Chapter Nine

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Excited squealing reached Aspenpaw's ears. She blinked open her eyes and stood up slowly in her nest. Duskheart's nest was empty. Why is she up so early? Dawn light trickled through the bramble tendrils. Aspenpaw pushed through them, into the ThunderClan camp.
Cats were gathered beneath Highledge, eyes gleaming and on the nursery. The rising orange sun creeped over the horizon, setting the cats's fur alight with yellow and orange hues.
Goldenfall, a golden-brown queen, led her two kits out of the nursery. Whitekit padded after his mother with confidence shinning in his green eyes. Whitekit's white and ginger patched fur was neatly groomed. Deerkit followed more shyly, her white-flecked pelt groomed just as nicely as her brother's.
Realization dawned on Aspenpaw as Doestar leaped down the Highledge to stand in front of the two kits. "I have called this meeting because it is about time that Whitekit and Deerkit were assigned to mentors."
Aspenpaw noticed Whitekit bounce up in down in excitement. Doestar reached out with her tail to beckon to Deerkit with her tail. Deerkit hesitated, fear in her amber eyes, before padding forward nervously.
"From this time forward," Doestar announced. "This kit will be known as Deerpaw. Kinkclaw, you have shown bravery and loyalty and I trust that you will pass on these qualities to your apprentice."
Kinkclaw stepped forward, eyes shinning with pride, to touch her nose to the shy Deerpaw. Kinkclaw guided Deerpaw with her tail back into the crowd of cats.
Doestar turned her attention to Whitekit; the kit bounced to Doestar's paws, excitement making his tail twitch. Meows of amusement erupted around Aspenpaw, and she couldn't help but smile.
Doestar reached out with her tail to touch Whitekit's shoulder. "From this time forward, this kit will be known as Whitepaw," she declared. "Thornear will mentor this kit and do his best to train him to be a great warrior."
The black deputy padded up to touch noses with Whitepaw. Meows of approval sounded around the camp as the apprentices were made. As the meowing faded, the cats began to break apart, but before they could fully retreat to their duties, Thornear yowled for the Clan's attention.
The black deputy waved his tail to beckon a gray tabby she-cat out of the crowd. "I have some news to share with you all."
The small gray tabby she-cat shifted on her paws uncomfortably. Thornear laid his tail across her shoulders reassuringly.
"Littlefrost is having her first litter of kits," Thornear announced. Yowls of congratulation rose from the clearing.
Littlefrost's blue eyes were shinning. "They will be born in about half a moon or so."
Goldenfall padded up to give the new queen's ears a lick. Littlefrost dipped her head gratefully. Thornear rubbed his muzzle on his mate's shoulder. The Clan started to break apart again, this time no interruption came to keep the cats from their duties.

"Aspenpaw, wait up!" Aspenpaw turned around to see a white cat plunge through the thorn tunnel after her.
Birchpaw's green eyes were glazed with gratefulness. Aspenpaw padded on. Why would anyone want to speak to me? I'm a loner, and I like to keep it that way.
Birchpaw kept pace with Aspenpaw as she padded through the trees. "You know what you did yesterday day was brave, standing up to my brother like that."
Aspenpaw grunted in reply, but felt her fur tingle. No one has ever called me brave, let alone even notice me at all.
"They never did continue their plan," Birchpaw continued, green eyes sparkling. "You convinced them it was wrong."
Aspenpaw stopped. She let her blue eyes meet Birchpaw's. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have agreed to be a part of it. You were very confident and I wish I had thought more like you had."
Aspenpaw felt shock pulse through her veins, but she hid her feelings behind her masked expression. She found the strength to give a small nod, not meeting Birchpaw's green eyes.
"Gotta go," Birchpaw bounded back toward camp, green foliage that matched the color of her eyes swishing around her as she left.

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