ElementClan RP

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Legendary Elementstar, leader of ElementClan and founder of it as well as founder of all elements. Elementstar has lived a long life and she soon will join her ancestors as war wages on between DeadClan. Many cats have died in the start of the battle and many more will still once it ends, if it ends. ElementClan's territory is a well forested land where mountainous parts are exposed as they live on the "brighter" side of the territory of the Clan's. ElementClan has had a history of carrying the greatest and best warriors to be known, including Yellowstar who was faster than lightning itself. Most cats train high up in the clouds where their elements won't scar their land below. ElementClan's landmarks are the Great Sky Tree, Cracked Peaks, and Golden Meadows.

ElementClan's Landmarks

Great Sky Tree: A huge tree that grew when Elementstar was first born. It is said that this tree is able to reach farther than the clouds and to the area above the clouds where you could stand on them. Very mystical but this tree will never wither as long as ElementClan still exists. It was named after Elementstar's first daughter who died in battle against Deadstar, Skytree.

Cracked Peaks: This is where the grassy lands become mountainous and dangerous. This land still belongs to ElementClan but it borders them and where no Clan claims. There aren't much prey found here but snakes and other reptiles could be found here in the crevices of the rocks and cracks. Nothing much great about here except for the fact that Elementstar and Deadstar were believed to first train here when they were young.

Golden Meadows: A beautiful, golden meadow of tall grass and wheat. In the sunlight, this meadow glows its famous golden color and with its nice breezes from the opposite direction of the camp of ElementClan, it provides a positive, calm environment for cats who need space to think. Though at night, in the moonlight, this meadow will glow a beautiful silver-white color with a colder breeze which brings more comfort. This is a perfect place for cats who need time to think, both day and night.


Winterstar-white tom with blue ears, muzzle and paws. (Is_karl_dusachtach)-Element: Snow/Ice


Dreamworld-cream tom with a white chest and a white ear and violet eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Dreams/Sleep

Medicine Cat

Dazedbird-beautiful cream-colored she-cat with amber eyes and a white underbelly, tail tip and paws. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Wind

Icynight-pure white tom with pale blue eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Ice

Medicine Cat Apprentice


Nine-TailsSpirit-ginger-red she-cat with sky blue eyes and a long fox like tail, black outlining around her eyes which lead up to her inner ears with white claws, three black markings across the sides of her face which are fake whisker marks and no whiskers. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Ninjutsu/Kurama's (Nine-Tailed Fox) Jinchuriki

Thundercloud-pale gray tom with yellow eyes and darker gray splotches that look like thunderclouds and a scar across his left cheek. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Lightning/Storms

Apprentice, Coldpaw

Wishfeather-pure white she-cat with fluffy fur and nice sky blue eyes, a long, curled tail and thin, strong legs. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: She can make most wishes come true

Blackcold-sleek dark black tom with blue eyes and a torn ear and a missing tail, a black, blue, dark gray and lighter gray collar studded with teeth and claws. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Poison (Former DeadClan)

Glitteringstream-gray tom with black stripes, darker blue eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Water

Firespirit-flame-colored tom with green eyes and a scar across his right eye and white speckles throughout his pelt. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Fire

Shadowstorm-silver-black tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes and a white chest and muzzle. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Shadows

Windslash-white tom with amber eyes and a scar across his face and down his shoulder with a faded gray tail. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Wind

RiverRoar-dark ginger tabby tom with blue eyes and white stripes along his tail, legs and face with a torn ear. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Water

Stormstrike-dark gray tom with amber eyes and dark bluish-black swirling stripes along his flanks and scars covering his face. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Weather

Torrentwing-dark gray tabby tom with dark blue eyes and black stripes slicing his pelt. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: He can mix the power of wind and water to make something like a whirlpool

FallenHonor-dark brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and a scar across her muzzle and right eye. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Rebirth

Skyleap-light gray tabby she-cat with big blue eyes that look like the sky. (Dawnflower101)-Element: Wind

Moonripple-light gray tabby tom with a white muzzle, feet and tail, and bright blue eyes. (Dawnflower101)-Element: He can take and give energy to others

Smokegaze-white tom with black and gray smudges making it look like smoke after a fire, one pale white eye that's sightless and one pale blue that isn't, half-blind. (Is_karl_dusachtach)-Element: Illusions

Dawnflower-russet tortoiseshell she-cat with white paws, chest, ear tips, and tail tip and bright blue eyes. (Dawnflower101)-Element: Can communicate and shape-shift into animals

Bonefur-black tom with white marks that look like bones and marks on his face that look like skulls, blue eyes. (Animeangel45)-Element: Earth (Former DeadClan)

Brokenmoon-handsome black tom with a white stripe down his body and dark blue eyes. (Is_karl_dusachtach)-Element: Darkness/Shadows (Former DeadClan)

Falconstrike-golden tom with black paws, underbelly, and tail tip with green eyes. (Starlingstar)-Element: He can fly, move very fast, and summon other cats worst fears

Ravenshadow-long-furred, black she-cat with green eyes. (Starlingstar)-Element: She can turn into a raven, see the future, and sense and attack before it happens (Former DeadClan)

Frozenriver-fluffy white she-cat with a pale silver mask-like pattern across her face, tail, and a spot on her back with icy blue eyes. (TehEpicMew)-Element: Ice/Water

Foxshade-silver tabby tom with pale golden eyes and black paws, tail tip, and ears. (TehEpicMew)-Element: Trickery/Shape shifting

Silentjaw-dark gray tom with icy blue eyes. (Starlingstar)-Element: Earth (Former DeadClan)

Timerunner-sleek, black-and-white she-cat with white paws and multiple black splotches over her flanks and back with pale green eyes. (Spottedleafsalt)-Element: Time

Ashstep-gray tom with one small black spot on his chest and a black hind left paw. (SundaySmoothie)-Element: Fire

Darklight-black she-cat with white spots and ocean blue eyes with scars covering her pelt. (snowgirl116)-Element: Water

Honeyflower-light ginger tabby she-cat with sky blue eyes. (SydTheKitty184)-Element: Camouflage

Earthshard-mottled brown tom with amber eyes. (Open)-Element: Earth

Apprentice, Stirringpaw

Leafsoul-light brown she-cat with a white face and leaf-green eyes, a green collar studded with teeth and claws. (Open)-Element: Nature (Former DeadClan)

Wingflutter-white she-cat with yellow eyes and dark gray stripes. (Open)-Element: Wind/She can create wings and fly

Icepeak-pure white she-cat with icy blue eyes and a darker muzzle. (Open)-Element: Ice

Sandclaw-beige tom with amber eyes and long limbs. (Open)-Element: He can brew up sandstorms with or without his speed and he can use Earth elements

Mudcloud-dark brown she-cat with green eyes. (Open)-Element: Earth

Apprentice, Wrenpaw

Redspirit-reddish brown tom with dark green eyes and a white tail tip. (Open)-Element: Fire

Yellowcloud-golden tabby she-cat with white patches and amber eyes. (Open)-Element: Light

Fawnstrike-light tabby she-cat with white paws, ears, striped-tail, and underbelly, green eyes. (Open)-Element: Nature

Apprentice, Grasspaw

Robinsong-mottled ginger-and-brown tom with yellow eyes and a white splotch over his hind left leg and a white striped tail. (Open)-Element: Fire

Apprentice, Transparentpaw

Seedstripe-brown tabby she-cat with a white stripe running down from her forehead down her spine and dark gray tabby legs, clear blue water eyes. (Open)-Element: Nature

Waveclaw-dark gray tabby tom with dark gray marks that make his stripes look like waves, green eyes. (Open)-Element: Water


Coldpaw-black-and-bluish tabby tom with icy blue eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Ice

Flamingpaw-dark ginger tabby tom with deep green eyes and a fox red chest, underbelly, paws, and tail tip. (Starlingstar)-Element: Fire

Clearpaw-glossy-furred silver she-cat with black stripes that wrap around her paws, sides, and bright blue eyes with a white chest, paws, and under muzzle. (Animeangel45)-Element: She can heal any cat, even herself, but she can only use her powers twice a day, and she can give some of her life force to a dead cat, bringing them back alive

Stirringpaw-light brown tabby she-cat with a white face and amber eyes. (Animeangel45)-Element: Wind

Grasspaw-light brown tabby tom with a white face and yellow eyes, a paler underbelly and muzzle. (Animeangel45)-Element: Nature

Transparentpaw-pure white tom with blind, transparent-looking violet-colored eyes. (Animeangel45)-Element: Camoflague

Tigerpaw-handsome dark ginger tabby tom with green eyes. (CryOfATiger)-Element: Fire

Wrenpaw-dark brown tabby tom with leaf-green eyes and a white tail tip. (Open)-Element: Wind


Snowingpelt-(Starlingstar)-Element: Snow-Mother to Meltedkit, a jet black tom kit with light blue eyes, Blazingkit, a flame-colored she-kit with fiery orange eyes, and Elementkit, a beautiful white she-kit with brilliant green eyes-

Soulstripe-beautiful white she-cat with black stripes down her body and clear blue eyes. (Is_karl_dusachtach)-Element: Light-Expecting Bonefur's kits-

Glidingbird-tabby she-cat with black stripes and a white tail tip, bright icy blue eyes. (Animeangel45)-Element: Wind-Expecting Glitteringstream's kits-

Pepperkit-black she-kit with a couple white specks along her body. (SundaySmoothie)-Element: Shadows/She's able to control shadows at will and can become one

Mosskit-black she-kit with a moss green eye and the other is a gray blind eye. (snowgirl116)-Element: Earth/Wind


Crowflight-jet black tom with lighter muzzle, yellow eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Air/Wind

Ripplefall-dark gray tabby she-cat with clear blue water-colored eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Water

Puddleswipe-black tom with blue eyes and a white chest with a torn ear, a dark gray collar studded with teeth and claws. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Element: Water

"The wrath of the Fox will rage through the lands and shatter grounds, level mountains, control seas and slice the skies. The Nine Shadows across the Clans will bring even StarClan crying for mercy." -Nine-TailsSpirit-

"A sacrifice was made to tame the Most Powerful Beast, but it must be released again in order to beat the forest's worst enemy. When it is time to be unleashed, only a Strong Gust Of Wind, along with the Calm Gaze Of The Night can vanquish the darkness, but only in time. The Youthful Three must first rise and grow, but once they do, they will be unstoppable." -Nine-TailsSpirit, Skyleap and Moonripple-

The war is finally won. With the death of Meltedstar, both ElementClan and DeadClan have been freed from Deadstar's claws. Nine-Tailspaw had been revived by the Sage of Six Paths and had continued the fight alongside Skyleap and Moonripple as Gingerfang proceeds to find his new path and take it. With so many cats both injured and exhausted, it is no time to start arguing and luckily, none have been caused yet. Nine-Tailspaw is greeted by the future of both Clans and the future of her future. She now controls some of Kurama's great power and with that, she will soon find out that she can't keep using it, but with the help of other great beasts, will she be able to guide both Clans to their bright future promised by StarClan and their great ancestors. With the death of so many cats, comes new generations as loves are expressed and forever bonds will connect to others. May the Youthful Three, Nine Shadows, ElementClan, DeadClan, all of the cats who fought in the battle, may their paths be enlightened by StarClan's mighty light and may their paw steps be guided in the right direction...

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