorrow." I scoffed as I rolled my eyes.

Me and the boys played games for a little while longer before everyone started heading off to sleep.


"Wake up kitty!" I jumped up as I accidentally rolled out of my bed. "Minho I swear to God!" I growled.

He just sat there giving me a innocent look. "Hurry Up. First day in the maze."

This made my body shoot up. I obviously wasn't gonna be made a runner, but it did mean I could help out in all jobs.

As I quickly ran after minho, I noticed barely any people awake yet. Minho led me into the runners hut.

"Alright kitty, you'll need this." He started handing me a gear and a new pair of running shoes.

I couldn't help but notice his nervous look after I had everything on. "Minho, I'll be fine."

He shook his head. "That's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about newt killing me."

I rolled my eyes as I followed close after him. As we reached the maze entrance, we waited patiently for it to open.

"You do everything I say kitty." He pointed at me as I nodded slightly. I wasn't gonna lie and say I wasn't scared.

Hell it scared the shit out of me. But something told me I needed to do this.

"Be careful." I heard a voice behind me seeing, almost all the boys. They all had worried looks.

"I can hold my own." I told them. Gally walked up hastily and hugged me tightly.

"Its starting to feel like you boys litterally expect me to die." I laughed lightly as Gally pulled away.

Newt gave me a look that obviously was telling me to be careful. Suddenly the rumbling of the doors opening echoed around.

Minho took off as I ran after him. It didn't take me long to catch up to him till he started slowing down.

As we started walking I memorized the numbers in the walls. "So you and newt?"

He sounded a bit jealous making me raise my eyes. He looked back at me and shook his head.

"I'm not jealous. Just don't hurt him. He's been through a lot. We all have." I thought it was cute. Him being protective of newt.

"Then stop being a giant cock block." I laughed a bit causing him to roll his eyes.

"Over dramatic shank." He mumbled under his breath. I couldn't help but smile.

As we wondered through the maze he explained everything about the maze.

I couldn't help but notice he grew more tense as he walked. Suddenly he came to a halt.

A sudden screech stopped us in our places. "Was that?" I asked. We had been walking for a few hours now.

I didn't even notice the sun was slowly going down. "Run." He shouted as he bolted off.

I swear to God if I die before I get to kiss newt I will lose my entire god damn mind.

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