Chapter Nine

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     Snowpaw had gotten back to camp late at night, but Sootkit was there to welcome her. She seemed a little upset, but she wouldn't talk about it. She just stormed off to her den along with the other apprentices. All of the cats who attended looked as if someone rubbed their fur the wrong way. But no cat was willing to say why.

     Sootkit stayed in his nest all through the morning. Only when the sun was at the highest point in the sky, did he stray out of the nursery. He avoided Snowpaw who was sunning herself by the fallen log. She was in a happier mood than yesterday, but Sootkit didn't want to take any chances. Steampaw and Nightpaw were out hunting with their mentors, and Clawstar was sharing tongues with his mate Applefur. Mousekit and Pebblekit were pouncing around their paws and chasing their taikitten.    Copperpelt and Nutwhisker were sleeping at the entrance to their den, snoring loudly. Sootkit trotted over to them, tail drooping. Copperpelt pricked her ears up at the sound of paw steps and looked tiredly up at the young kitten.

     "Hello young one, what's on your mind?" The ginger she-cat licked one of her paws and cleaned her ears in one swift motion.

     Sootkit sighed. "Is there something wrong with Snowpaw? Ever since the gathering she has been acting odd."

     "The gathering was just a bit tense is all. She'll be her old self in no time."

     Her companion, Nutwhisker nodded. "Looks like love is blooming earlier and earlier each year," Sootkit was shocked. "Wh-What! I am not in love. Snowpaw would never love a loner!"

     Nutwhisker shared a look with Copperpelt, and they nodded off laying next to each other. Sootkit was fuming. He was not in love with Snowpaw! And he was going to prove it. From now on, he would stay away from Snowpaw for as long as he was alive.

     The camp suddenly became very stuffy and hot. He became light headed and dizzy. His head was spinning and the ground was shaking. Black dots swirled around his eyes, until finally blocking his vision from the world.


     He opened his eyes to the field that was oh so familiar. But he was not alone. Greeneyes was talking to someone, a tortoiseshell. Sootkit was hidden behind a tree stump, so he was undetected, but he could tell by the way Greeneyes looked that he knew Sootkit was there. He shrunk back against the nearest tree, trying to mask his scent somehow, but he didn't think it was helping. At least the other cat didn't seem to notice him. Sootkit tried to get closer to hear what they were saying, but it proved useless.
     The tortoiseshell was gone now and Greeneyes was walking towards Sootkit. The medicine cat took one look at the kit and whispered, "You must wake up now. Speak of this to no cat. Do you understand?"
     Sootkit nodded and felt this world slipping away. Then in the blink of an eye, it faded to black and was replaced by the real world.


     "Sootkit? Sootkit! Sootkit wake up!" Snowpaw was standing over him. He opened his eyes to see Greeneyes in the corner of the medicine den sorting herbs. At the mention of the kit's name, he turned his head and stared into Sootkit's eyes.

     "Good, you're awake. Now we can find out what happened." He looked at Snowpaw which was her cue to leave. But they were still not alone. Flashkit and Willowkit were prodding his side with a paw. "Are you alright? What happened?"

     Oatwhisker herded them out of the medicine den, following them on the way out. Then it was just Sootkit and Greeneyes. Greeneyes did not look happy.

     "What were you doing in StarClan?" His tail flicked with annoyance.

     Sootkit looked back at him, defiance coursing through his veins, controlling his every action. He narrowed his eyes. Two can play at this game, he thought.

     "Who was that cat you were talking to?"

     Greeneyes ignored the question and growled at the kit. "Now is not the time for games! How did you enter that field?"

     Sootkit cocked his head to the right. "How did you?"

     Finally deciding that the kit wasn't going to give anything away, he left, but not before passing Sootkit a bundle of leaves that smelled sweet and sticky. He took the whole thing in his mouth and regretted it instantly. It didn't taste as good as it smelled.

     Sootkit was back in the nursery that night, but Oatwhisker was in there to keep watch on him I'm case he were to have another fit.

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