Chapter Five-

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Fire padded alongside Adderleaf, making sure she kept some distance between them. Fire had accidentally stepped on Adderleaf's paw, and almost got bit. They had been walking for what seemed like moons before a strong scent washed over them. Fire staggered from the how strong it was.

"Come on. It's just a scent marker." Adderleaf sighed. Fire cringed as she padded over the border. "Did you Dusks not have borders?"

"We did," Fire groaned. "But they smelled better than this."

"Get used to it. You're on MoonClan territory now." Adderleaf glanced around, ears perked. "There are two parts to MoonClan territory. The original territory, which started as LeafClan, and then the part we're in. The once CloudClan and NightClan. It's all the same clan now, but we still have different parts."

"And You're telling me this why?" Fire asked under her breath, not meaning for Adderleaf to hear. Adderleaf smacked Fire on the head with her tail. Fire stumbled from the force.

"I'm telling you so when we get to camp, you can keep yourself from looking like an idiot. Excuse me for being helpful." Adderleaf hissed, and plunged into the trees. Fire scrambled to catch up.

Fire's paws ached when they finally came to another scent marker. It smelled just like the first one, mixed with a different smell that was even worse than the first.

"Goodness this stinks!" Fire complained as they curved around it. They walked in silence until they came to another marker like the first, and Adderleaf crossed without hesitation. Fire followed more slowly.

"This is MoonClan's main territory. It is where our camp is, along with our main hunting grounds." Adderleaf explained. Fire nodded, and walked next to Adderleaf.

Fire kept her ears perked, and her eyes sharp, looking for trouble. Her and Adderleaf's paws crunched on the dead leaves that littered the forest floor.

A sharp cracking noise came from a bush. Adderleaf and Fire froze. The bushes rattled, and a small brown creature ran out, right into Adderleaf's outstretched claws. The mouse let out one squeak, they fell limp. Adderleaf threw the mouse at Fire, who leaped up to catch it. Fire glanced at Adderleaf, a confused look in her eyes.

"Eat it. You look like you need it." Adderleaf sat down, and curled her tail over her paws. Fire dipped her head in thanks, and devoured the mouse in a few large bites. When she was done, she stood back up, and headed towards Adderleaf. Adderleaf stood and stretched, then started to walk stiffly.

"Our clan is very big." Adderleaf warned. Fire thought about the size. How big? 10 cats? 15 cats?

"Don't be frightened of any of our cats. Deathstar will talk to you with Darkstar and Riverstar. Shadefrost, Tallfur, and Duskleaf might come too." Adderleaf stopped Fire in front of a hole that was surrounded by brambles. Fire stared at Adderleaf. "Ignore anything you hear from the gossiping cats. They will gossip about anything." Adderleaf advised. Fire twitched her tail.

"Okay." Fire dug her claws into the earth, nervous.

"Come on." Adderleaf angled her ears towards the hole, and pushed past the brambles, disappearing within moments. Fire took a step. The brambles tore at her fur as she pushed through them. She could tell that she left clumps of firey fur.

Her eyes drifted around the huge clearing, and her jaw dropped at the sheer number of cats in the clearing.

"Welcome to MoonClan."

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