Chapter 16

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I woke in my nest, memories of last night haunting me. I shook my head, I padded out to find the clan circled around a body. I padded over to see which cat, to my surprise it was the one cat I never thought it would be. My eyes widened at the sight of my kit that had been carried away by the eagle, the scent that was on him was of Shatteredwing. I saw his figure standing at the edge of camp, I nodded and his gaze lit up and he dissapeared.
"I can't believe your kits body is back, after the way the eagle flew away with him it seemed hopeless to find him," Thornstar said, I nodded and sat next to my kits body, so frail and limp there was no chance of returning until his fur started to warm up. I looked in confusion as Shatteredkit started to breathe again, soon he was moving and wailing for milk.
"By the name of starclan how is this possible!?" I gasped grabbing my kit and taking him to my den, he started to drink straight away. My smile was the biggest and a voice very faint but, surely there whispered.
"I told you I loved him and you," the voice said, I knew this voice was Shatteredwing and I smiled bigger. I curled around my kit, his scars were healed, his face had a scratch across it, he looked like he had fallen from a great hight, his brown tabby fur messed up from rain and mud. I licked his fur clean but I knew his scars would stay, after I finished he opened his eyes, they were a deep green.
"Mama where's dad?" Shatteredkit asked, I looked at him.
"Your father is dead my son, he brought you back to life at the cost of his own," I said, Shatteredkit looked at me, his eyes wide with fear and understanding.
"How is he?" Thornstar said padding in.
"He is ok, just a bit shaken, he seems to not remember dieing," I said looking at Thornstar, Thornstar sat down dropping a mouse at my paws.
"Eat, you need your strength," Thornstar said, I nodded and started to eat. I knew there was a prophecy for Shatteredkit, one even starclan knew and feared. I fell asleep and woke in starclan, a black she-cat padded up to me, her star filled pelt shining bright.
"Hello Featherfall," the she-cat said, I knew her but I could name it.
"Hello," I said dipping my head.
"I have a prophecy for you and your kit," she said.
"I knew this was happening," I said, she dipped her head.
"When a cat of shadow and clan rises to a warrior, his fate will destroy the clans unless the queen of him stops him first," the she-cat said.
"I know what I must do but I can't kill my own kit," I said, I sat down and the she-cat nodded.
"I had to do the same thing once, trust me I had to kill in order to save my clan, I was leader but died by a fox a few moons after the death of my two of my kits, they were killed because starclan had sent badgers and foxes to kill them before they could have destroyed the clan," the she-cat said, I saw her pelt change to brown, black and white and recognised her.
"Maplefeather is it you?" I asked looking at her my eyes filled with tears, she nodded and sat next to me.
"Yes it is me my kit," she said looking at me, I saw her eyes were sad. I woke in my nest almost crying, I looked at Shateredkit beside me and fell asleep.

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