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Greetings all! My name is Nine-Tailskit who is currently rping in the ElementClan RP. I hope that you all understand these rules and requirements so I don't have to say "no" to someone. Enjoy the introduction below or what has been happening!

The first battle has been won by ElementClan but at a high cost that resulted in Elementstar's death, Lightningstrike's death, Redfur, Nins-Tailskit's mother's death, Staggeringgaze's death and many cats hurt. It has also scarred Meltedstar for life as he had never seen such darkness and such power in the kit that transformed into the Kyuubi under its influence. War still wages on as Blazingflames becomes Blazingstar and Meltedfigure becomes Meltedstar, both new leaders of their Clans. Winterfrost has been appointed new deputy for ElementClan as many of the DeadClan cats followed the ElementClan cats after the battle to escape Meltedstar. He is so low on cats that he now seeks rogues and loners for help and even goes farther beyond the Twolegplaces to seek more and new cats for his Clan. Meltedstar's revenge still burns bright as it is a flame that never burns out, he is a mear image of the Legendary Leader and Founder, Deadstar. Meanwhile, NineTailskit recovers from going into her Kyuubi Cloak Four-Tailed state, she is very vulnerable as Meltedstar wants her power at any cost. The Clan tries to protect her but she is a young cat with a wild mind, to her, nothing can hold her back...

"The wrath of the fox will rage through the lands and shatter grounds, level mountains, control seas and slice the skies. The nine shadows across the Clans will bring even StarClan crying for mercy. Power that darkness will seek and try to take."

This prophecy has been passed down and has been given to Blazingstar as new leader of ElementClan. Elementstar has died as she had sacrificed herself to calm the Kyuubi down as it had taken over its host. The Young One is very young as the cat has already lost its mother to the battle against DeadClan which caused the Kyuubi to take over. What StarClan speaks how is "The Child Of Prophecy".

Nine-Tailskit has become Nine-Tailspaw after she managed to suppress the Kyuubi after its chakra leaked out when Gingerfang almost killed Falconstrike who later becomes her mentor. Many things have changed among the two Clans as Blazingstar was put down in order to end her suffering after she lost all of her memory, Winterfrost has become Winterstar, Dreamworld has become the new deputy, Ravenshadow and Brokenmoon have decided to join ElementClan as they say ElementClan was their birth Clan, though suspicion about the two hasn't died down yet. Nine-Tailspaw finally joins training alongside her dear friends, Moonpaw and Skypaw, but she is troubled when Meltedstar learns that her powers are greater than when she almost killed him when he killed Redfur, her mother. Meltedstar had already captured the Kyuubi kit once, and plans on trying until he finally has her in his claws. Though he doesn't know that Moonpaw and Skypaw will defend her with their lives until the very end, and Nine-Tailspaw will do the same for them. Tensions rise as Falconstrike learns that Gingerfang killed their parents, causing him to lose control of his powers. Everything seems to be spiraling out of control as Meltedstar launches an all out attack on ElementClan camp, bringing all the warriors he has that have now gotten used to their elements and powers. Nine-Tailspaw must choose whether she should concentrate on Meltedstar or her Clanmates who seem to be desperate for any help. Trapped between a fox trap and a dog is what she describes as she strives to control the great power within her. Everything is up to the Youthful Three....


-No swearing unless it's the Warriors words such as fox-heart, mouse-brain, etc.

-Keep track of all of your characters, if you don't RP as that character then I will note to you about it and if I have to remind you three times, then I'll have one of my cats kill them off

-No godmodding

-Hate the cat, not the person

-You may have as many cats as you want but you must be active and must keep track of them

-If you are not active and are not Roleplaying, I will give you about 2-3 months to respond but if you don't then I'll delete your character from the Roleplay

-Please don't join the RP just to have your name on this, this is a Roleplay and you must Roleplay in it in order to actually be recognized as a cat we can RP with whenever. We want to include everyone but don't just join then don't do anything about this. If you want to quit then delete your form and your comments, I will remove you from the allegiances and such when you have asked to leave.

-You can make a cat with unusual powers but don't put in a random name, for example; SpirallingWinds-Element: Earth. Don't do that, it's confusing for not just me but for everyone too

-Keep your appearance more on the realistic side, it doesn't have to be super realistic where you have a whole paragraph of proof from the Internet and such. The eyes of the cat doesn't really matter as much to me unless your cat has red eyes. Please no red-eyed cats unless their powers change their original eye color such as me: Nine-TailsSpirit's original eye color is a sky blue but when the Nine-Tails unleashed, it turns into a red color. That's fine but don't just put in red eyes for looks, only if the powers affect it.

-This rule continues on from the last one. Please don't put this in; Snowquill-black she-cat with red eyes. This shows an example for the last rule too about the random red eyes. Please don't put in a name then have the color different unless it's your personal, personal OC character and you have proof that it is

-Roleplay fair, don't always take on actions and don't always be the "hero". Not everyone is perfect, included Naruto. Naruto still has some flaws and that doesn't mean that he has always been the Mary-Sue, he usually never arrived on time to get to Sasuke on time, he couldn't take Sasuke back to the village in the first series after their huge fight at the Final Valley, and he couldn't have beaten back Kurama without his mother Kushina when Kurama took over his mind and thoughts.

-Like I said, no Mary-Sue's. Not everyone is perfect. Please list in your personality for your cat, three negative traits and three positive traits as the minimum. Separate or find a way to separate the positive from the negative so I know and if you don't have at least three personality traits, then I'll decline your request or tell you to correct it

-Personality traits for both negative and positive should actually be personality traits, for example; Kind, Quiet and Patient (Positive). Stubborn, Rude and Aggressive. Those are a few good ones, don't put these in; Rude at times, Fast runner and Energetic around new cats. Those are half-traits, don't put in "at times" or those kind of things because personality traits tend to stick forever unless something dramatic happens. Just put in Rude and Energetic or whatever your trait is. Fast runner is also not a trait, it is a skill

-Don't put in a super dramatic backstory, no "Velvetpaw's parents were killed by a dog when he was born and he was adopted by a rogue then the rogue was killed and was abandoned in leaf-bare and almost starved to death if it wasn't for a loner then the loner was killed by a fox." Just no, dramatic backstory doesn't make your character more interesting, it makes them more likely to be ignored. Be reasonable about your choices

-Have fun!

-Don't put other people down, that's unacceptable and if I catch you doing so then you will be automatically kicked out. There is no exception for this rule

-If you want a prophecy then PM first

-Since I RP as a warrior cat version of Naruto and Kurama, you can do the same but it's only for the Tailed Beasts and you have to put the Bijuu's name in the Name requirement for the form in parenthesis. You cannot do Kurama. This applies only to Naruto Tailed Beasts and once there are a total of nine, including myself, then there will be no more cats Roleplaying as Tailed Beasts unless the owner gives them to someone else, they are no longer active and have been kicked, or they have lost their Tailed Beasts which would result in the death of the cat. Please look up the Tailed Beasts on this website, try to match their original personality before the Fourth Great Shinobi War and before they met Naruto just before the war. Here's the website for information about all their passes:

Below are all the Tailed Beasts names and their websites about them. Please check them before doing a form for them...

Shukaku - One-Tail Beast (Currently Open)

Matatabi - Two-Tailed Beast (Currently Open)

Isobu - Three-Tailed Beast (Currently Open)

Son Gokū - Four-Tailed Beast (Currently Open)ū

Kokuō - Five-Tailed Beast (Currently Open)ō

Saiken - Six-Tailed Beast (Currently Open)

Chōmei - Seven-Tailed Beast (Currently Open)ōmei

Gyūki - Eight-Tailed Beast (Currently Open)ūki

Kurama - Nine-Tailed Beast (Taken by me)

Warrior Code

1. Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clan, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.

2. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.

3. Elders, queens, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders. If any warrior or apprentice is sick or injured, they may eat while the elders, queens, and kits are eating.

4. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.

5. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.

6. The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies, retires or is exiled.

7. After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.

8. A Gathering of both Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among Clans at this time.

9. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.

10. No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.

11. The word of the Clan Leader is the warrior code.

12. An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his/her battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or if it is necessary for self-defense.

13. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.

14. Each Clan has the right to be proud and independent, but in times of trouble they must forget their boundaries and fight side by side to protect the two. Both Clans must help so that no Clan will fall.

15. Medicine cats and leaders are forbidden to have a mate and or a love. But they are allowed to if they were mates before the cat became leader. This only applies to leaders.

16. Kits are not told of their powers until they are apprentices as they will be training to control their powers.

17. If a cat misuses their powers, the Clan leader has total permission to restrict the cats powers, this applies to deputies as well but they must have permission from their leader.

18. No cat may take another cats powers, not even leaders.

19. Apprentices are not allowed to use their powers unless their mentor, leader, deputy, or medicine cat says they can. They may use it when there are warriors nearby in case their powers get out of control.

20. For a cat to become deputy, they must have either complete or almost complete control over their powers


Name (no Twoleg related names unless your cat has either lived with a kittypet, has been a kittypet, their mother, father or someone they are related to have been or lived with a kittypet, or they just know it because their friend or someone they are close to has been a kittypet, knows a kittypet or has kittypet blood. Other than those and maybe some other reasonable things, nothing else will be accepted unless they meet these expectations. This is only for the cats who are Clan cats who have a Twoleg thing or reference as a name. Element, Dead and Star cannons be names, for they stand for Elementstar and ElementClan, Deadstar and DeadClan and StarClan. Try not to have the same name(s) as other roleplayers)

Age (0-6 moons are kits and therefore, their names end with "kit". 6-12 moons are apprentices and therefore, their names end with "paw". 12+ moons are warriors and therefore they can have any warrior name as long as it makes some kind of sense)

Gender (she-cat or tom, no unknown)

Element (any sort of force, element, power. As long as they match your cat in a way then I'm fine with any)

Clan (pick between ElementClan or DeadClan if you are joining as a Clanner, rogues, loners, kittypets, etc. do not need to fill this one out but Clanners must)

Rank (Kit, Apprentice, Medicine Cat Apprentice, Warrior, Medicine Cat, Queen, Elder, Deputy, Leader. Those are for Clanners but these are for non-Clan cats: Rogue, Loner, Kittypet, and anything that would be reasonable for a cat outside the Clans)

Personality (must have at least three positive traits and three negative traits)

Appearance (make it realistic enough to be reasonable that you can explain, no red eyes unless it concerns the power of the cat)

Backstory (must put a backstory to your cat and no super dramatic backstory)

Others (accessories can be put here and any other information that you want that doesn't have a category)


Name: Nine-TailsSpirit (future me as an example)

Age: 16 moons

Gender: She-cat

Element: Ninjutsu/Kyuubi Jinchuriki

Clan: ElementClan

Rank: Warrior

Personality: Boisterous, exuberant, selfless, devoted, determined, confident, brave (Positive). Slow-thinker, short-tempered, clumsy, misunderstood (Negative)

Appearance: Ginger-red pelt with sky blue eyes and a long fox like tail, black outlining around her eyes which lead up to her inner ears with white claws, three black markings across the sides of her face which are fake whisker marks below her eyes and above her jawline and no whiskers

Backstory: Yellowflash and Redfur are her parents. When the two were just apprentices, they fell in love with each other after Redfur was kidnapped by DeadClan cats, Yellowpaw had went after her and saved her and that's when they fell in love. They soon were expecting a kit which was Nine-Tailskit and prepared for the future. But what worried Yellowflash was that the seal for the Kyuubi weakens during birth and when Redfur was giving birth, a masked cat appeared and threatened to kill Nine-Tailskit if Yellowflash didn't step away from Redfur. He had to choose when the masked cat threw Nine-Tailskit into the air and threw a kunai at her but Yellowflash managed to teleport away with her in his grasp, but he couldn't save Redfur. The masked cat then unleashed the Kyuubi onto ElementClan and DeadClan, and under his control, they had trouble fighting back. But in the very end, Yellowflash sealed half of the Kyuubi's spirit inside himself and the other within his daughter using the Reaper Death Seal. In the process, the Kyuubi had made an attempt to attack the kit to prevent himself from being sealed but instead, stabbed Yellowflash and Redfur. Yellowflash then put some of his own chakra into the seal along with some of Redfur's so when the time comes, they'll be able to see Nine-Tailskit and maybe she'll see them too. As Yellowflash sealed the Kyuubi, the Jutsu came at a large cost, his own life. As he had died, Elementstar used her powers to heal Redfur. Although she was able to save Redfur, Yellowflash was gone and she could do nothing about that. As time went on, they repaired fairly quick and soon, Nine-Tailskit had opened her eyes for the first time and what she saw wasn't the horror of the battle that took place when she was born, but a beautiful lush green forest that seemed to go on endlessly. Although Nine-Tailskit doesn't know that the Kyuubi is sealed within her, she is disregarded but not as much as Naruto due to the fact that her mother is still alive and with her. But bitterness stirs within as Redfur had joined the battle against Meltedfigure, trying to free Rootsnow from his grasp, Meltedfigure grabbed her in his tiger form and crushed her as she saw her kit for the last time in the forest. Redfur had died in battle to protect not only Nine-Tailskit, but her Clan and the Clanmates that she loves and the ones that protected her when she needed them most. As she grows older, the Kyuubi lends her more of its chakra, trying to get her used to it so she'd use it more often since him giving her its chakra loosens the seal. The Kyuubi is giving her his chakra willingly in order to break free from the seal that Yellowflash and Redfur had put upon him.

Others: The Kyuubi's chakra only leaks out whenever Nine-TailsSpirit is emotionally enraged or her life is in danger, or she'll ask it whenever she needs it.

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