Chapter 15

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I woke to find I had slept in, I saw my kit playing outside. I smiled when a screech rang out over the camp, I saw an eagle swooping at Shatteredkit. I tried to reach him when the eagle pulled up and had him in its talons, I hissed in fury and flew after the eagle when something hit my out of the air. I fell to the ground covered in a web, it didn't feel like a web and was much stronger. I saw two-legs coming towards me, they saw I was a cat and their faces were that of confusion until they saw my wings. I spat in fury at them and they smirked and grabbed me, since I was in the web I couldn't scratch them.
"HELP ME!" I yowled in fear, Shatteredwing came running through the bushes. The eagle was long gone with my kit and now the two-legs were taking me away, I managed to slip out of them web but not unnoticed. The two-legs saw me and I flew, I grabbed my mate on my way and flew high in the air. The clouds hid my coat very well, I soon lost the two-legs and returned to camp. Once I landed, I landed with a thud. My vision was blurry from exhaustion and pain, my kit was probably in starclan by now.
"I am sorry Fallenfeather but maybe it was meant to happen," Thisledown said with a smirk, this made me snap. I lashed at her claws extended and slashed her shoulder, she stepped back in surprise.
"Saw one more word and I will rip out your throat!" I spat, she backed away and bolted into her den. Thornstar looked at me fear in his gaze, I noticed that a dark forest cat was behind me.
"Why hello everyone I have come to how do you say take something," Hawkclaw said looking at me, I knew he wanted to see me but I couldn't follow him in front of my clan. He nodded and dissapeared, the clan looked at me fear in their faces. I ran into the forest and straight to the lake, I saw a tunnel and sat in front of it. Shatteredwing came up behind me his face filled with fear when he saw the tunnel, I looked at the tunnel non the less.
"I can't do this anymore, the dark forest wants me to continue training with them, Thisledown hates me, our kit is dead because of the dark forest and the stupid eagle, I can't handle the pain anymore," I said almost crying, Shatteredwing said nothing.
"Tell them I said goodbye I am leaving to start over you can come if you like," I said, shadows swirled around me and my face filled with terror as I saw Shatteredwing dead, a cat filled with shadows stood there, his face filled with dread.
"Don't leave if you do I shall never see you again," he said, I realised it was Shatteredwing.
"No you were never a real cat all along that's why my kit died, YOU CHEAT I WILL KILL YOU!" I yowled lunging at the once Shatteredwing, he dogged and I landed.
"I may have been a dark forest cat the whole time but I loved you, I loved our kit, I loved the life we had, what type of medicine cat are you if you can't forgive!" He hissed.
"Shut up and never return!" I spat he dissapeared and I went into camp, I went straight to my nest and fell asleep.

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