Chapter 5

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       Sunlight shone through the green leaves of the overhanging trees. The light came down in rays, and set the morning dew on the grass sparkling. The leaves turned a golden color in the light of the sun. Onemoon padded beside Dapplestar. The leader's dappled pelt shone in the light.
         Onemoon's ginger tail swished with delight at the warm green-leaf day. But the season was coming to an end. Soon leaves would turn different fiery hues, and the days would grow chilly.
       The three younger apprentices had been training for almost three moons. Ryepaw had been out of the medicine den for a while, enjoying his apprentice tasks. Redpaw padded beside his sister, Goosepaw. His pelt brushed her long tan fur ever so slightly.
       Her blue eyes were focused ahead. Redpaw narrowed his eyes, waiting for the right time to speak. He fell back slightly, touching Goosepaw with his tail. She slowed as well, and their mentor's didn't seem to notice.
        Redpaw whispered quietly in Goosepaw's dark brown ear. "We need another way," he began. "And I might have an idea, but it will take a lot of planning."
        Goosepaw didn't even turn her head, but glanced sideways at Redpaw with blue eyes, and gave him a very slight nod, signaling that she understood.
       Redpaw trotted to catch up with the leader and deputy, noticing that they had stopped. Goosepaw was just behind him. Dapplestar and Onemoon turned to face them. They had reached a hollow with sand with a large rock to one side.
        Redpaw instantly recognized the training clearing, his favorite spot in the territory, where apprentices trained for battle. Redpaw lifted his chin, waving his tail in delight.
         Dapplestar waved her tail at the clearing. "Goosepaw will be tuning her battle skills with me."
         Onemoon looked at Redpaw. "You will be hunting and receiving my critique. Your aim when you pounce needs a little work."
       Redpaw narrowed his yellow eyes, feeling disappointment and rage stirring in him like a swirling storm. But if he was to be leader one day, he dare not disobey his mentor. He dipped his head, low and submissive.
        Onemoon nodded to the woods beyond. "Go ahead. I will stalk you from behind and watch how you do."
       Redpaw padded into the forest, tasting the warm air with parted jaws. The sweet musky scent of mouse drifted on the air towards him. He crouched down, low, belly brushing the ground. He lifted his tail ever so slightly, but kept it as low as he could without it touching the ground. He stalked forwards, flattening his ears so he wouldn't be seen.
        Though he couldn't hear the mouse, he spotted the brambles rustling as the mouse scuffled among them. Redpaw lowered his haunches, spreading himself out as much as he could. His chin almost touched the soft earth, but he knew the mouse had no chance of seeing or hearing him.
       The brambles rustled, and the mouse came scuttling out, straight towards Redpaw. He waited, then, with a swift and silent paw, he struck out, hooking the mouse by the tail with his claws. He brought it to him and bit down on its spine, a clean kill. He hadn't even needed to pounce, and he had stayed silent and hidden. I would make a great ShadowClan cat. His stealth was outstanding. He didn't like using brute force like he was taught. I can get more accomplished by using stealth.
Thrumming paws bounded towards him, and he turned to see Onemoon bounding towards him. Scare off all the prey in the forest, why don't you?
Onemoon looked down at the plump mouse. He looked lost for words. "Good catch," he stated. Redpaw lifted his chin, pride flowing through him. "But you looked like a ShadowClan cat. Try lifting your chin and tail a little higher off the ground. And draw in your haunches more for a good leap. Don't spread yourself out so much so you can't pounce."
Redpaw lashed his tail in indignation. He had made a great catch, no matter what skills he used. He was better at stealth, so he used it to his advantage. He gazed up at his mentor with narrowed yellow eyes. I can't wait to get my claws on the role of deputy, then leader.
Despite his anger he dipped his head. "Thank you, Onemoon. I'll try it next time."
Onemoon nodded in satisfaction. "Get that back to Darkspeck. I'm going to check on the ShadowClan border. There was scent of fox found there yesterday."
Onemoon bounded into the trees, ginger tail swishing as he went. Redpaw scowled after his mentor, swishing his reddish-brown tail in disdain. He turned swiftly, stalking back towards camp. He kept his head and tail low, practicing his stealth.
        The thorns beside him rustled. Redpaw stopped, pricking his ears. He crouched down, ignoring the sound of Onemoon's corrections in his head. He spread himself out like he had done before and lowered his head and tail.
       Creamy-white and orange fur streaked from the thorn bush. Ryepaw appeared; he had shouldered his way through the undergrowth. Redpaw snorted. Ryepaw could have been a little more silent, using the undergrowth to his advantage. Instead, he had barged through it with brute force, knocking the brambles and thorn bushes out of his way.
       Ryepaw gazed around with narrowed amber eyes. He shook out his fur, thorns falling from his pelt. Redpaw squinted through the shower of thorns, hissing as one nearly hit is eye.
        Ryepaw gazed down at Redpaw, cocking his head and giving him a questioning look, as if Redpaw were an idiot. "What are doing?" He asked, tone accusing.
       Redpaw straightened himself up, raising his chin, trying to look strong like a ThunderClan cat. "Returning to the camp with prey for Darkspeck," he replied coolly.
      Redpaw picked up his mouse by the tail, and swung around towards the direction of camp. Before Redpaw could even take a step, Ryepaw spoke again.
       "Where's Goosepaw?"
       Redpaw felt the fur prick slightly along his spine, but he forced it down smoothly. He turned only his head, gazing at Ryepaw sidelong. Why would Ryepaw want to know where Goosepaw was? Are they friends? Possibly more than that? What if Ryepaw wanted to become leader with Goosepaw by his side? Redpaw knew how competitive Ryepaw was. But he also knew his own plan was to become leader with his sister as his deputy. They would rule not only ThunderClan, but ShadowClan as well.
We could eventually rule all four Clans around the lake, and no one would question our authority. Ambition grew inside Redpaw like a blazing forest fire. No one could take it away from him, but he had to act natural, for if he didn't he might lose his dream.
       Redpaw flicked his tail coolly. "She's practicing battle moves with Dapplestar in the training hollow."
        Ryepaw turned on his haunches and bounded through the foliage, kicking up leaf litter in his wake. Redpaw narrowed his eyes, returning to the trail back to camp. But before he reached the entrance, he buried his prey and doubled back.
       He was going to find out what Ryepaw was up to. He knew the young apprentice was a threat, and he had to get rid of all of the cats who stood in his way. Redpaw lowered his head, yellow gaze cold. Even if I have to fight my way to the top, I'm going to get there.

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