Chapter 2: Showing Their Powers

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The four friends ran as fast as they could, the monsters right on their heals.

They were almost to the door when Amara tripped and fell.

"Amara!" Keke called.

Amara looked behind her and braced for impact when the monsters pounced.

Instead, she heard screams. She opened her eyes and saw that the monsters were blown apart.

Amara looked back and saw Robecca's hand transformed into a robotic hand. It looked like it came from Iron-Man's suit.

Clawd, Amara, and Keke looked at her like she had three heads.

"Y-You're a r-robot?!" Clawd sputtered.

Keke squealed,"Awesome!"

Robecca looked embarrassed.

"I didn't mean to show you my powers," she muttered.

"But you saved me," Amara pointed out. "That's a reason to use them. And thank you."

Robecca smiled a bit. At least she helped her friend. "You're welcome."

When they all came outside, everyone gasped.

New York City looked totally different.
The sky was black as night. Demons and monsters soared through the sky and raced on the ground, killing everyone.

A monster with sickly green skin came right at them. It was just inches from them when Keke suddenly pounced on it. She clawed at it, wolf ears showing on her head, a tail popped out of her shorts, and her teeth formed into large fangs.

She finished it off, its blood everywhere on her body. She looked and saw their shocked faces. Keke realized what happened, and her ears drooped.

"Sorry you had to see that," she apologized.

"Whoa, savage!" Clawd exclaimed.

"It's fine." Amara reassured her.

Robecca yelled,"Look out!"

A demon with black wings swooped down and tackled Clawd, but he swung at it with his hand. He howled, sunk his teeth into the demon's neck, and ripped his throat out.

"Looks like I'm not the only werewolf here," Keke smirked, crossing her arms.

"You didn't mean to show us, either," Robecca guessed.

"Well, that makes all of us," Amara replied.

The others looked at her, and were shocked. She levitated a monster with her hand, her eyes glowing pink. She closed her hand into a fist, and the monster crumbled to dust.

"Whoa," Keke whispered.

"We can explain each other's powers later. Right now, let's just fight," Robecca ordered.

"Since when did you become leader," Clawd muttered to himself.

They all fought with their hidden powers, killing monsters and demons.

Suddenly, something screeched. The group looked up and saw a man with red skin, surrounded by thick, black mist, hover down toward them. His head was down.

He looked up and smiled a cruel, horrible smile, showing off his big, deadly teeth. His blood red eyes looked at the group hungrily.

"Hello," he greeted them. "How about we play a little game? You run for your lives, and I kill you with a snap of my fingers. How does that sound?"

*Don't worry. I'm trying to make a good book. Let me know what think, please!😄*

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