Chapter 4

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"We have to be very quiet just in case there is a badger." Froststep murmered quietly"I thought I was leading this patrol, Froststep" Flamewhisker snorted at the deputy. "Oh, I thought I was the deputy. Don't blame me when you're eaten alive by the badger." Froststep huffed back. Flamewhisker squeaked. A foul stench hit the air. A badger's close by! This could be my chance to prove to Froststep that I'm as good as him! "I can scent a badger!" He exclaimed. A badger jumped out of the bushes and all the cats scrambled. Willowmoon couldn't escape quick enough and the badger scratched her muzzle. She was very alarmed and swiped back at the badger. The badger pinned her down then with it's teeth, it threw Flamewhisker's mother into the distance. He curled his lip and lept and the badger, causing it to run away, whimpering. "That mouse-brained badger won't be coming back for moons!" Froststep chuckled. Flamewhisker ignored his statement. "Mother!" Flamewhisker yowled as he raced after her. Willowmoon was panting as she tried to get up. "Willowmoon! Are you okay? We can still save you!" Flamewhisker meowed. "Scratchpelt, is that you?" Willowmoon meowed. "No. it's me Flamewhisker, your son! We can still save you! Please don't go." "Flamewhisker, is that really you? I want to join Thornpaw and Scratchpelt. I want to spend the last moments of my life with you. Goodbye." Willowmoon's head flung back at Flamewhisker's paw and her eyes went blank. A starry spirit rose up from her body. Another spirit joined in, then another. He could recognize his father and his mother's sister Tansypetal in the spirits, but he couldn't see Thornpaw. Willowmoon and Scratchpelt's tails twined together. They walked up to the stars and Tansypetal followed. Willowmoon was going to StarClan. Flamewhisker's eyes swelled up with tears as he saw the starry cats disappear.Willowmoon's spirit stayed behind and came up to Flamewhisker and buried her muzzle into his fur. "I'll miss you." He heard her faint whisper in his ear. The rest of the patrol came up to him to watch her spirit go up into the night sky. "She'll be fine, up there in StarClan. She's with your father and Thornpaw." Froststep meowed as the patrol bowed their heads at the spirit. Willowmoon nodded back and then dissapeared. A new star came into the sky, it flashed. Flamewhisker knew his mother was watching him.

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