Chapter 4

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Sunlight filtered through the lichen of the medicine cat den. Ryepaw teared at his moss nest with his claws. He was becoming impatient. He had been confined to his nest for four sunrises because of his upset stomach and sore throat. Patchwish had said he was too weak from the effect of the deathberries to return to his apprentice duties.
I rather be cleaning out Darkspeck's bedding than be stuck in here doing nothing. Ryepaw felt a growl rumble in his throat as rage gripped him. Some cat did this to him on purpose. Some cat made him be confined in here, missing out on the adventures of warrior apprentice duties.
Ryepaw could be out exploring, or practicing battle moves with his mentor, but instead he couldn't do anything. The lichen to the den swished, and a cat entered the den.
In the morning light, Ryepaw recognized the gray pelt of Puddlepaw, his brother. Another cat came into the den, and Ryepaw recognized it as his sister, Tigerpaw.
Tigerpaw padded forwards, blue eyes wide. "How are you feeling?"
Ryepaw snorted. "Bored," he replied. "And angry."
Puddlepaw flicked his tail. "Some cat did this on purpose," he stated.
Ryepaw rolled his eyes. Obviously some cat had done this on purpose. And when I find out who, they'll regret it.
Puddlepaw continued. "Did you see any cat near the prey pile before you chose your sparrow?" Puddlepaw inquired, amber eyes quizzical.
Ryepaw shook his head immediately. "No," he replied stiffly, but then remembered Goosepaw heading to feed the queens. "But I did see Goosepaw taking prey to Goldenlight and Frostdaisy."
Ryepaw felt anger sear hot beneath his pelt, and he flexed his claws. He could almost feel Goosepaw's long tan fur under his grip. Ryepaw lashed his tail, ambition growing like a new-leaf storm.
Puddlepaw waved his tail, amber eyes thoughtful. "And Goosepaw was the only cat who was near the prey pile before you?"
Ryepaw thought back to when he was picking out his sparrow, but couldn't remember if another cat had prey or not.
Ryepaw shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure," he let his fur bristle. "But Goosepaw definitely was near the prey pile."
Tigerpaw brushed in front of Puddlepaw, eyes wide. "Surely Goosepaw wouldn't do such a thing. She's only an apprentice," Tigerpaw exclaimed.
Ryepaw lashed his tail. "I'm only an apprentice," he snarled. "But I'm going to make Goosepaw pay."
Tigerpaw gasped. "You shouldn't!" She exclaimed. "It's not right to hurt other Clanmates."
Ryepaw glared at his sister. "She hurt me. And now I'm confined to the medicine cat den."
Tigerpaw narrowed her eyes, brows furrowing. "Think about what you want to do, Ryepaw."
Tigerpaw whipped around, padding out of the den. Her fluffy brown tail disappeared through the lichen, swishing. Puddlepaw watched the lichen swish intently, gaze unwavering.
Ryepaw cleared his throat impatiently, and Puddlepaw turned his gaze to him. "I need your help," Ryepaw stated.
He hated asking for help from his siblings, but he knew Puddlepaw had a mind for planning and a thoughtful conscious. He could be useful in helping him get revenge on Goosepaw.
Puddlepaw narrowed his eyes, amber gaze lighting with annoyance. "Help you," he stated, as though in deep thought. "Maybe."
Frustration and anger gripped Ryepaw and he lashed his tail, struggling to his paws in determination to tell his brother off. "Yes!" He growled. "I need help coming up with a plan to get revenge on Goosepaw."
Puddlepaw flicked his tail, rolling his amber eyes, and turning to pad away. Before he could reach the lichen hanging from the ceiling of the den, Ryepaw called out.
"You can't leave!" He yelled. Before thinking, and out of desperation, he blurted out a word he would never say to his brother. "Please!"
Puddlepaw stopped in his tracks, his tabby tail swishing thoughtfully. The annoyance in his amber eyes had faded when he turned around, and was replaced with understanding. He padded back to Ryepaw, and sat with his tail twitching beside him.
Ryepaw sat, claws itching with restlessness. Thankfully he came to his senses.
Puddlepaw's eyes shone with a forming plan. "First off," he started. "You don't know if Goosepaw was the culprit for sure or not."
Ryepaw growled, slight anger seeping back. "Of course Goosepaw did it," he stated. "I saw her with fresh prey!"
Puddlepaw ducked his head awkwardly and proceeded. "But to prove she did, we must interrogate her," he went on. "You can't go tell Dapplestar without any evidence."
Ryepaw was about to open his jaws in a stinging retort, but thought about what his littermate had said. He's right. He couldn't just expect Dapplestar to exile Goosepaw without reason.
He narrowed his eyes, sliding out his claws as he pictured Goosepaw beneath them. He would listen to his brother's plan, and he would make Goosepaw pay. One way or another.

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