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(Cat above is Rogueshadow)

Losttail had never seen a dog like it. It was enormous, easily twice the size of any Twoleg pet. Its muscles bunched powerfully under a short black-and-brown pelt. Its jaws gaped to show a vicious set of teeth, and its tongue lolled. It starred at her with dark brown eyes.
StarClan, help me! She pleaded.

The dog began to bark and Losttail quickly took off running. All she could do was run. The barking seemed to get louder, and she could feel the hot breath of the dog against her hind paws. The dog gained on her, its tongues lolling as it barked.

Losttail was still running as gast as she could when she crashed into something quickly, and hard. Her paws skitted on the forest floor as she fell, feeling dazed as her shoulder ached. Twigs and brambles snagged her pelt until she finally came to a whirling stop. She quickly scrambled to her paws but fell again, a sharp pain surging through her leg.

Mouse dung! I sprained my paw! She quickly looked up. The dog was looming over her, it's dripping jaws wide. "Rogueshadow!" She yowled, hoping one of the groups would hear her. She closed her eyes, preparing to meet StarClan.

Suddenly a yowl sounded close by. Losttail opened her eyes and looked up to see a bengal gray shape ramming into the head of the dog.

"Berryseed!" She yowled.

Berryseed ranked his claws across the dog's eyes. The dog yowled in pain and thrashed its head in attempt to throw Berryseed off. Just as Losttail hoped, Rogueshadow, Birchfur, And Nighthowl emerged theough the bushes. The three warriors' eyes were wide at the scene before them.

Berryseed placed his paws on top of the dog's head and flung himself around the dog's neck and landed on its back. He ran his claws over the dog's neck repeatedly. Once a wound had formed, he bite down on the dog's neck and held on for several moments.

After a couple heartbeats, the dog's eyes rolled to the back of its head and its legs gave out from umder it, and the dog collapsed to ground, one final breathe escaping its mouth.

Berryseed leapt off the dog's body. "Are you alright?" He asked Losttail.

She rose to her paws, wincing at slight pain in her sprained one. "I'm fine."

Rogueshadow marched up to Berryseed. "Where were you?" He asked sharply. "Rabbitstar has half the clan running around the forest looking for you?"

"I was at the Moonstone." Berryseed mewed, just as sharply as Rogueshadow. "There were twolegs there and I couldn't get away."

"You should have at least let some cat know where you were going." Rogueshadow muttered.

Berryseed's tail began to lash. "I'm a medicine cat. I don't have to tell any cat when I'm going to go speak with our ancestors."

Birchfur, sensing the tension, quickly pushed himself between the two toms. "That doesn't matter. Berryseed's here and he's alright."

"Birchfur's right." Nighthowl added. "Losttail's paw is sprained. We need to back to camp."

Rogueshadow nodded and began to lead the cat back to camp. They padded teought the forest without saying a word to each other.

When they emerged through the gorse tunnel, Losttail noticed that all the other search groups had already return. All her clanmates' eyes lit uo when they saw Berryseed and joyful yowls erupted from the clearing.

Rabbitstar padded up to them. "Where were you?"

Berryseed sat down and wrapped his tail around his paws. "I was at the Moonstone and I couldn't leave. Twolegs were there. When I finally got away, I heard barking. Losttail was being chased by a dog."

"You missed it." Birchfur mewed. "Berryseed killed the dog."

Rabbitstar shot a glance at Berryseed. He turned and dismissed the clan then slipped into his den.




That night, the clan cats slipped to their dens for the night. Losttail paw had been wrapped up and was slowly starting to feel better.

She gave a silent prayer to StarClan that Berryseed had returned unharmed. she curled up and let the sound of the soft midnight breeze soothe her into sleep.

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