Chapter 3: Meeting Vex

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The group froze, looking at the mystery man.

"Uh... who are you?" Clawd asked nervously.

The man landed a few feet in front of them, the black mist still surrounding him.

"I am Vex," the man replied,"feared half-demon of the Galaxy."

Keke gasped. She whispered,"I've heard about you...."

Vex grinned, clearly impressed that someone heard of him.

"Well then," Vex sneered. "Then you must know that I can do.....THIS!!!"

He screamed, the black mist swirling around him and transforming into a big man shaped cloud. It smashed its fist down on the group, but they all jumped out of the way.

Robecca's other hand transformed and she fired lasers at the black mist monster.

It received no damage, it picked up a car, and threw it at her.

The car almost hit Robecca, but Amara stopped it. She moved her hand to the mist, the car heading straight to it.

The mist swallowed it up. It swiped at a nearby building, causing it to collapse.

Everyone ran out of the way. The mist monster dematerialized, and Vex stepped out of the mist, a devilish grin on his face.

"Why are you fighting us?" Robecca demanded.

"Because I want this disgusting mudball of a planet to die," Vex roared. "I don't care about anyone or anything. All I care about is doing what suits me."

He raised his arm, and Darkrai appeared behind him. Darkrai looked at the group distastefully.

"Do you want me to finish them off, Master?" He asked.

Vex nodded, a cruel look in his eyes. Darkrai produced a bright red ball of light as he prepared to end the group's lives. He fired the ball at them, as the group braced for their ends.

Then there was a bright light.

*Hope you guys like it!❤*

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