Chapter Eight

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       A chilly leaf-fall breeze stirred Aspenpaw's and the surrounding apprentice's fur. The slight wind chilled Aspenpaw to the bones. But mostly the words Cedarpaw had just spoken made her shiver. The wind was only a small factor of the iciness Aspenpaw felt course through her veins.
       Determined eyes blinked at her expectantly. Shadows started to fall as dusk arrived over the small clearing which was sheltered by ferns and bramble thickets.
Cedarpaw's deep blue gaze was seeking an answer. "So?" The brown tabby tom prompted.
Aspenpaw hesitated. If I do this I'd be in huge trouble. And it isn't the way to solve this situation. Graypaw and Cedarpaw should tell their mentors. But then she remembered her thoughts from only a moment ago. If I do this I would be using my speed to benefit the Clan. And if we are successful the Clan would be so proud; my father might stay out of my fur for once about being a medicine cat.
      Aspenpaw shook herself, steadying her gaze with Cedarpaw's. "I can't." Birchpaw gasped. Cedarpaw hissed. Juniperpaw shook his head. Graypaw shouldered past Cedarpaw to tower over Aspenpaw.
       He twitched his whiskers. "Why? Are you scared?" Graypaw paused a moment, but Aspenpaw didn't reply.
       He circled slowly around the cream she-cat. "A medicine cat apprentice scared to go on a warrior mission." Graypaw leaned close to Aspenpaw's ear and whispered, "Figures."
       Aspenpaw wasn't ruffled by Graypaw's words. He's just an arrogant apprentice, trying to intimidate me to get what he wants. She searched the eyes of the other apprentices around her. They all only want me here to use me. If any other cat had my speed I wouldn't be here.
       Aspenpaw twitched her ears. She didn't let her eyes narrow or fur rise; she only looked up to the broad-shouldered gray tom with a challenge in her ice-blue eyes. "I won't."
       Aspenpaw kept her expression calm and eyes steady. "And neither should you." She turned on her paws and dashed toward the ThunderClan camp, away from the clearing that held the startled apprentices.

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