Chapter 9

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Cedarpaw almost screamed with joy when Skypaw came back. She had been waiting all night, unable to sleep in anticipation. Cedarpaw had finally asked her littermate to tell her if she had any omens from StarClan. After a moon of ignoring her dream fromwd, Cedarpaw finally caved.
"Skypaw!" She said with joy. "Did StarClan send you any dreams?"
"Sorry, no," Skypaw murmured. "I'm sorry I couldn't help.
"It's fine, I was just curious. Goodnight!"
Skypaw grumbled her response.
"Why is she so upset?" Cedarpaw whispered to herself as she layed down in her den. "What did I do?"
"Cedarpaw! Move you big slug!" A voice called. Cedarpaw looked up to Nightpaw's big blue eyes. Duskpaw stood behind him.
"Cedarpaw, come! Our mentors are training us all together to practice some battle moves." Said Nightpaw. 'Yay! The first time I get to train with somebody else!'
"Ok, coming," Responded Cedarpaw drowsily. She stumbled as she got to her feet.
"Are you feeling ok?"Asked Duskpaw. "You don't look good."
The moment she said that, Cedarpaw felt a sharp pain in her belly. "I'm fine! Let's go battle!"
"I'm getting Willowfly, just to check on you," Nightpaw ran off.
"I told you I'm fine!" Cedarpaw called back.
Soon enough, Willowfly entered the Apprentice's den.
"Cedarpaw," she stated. "Nightpaw said you might be sick. Before you interrupt me, let me check you." Cedarpaw closed her mouth. Her stomach rumbled loudly. Willowfly smiled.
"Sorry Cedarpaw," She said after she had checked her. "You have a small stomach flu. You can't train today, so stay inside and rest.
Cedarpaw sighed. She wasn't going to argue with her sister's mentor.
"Fine," she agreed.
"Bye then, Cedarpaw." Both Nightpaw and Duskpaw said together. "Hope you're feeling better soon." They ran off to the training grounds.
"Lucky," the green-eyes apprentice said to herself as they left. "First Skypaw, now Nightpaw and Duskpaw. How did that happen?" She sighed. "And now I'm talking to myself. I'm going crazy!"
Cedarpaw wondered what all of the other apprentice's were doing. Maybe Reedpaw and Bramblepaw were taking their warrior assessment, again. Specklepaw might be helping them as she was still too young to be a warrior. Skypaw was probably sorting herbs or something like that. Both Nightpaw and Duskpaw were obviously battle training.
"They're all doing something," Cedarpaw shouted, her flecked brown pelt bristling. Ignoring the pain in her belly, she looked at the clearing. Hawktwist, Frostclaw, Runningfox, and Berrybush we're leaving on a patrol. When they left, Cedarpaw ran the other way out of camp, making sure they didn't see or hear her.
She sprinted to the WindClan border, near the Horseplace. Cedarpaw felt she could run forever.
"Flowefeather?" A voice somewhere from the bushes. A small white tom with amber eyes emerged from the leaves.
"Are you a kittypet?" Cedarpaw asked, ignoring the fact that this cat could be dangerous.
"Oh, you mean a house cat," he replied. "I'm guessing you are Clan cat?"
"How do you know?"
"I've met a couple who asked the same question," he simply.
"Uh huh," Cedarpaw mewed. "Wait, why did you call me Flowefeather?"
"That's just someone I used to know. Why, do you know her?"
"Yeah, I do! I'm actually-"
"How is she? How are her kits, are they warriors yet?"
"I'm one of her kits, my name is Cedarpaw and I have a sister called Skypaw." There was an awkward pause as the white cat's eyes widened.
"Well, hello Cedarpaw. My name is Wind."
"Cedarpaw! Where are you?"
"Oh no," Cedarpaw grunted. "I have to go. Maybe I'll come back soon."
"Ok, goodbye young apprentice." Before Cedarpaw a could ask why he knew she was an apprentice, Nightpaw, Duskpaw, and surprisingly Skypaw came running to her.
Hi people (I know there's not a lot of you, but still) ! It's been a while since I've last updated, but homework exists so........ Anyways, I gonna do something. Two readers will get a cat in my story! All you have to do is list five cats from the original Warrior Cats series in the comments, and if one of this cats are one of my favourites, you'll get a cat in my book! Please don't complain if you don't. I'll tell you if you won. Open until February 16th 2019.

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