Chapter 5

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"Willowmoon was a strong, loyal ShadowClan warrior. She died defending her Clan from the badger. We will miss her very much. Now she will be among Clanmates in StarClan and with Scratchpelt and Thornpaw." Ravenstar dipped his head at Willowmoon's dead body. His tail tapped Flamewhisker's shoulder as if it was cue for him to speak. "Willowmoon was the best mother any cat could ask for. I don't know what I'll do without her. She will be with my father and brother among the stars." Flamewhisker dipped his head at the body. Could that be true? I couldn't see Thornpaw when I saw Willowmoon, Scratchpelt, and Tansypetal's spirits. Could Thornpaw still be alive? "I remember when Blackfern and I delivered her kits. She was the bravest warrior I knew, and my sister." Redwillow meowed. She clearly missed her sister as much as Flamewhisker did. "Willowmoon, may you find swift hunting in StarClan, and ShadowClan will miss you." The ShadowClan cats dipped their heads as Tawnyfur and Owlfeather heaved the body into her grave. Flamewhisker slumped into his nest. He shut his eyes trying to not think about his mother's death. He remembered saying goodbye to his father on his last breaths and the time when Thornpaw got swept away by the river. All of those bad memories would hopefully get replaced by new good ones with Mintnose and his kits. I have no kin in this Clan besides Redwillow and my mate Mint- His thoughts got interrupted by a wail coming from the warrior's den. It was Buzzardwing. His legs was sprawled out against floor of the warrior's den.   There was a half-eaten mouse by his paws, something was trailing out of the mouse; deathberry juice. "Redwillow! Buzzardwing got poisoned! I can see deathberries in the mouse. I think ThunderClan tried to poison us!" The medicine cat came quick to the warrior's den. "We better clean out all of the prey before anyone else gets..." More wails cut off her urgent meow. "I think that might be too late." The cats dashed over to Owlfeather and Tawnyfur. "Both of the elders got it too! I think I hear more wails in the nursery." Redwillow exclaimed. In the middle of her statement Flamewhisker raced to the nursery. Mintnose grabbed Icestorm's kits. The white queen was gasping and wheezing. Sparkkit struggled free from Mintnose's paws and shot straight to the medicine den and grabbed all the juniper berries she could. "Eat this mother, it could help." The young kit mewed. Her mother struggled to eat the berry. She managed to reach the berry and eat it. Icestorm started panting as she caught her breath. "Sparkkit, you saved my life!" She looked at the little kit who's eyes, were gleaming. "Sparkkit, can you help with the other cats? Tell them to all eat one juniper berry. They may not trust you, but tell them that you're my apprentice." Redwillow looked at the kit who was very exited.

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