Chapter 3

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     Cedarkit only realized what her leader meant when Skykit walked up to Larkstar. Cedarkit prayed to Starclan that she didn't trip on branch like Specklepaw did when she was apprenticed. She trotted to where her sister stood.
     Larkstar looked down at the kits in pride. "You two have been with us now for six moons. Your training begins today. Your parents have raised two amazing cats. They are both strong warriors and we expect you to do the same. Cedarkit, from this day forward, you shall be known as Cedarpaw."
    Cedarpaw gave a smile bigger then she had ever smiled in her life.
     "Your mentor will be Echostream." The White she-cat looked up at Larkstar surprised.
"Echostream, you are wise and a skilled hunter,   and I hope you use these traits to train her to be a fine warrior."
     Echostream's soft blue eyes glanced at Cedarpaw, as she nodded in delight. Cedarpaw knew that her mentor was sweet, but fierce and strict when needed.
     "Skykit," started Larkstar.
     "Wait!" Willowfly emerged from her den running towards the Highledge. "I wish to mentor Skykit to become a Medicine Cat!"
     The golden-brown leader's whiskers twitched. "Skykit, do you wish to become a Medicine Cat?" Asked Larkstar.
     "Yes! I do!" Responded Skykit.
     "Very well, stated Larkstar. "From this day forward, you shall be known as Skypaw. Your mentor will be Willowfly. You begin training today."
     When everyone returned to their duties, Echostream leaded Cedarpaw towards the river.
     "What are we doing today?" Asked Cedarpaw excitedly. "Hunting, battle training, or patrolling?"
    "None of those," replied her mentor. "We will be searching the elders for ticks." Cedarpaw's heart sank. Goldenleap, and Shadowstep were always grumpy and very strict. Goldenleap fussed over the kits and apprentices like crazy. He would always asked if they were hurt, even if you just twitched your tail. Specklepaw, Bramblepaw, and Reedpaw told Cedarpaw this back when she was a kit.
     "Ok," said Cedarpaw, trying to sound exited. "I have always wanted to do that!"
     "No you don't," remarked Echostream. "It's just to get you used to doing chores now. Last time I was a mentor, I didn't show my apprentice how to do it, and they always ended up hurting the elders. Tomorrow we will do some hunting."
     Hearing this made the brown apprentice feel a lot better. Cedarpaw padded after Echostream who heading towards Willowfly's den.
     "Why are we going to the Medicine Cat den," wondered Cedarpaw out loud.
     "Because we need some mouse bile to clear away the elders ticks."
     They walked into the den where Willowfly and Skypaw were looking through leaves, berries and flowers.
     "We need some mouse bile for the elders," stated Echostream.
     "Of course," Said Willowfly. "Just be sure to wash your paws in the river, don't lick them clean. Mouse bile tastes foul."
     "Thanks," Said Cedarpaw.
     As they made their way to the elders den, Echostream taught Cedarpaw to remove the elders ticks. When they got there, Cedarpaw saw Goldenleap's smile. His amber eyes sparkled as they met Cedarpaw's green stare. Shadowstep on the other hand rolled his blue eyes, as though Cedarpaw was just another annoying kit.
     "Hi," Said Cedarpaw. "I'm here to remove your ticks. Who wants me to do it?"
     "Ah, right," grinned Goldenleap. "You and your sister were made apprentices today."
     "They were apprenticed early," grunted Shadowstep.
     "Ignore him," Goldenleap flicked his tail towards his denmate. Cedarpaw smiled as she worked her way through the golden fur of the elder. When she had removed all of Goldenleap's ticks, she moved on to Shadowstep. His shaggy grey fur was filled with ticks. It took Cedarpaw up until the sunset to finish.
     Echostream guided the young apprentice to her new den.
     "Oh right. I forgot I got to sleep in the apprentices den tonight," Cedarpaw yawned.
     "Go get a good night sleep," stated Echostream. "We'll be leaving for a hunting patrol early tomorrow. You'll also have to gather moss for bedding." Without another word, Cedarpaw's mentor walked away. The brown apprentice shuffled her tired paws to her new den.
     "Cedarpaw!" A ginger shape knocked her off her paws.
     "Lilacpaw!" Said Cedarpaw in delight.
     "Leaffall said that we're going on a patrol together tomorrow!"
     "Why did my father tell you that?"
      "He is my mentor, remember."
      "Can you two be quiet?" A dark brown apprentice that Cedarkit knew by sight, but not by name grumbled.
    "There's Reedpaw," Said Lilacpaw answering Cedarpaw's question. "She's not normally this grumpy. But she just failed an assessment.
     "Don't talk about it," shushed Reedpaw. "Tawnyshade just wants to make me miserable."
     "But," started Cedarpaw before she was cut off by Lilacpaw.
     "Just ignore her. Nothing you say will help. She is just tired. Normally she's the happiest one here. Come, let me introduce you to the other apprentices."
     One by one, Cedarpaw and Lilacpaw went around the den. Other then Reedpaw, there was Bramblepaw and Specklepaw. His golden fur reminded Cedarpaw of the lions in the elders stories. Specklepaw's tortoiseshell pelt shone in the moonlight. Clawpaw, Lilacpaw's brother was already sleeping. His black coat rose and fell with each breath. Finally, when she had talked to everyone, Cedarpaw curled up in her nest, beside Lilacpaw, and closed her eyes.

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