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✨ Edited ✨

"You ok?" I heard behind me. My head snapped to the voice to see Jeff.

"With that fact my girlfriend's dead or the fact her brother is so blind with rage he's trying to kill Thomas."

"Both." He responded. I rubbed my hands together unsure of the situation.

Minho and Thomas went with a few others into the maze. I shouldn't have let them go.

But at the same time, I knew they needed to. "She went through hell for us. And somehow, she still paid the price."

I felt a tear fall down my face. I wish she was here with me. The girl I loved got ripped away from me and she didn't deserve it.

I felt a hand in my shoulder as I heard minho's voice. "She's in a better pla-" I cut him off my standing up and glaring at him.

"Is she?! Is she really?! She put her life into this place and what did it get her?!" I started shouting. The shock on minho's face said it all.

"While we get to go on with our lives she lost hers for us! Everything she has done has been for us!" I felt the hot tears burning down my face.

I could see minho scared but I didn't care. "What did that get her minho?! Death?! Suffering?!"

Suddenly some boys ran in looking at me worriedly. "She was our family! She was a sister to half of you! She was our protector and and a savior!"

Gally pushed past to boys as he held his hands out defensively. Unsure if my actions. "Listen newt calm."

He tried soothing. "I knew she shouldn't have gone in that bloody maze!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"But we still let her go anyways! We should have forced her to stay!" I noticed Gally signaling everyone to leave us alone.

"I get where your at man. I loved her to. She was my sister for crying out loud. She did what she had to." He said as his voice cracked.

"But she wouldn't want us moping around be angry or being upset she would probably slap the shank outta us." Gally tried pointing out.

He wasn't wrong. She would be so angry if she saw how I reacted to her leaving us.

"I know you miss her. We all do. But she saved half our lives. So we gotta be grateful for it." Gally finished off.

I couldn't help but sit down as I hung my head and rested my wrists on my knees. The tears fell from my eyes as the heartbreak flooded through my body.

"Newt." I looked up my eyes probably red as I looked at Gally. "You take as much time as you need."

I didn't just need time. I needed her back. I know it was impossible but I needed her to understand how much I loved her.


Taylor's P.O.V.

I let out a mumbled groan unsure of where I was. Suddenly I felt movement shaking me into consciousness.

As my eyes adjusted I looked around confused as I shivered from the sudden coldness.

Wait a minute. My eyes went wide taking in my surroundings. I'm in the box. But that doesn't make any sense.

Is was freezing which confused me. It wasn't this cold last time. As the box came to a stop I looked up to see the doors opening.

I get to see newt again. I couldn't help but smile at the thought. What I wasn't ready for was to see a whole bunch of girls.

Wait what?

Suddenly a girl jumped down in front of me. "Hey there Blondie. Welcome to the spring. I'm Harriet."


And thus concluding the first book. I'm already writing the second one and know exactly what I'm doing. Just to give everyone a heads up, I'm doing the time a little different. Instead of Thomas being in the maze for a couple days. I make it at least 2 weeks. Even though I won't be writing Taylor in group B I will be doing flashbacks of her time in group B. I debated for a long time if I would have her remember or not. I thought it would make the most sense she did. However, WICKED did take her memory of knowing how to get out. Anyways I wanted to give you a better explanation of the beginning of the next book. It will start where Aris and Taylor first end up at the 'safe facility' run by WICKED. Please feel free to comment and tell me how you liked this book!

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