Chapter 18

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Nightpaw ran alongside Mudpaw, her paws feeling heavy as she skidded across the forest floor. They were nearing ThunderClan territory, and Nightpaw was beginning to feel hopeful that the rogues would stop chasing them as soon as they were in the border. Are we going to die?

Frostheart was running beside Mudpaw, panting. Her yellow eyes were filled with fear and exhaustion, but she knew she had to keep running. Nightpaw admired the she-cat for turning her back on the rogues to help two apprentices.

Nightpaw almost tripped over a large root sticking out the ground. Her heart skipped a beat as she thought about the feeling of the rogues leaping on her, sinking their claws into her fur. She shivered slightly. No, don't think that! I'm going to live, just gotta keep running! Nightpaw began to smell the scents of ThunderClan cats getting closer. There's always a guard sitting by the entrance of our camp, surely they can hear all the rustling? 

"Keep running or you'll feel our claws in your flesh!" One of the rogues yowled.

Nightpaw then began to see the camp, and could see Beetalon sitting at the entrance. The black-striped dark yellow she-cat stood up and bristled. "Rogues!" She called out as she spotted the rogues behind the three cats.

Nightpaw then skidded to a halt, stopping so hard and sudden that she crashed into the bramble wall. She quickly turned, seeing Beetalon leaping on Redwillow, her claws slashing the rogue's cheek.

Nightpaw turned and leaped on Nettle, her tail lashing. She didn't have much battle training, but she knew how to at least scratch a stupid rogue.

"Nightpaw, stop! Let the warriors handle this!" Needlehawk rushed forward, raking her claws down Nettle's side. 

Nightpaw jumped away, looking for Mudpaw, but she couldn't see her brother in the fighting. Turning, she spotted Frostheart pinned by Squirrelstar.

"You betrayed our Clan to become a filthy rogue, you don't deserve life!" The leader yowled. Nightpaw had never seen her so mad. She quickly rushed forward, reaching her paw forward to slap Squirrelstar's paw away from the former ThunderClan cat's throat. "Stop!" She choked out.

Squirrelstar turned on Nightpaw, a dark fire in her leaf-green eyes as she glared at Nightpaw. "Nightpaw! What is the meaning of this?" She growled, flattening her ears.

"You're attacking Frostheart, but she's on our side now!" Nightpaw hissed. "She helped us escape Darktail's camp!" She meowed, her heart pounding. The fighting seemed to slow around them.

"But she's a rogue! She left ThunderClan moons ago as an apprentice. She's a traitor," Squirrelstar growled, lashing her tail.

Suddenly, the rogues began to scramble away from the Clan cats, their eyes wide. "Yeah, you better run! Stay out of ThunderClan territory!" Beetalon yowled. 

Mudpaw suddenly ran up. "Squirrelstar, you mustn't kill Frostheart!" He yowled.

Squirrelstar got up off the white she-cat. She snorted as she looked at the two apprentices. "Why should her life be spared?"

"Because she helped us escape the rogue camp. She risked her life for us," Nightpaw whimpered. Frostheart was looking at her with admiration. "She told us she regrets what she did all those moons ago."

Mudpaw stepped forward, nodding. "She was only following Falconflight because she loved him. She regrets her decision though," he explained. He looked at Frostheart. "Explain what happened," he whispered.

Frostheart got up, nodding a thanks to Nightpaw and Mudpaw. "I'm sorry I left. But I have my reasoning," she began. "I'll admit, I was honestly jealous that Sharptalon got so much attention from our mother. That's a reason why I left. But another reason why I left was because of Falconflight. I-I admired him and had a crush on him and when he wanted to join the rogues, being the stupid and young cat I was, I went with him. I sorry that I ever caused trouble," Frostheart murmured. "But now, I want to come back. I want to be a part of ThunderClan and make up for what I did."

Nightpaw glanced at the she-cat. She hoped Squirrelstar would let Frostheart back in. After all, this she-cat regretted her decisions and was fully aware of what she was doing. But when Nightpaw looked at the ThunderClan leader, she could only see anger in her eyes. In those green depths, some pain and sympathy stirred around. She was clearly thinking about this.

"'Sorry' doesn't excuse your actions, and it doesn't make up for them either. One decision cost a lot. And jealousy doesn't excuse your decision to leave the Clan either," Squirrelstar hissed. "You must miss your brother now, and I'm sorry he's dead, but I don't think you sold be allowed back."

"Please, Squirrelstar, I just want to join back! I really do regret my decision! Please, I want to see my son," Frostheart begged.

Squirrelstar tipped her head. "Your son?" She echoed.

"Burntsun and Pearlshine are my kits. Don't you remember seeing them by the border as kits? Pearlshine is dead now, though, so please at least let me see my son!" Frostheart begged, her voice getting choked by a small sob. "Darktail won't let me back in, and RiverClan wouldn't even be considerate. So please, this is the only chance to see my kin."

Nightpaw felt her heart break in half. This cat was a mother who desperately just wanted to see her son. Nightpaw felt bad. Surely Squirrelstar would push her pride away and let Frostheart see her son? Please, Squirrelstar.

Before Squirrelstar could reply, Burntsun stepped from the crowd. He looked at Frostheart, his eyes filled with pain. "You're my mother?" He asked, sounding as if he couldn't believe it.

Frostheart looked at him with sympathy, yet her eyes shone with love. "Yes. And your father was Falconflight."

Burntsun looked at his paws, not saying anything. "I can't believe it. So I do have parents after all," he gasped.

Squirrelstar looked down, as if not knowing what to say. After what seemed like forever, she looked at Frostheart. "Frostheart, you may be allowed to stay for a moon. If you are working hard and showing improvement, then you can make yourself at home in ThunderClan."

Frostheart's eyes widened. "Thank you Squirrelstar, you have no idea how much this means to me!" She gasped.

Thank you, Squirrelstar! Nightpaw could hear cats around her protesting at the fact that a traitor would be joining again. She tensed at the harsh phrases directed at Frostheart.

"Silence!" Squirrelstar hissed, her tail lashing. "Although some of you may not like this decision, you might as well put up with it because I am your leader and you must respect my decision," Squirrelstar meowed. She turned to Frostheart. "You will be punished though."

Frostheart dipped her head. "I understand, Squirrelstar," she meowed. Her eyes were clouded with mixed emotions.

Nightpaw could feel her thoughts yelling at her to do something. She didn't even realize her paws carrying her towards Squirrelstar and Frostheart. "Wait, you don't need to punish her. She's already been punished enough as it is," Nightpaw whimpered. "Hear me out, please!" She pleaded.

"Nightpaw, why do you think this?" Squirrelstar asked, turning towards the sleek black she-cat. 

Nightpaw shifted her paws. "She's already lost two daughters. Pearlshine was killed right in front of her by Darktail. And when we were leaving the rogue camp, her other daughter, Snowy, was killed by Darktail right in front of her. She lost two of her daughters. I think that's punishment enough," Nightpaw explained. Please, Squirrelstar, let her off the hook! 

Squirrelstar looked away, her eyes gazing through nothingness. "I'll think about what you've said, Nightpaw," she meowed. "Now, let's get to the medicine and treat everyone's wounds."

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