Chapter 19

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Nightpaw silently buried her catch, her heart racing. Tonight was the gathering, and she had been picked to go! She just wished Featherpaw was here to witness it. Three days had passed since she had escaped that nasty rogue camp, and it felt good to be alongside her Clanmates again. After burying her catch, she figured she would go and hunt more prey. 

I haven't revealed our father yet, and Moonshine doesn't even know that Mudpaw and me know her secret. I love my mother and I don't want to get her in trouble, but this secret needs to get out eventually. I just need to pick the perfect time. Nightpaw then suddenly smelled ShadowClan, and with a sinking feeling she realized that she had crossed the border. She quickly jumped back, hoping no cat had seen her do that. I was so lost in thought that I hadn't realized!

Rustling was heard in the grass across the ShadowClan border, and Nightpaw saw small a black and white tom appear, his claws unsheathed. He looked like an apprentice. "Hey, ThunderClan cat, you crossed the border!" He growled.

Nightpaw ducked her head in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was thinking about something and I hadn't realized that I crossed the border," she explained. "I didn't catch anything though, I quickly got back on my land."

"It's fine. We all make mistakes," the tom meowed, his eyes glowing. Nightpaw was surprised. For a ShadowClan cat, he's pretty nice. I thought he'd fight me for a simple mistake! "Well, what you thinking about so intensely that you didn't see where you were going?"

"Uh, it will be announced at the gathering, that is, if you're there to hear it," Nightpaw meowed. It was somewhat of a lie, but not really. Why is he so interested in what I was thinking about?

"Oh, well ok. My name is Spirepaw," The tom greeted. "What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Nightpaw," Nightpaw explained. "You look like you're fresh out the nursery," she mewed. Her whiskers twitched. 

"I became an apprentice three days ago," Spirepaw explained. "I'm not sure if I'm going to the gathering or not. Snowstar hasn't announced who she'll pick. But hopefully I can go," he sighed. 

"I'm going to the gathering," Nightpaw meowed proudly.


Spirepaw stood up, letting out a sigh. "That's my mentor calling me, looks like I've got to go," he mumbled. His eyes brightened. "Well, see you at the gathering, if I can." Spirepaw then disappeared as he leaped back into the grass.

Nightpaw wrinkled her nose as the scent of pine was now beginning to overwhelm her. She turned, looking up at the sky. It's getting late, I suppose I should go. Nightpaw trudged through the woods, searching for the root she had buried her prey under. When she found the spot, she got her prey out and began heading back to camp. I can get my squirrel later. 

Needlehawk suddenly appeared in front of Nightpaw, making the apprentice jump. She glanced at Nightpaw, narrowing her eyes. "Is that all you caught?" She asked.

"No, I have a squirrel, but I was gonna get this to camp first," Nightpaw explained, flicking her tail. 

Needlehawk blinked at her. "You only caught two pieces? I know you can do better," she meowed, sounding slightly stern. Her eyes clouded with concern. "Is something wrong, Nightpaw? I know you must be stressed after the rogues had kidnapped you."

"Y-yeah, it's probably that," Nightpaw murmured, her voice muffled with the mouse in her mouth. But it's really about Crowfrost.

"It's fine. Every cat can get stressed once in a while. I'll take your mouse back to camp. You can go get your squirrel," Needlehawk meowed. She took the mouse Nightpaw had and turned. "When you come back, you can get ready for the gathering."

Nightpaw stared after her mentor. She turned around, heading to the spot where her squirrel was. Hopefully I can officially make friends with Spirepaw at the gathering if he's there. She suddenly wondered why her mind was wondering to a ShadowClan apprentice. Whatever, it's not like I can't be friends with a cat outside of ThunderClan.

A full moon hung in the crow-black sky, shimmering brightly than it ever had. Stars were twinkling around it, and Nightpaw could imagine all their ancestors watching over the Clans from the sky. Squirrelstar was by the camp entrance, getting ready for the gathering. The moonlight washed over her fur, turning her a light orange color.

Nightpaw finished eating the rest of her mouse, watching as her brother padded up to her. Mudpaw would be going to the gathering too. Nightpaw turned towards him.

"I wonder what everyone else will say at the gathering. And us two will be getting our names called!" Mudpaw purred. He suddenly hung his head. "I just wish Featherpaw was here."

Nightpaw sighed. "Me too," she mumbled. I hope she's safe, where ever she is right now. She would hate it if her sister didn't come back. 

"ThunderClan! It's time to go!" Squirrelstar yowled, catching Nightpaw's attention.

Nightpaw shot up, her paws tingling. This is it! She quickly began to follow the other cats out of the camp. Mudpaw was beside her, his eyes shimmering. Nightpaw spotted Burntsun looking sad as he watched Beetalon.

Nightpaw then padded forward, walking towards the warrior. "Hey, Burntsun," she greeted. 

"Hey, Nightpaw," Burntsun mumbled.

"I noticed you looking sad. Did Beetalon reject you?" Nightpaw asked, her tail flicking.

"No, not exactly. I liked her, but when I found out we were kin, I instantly threw away those feelings," Burntsun meowed, his whiskers twitching. "Well, do you like anyone yet?"

"No," Nightpaw replied. She could hear the gurgle of the stream and knew they were nearing the gathering place. She slunk through the reeds, and was amazed at the Great Blossom, which was where all the leaders sat. ShadowClan and WindClan were here, but not RiverClan yet.

Nightpaw breathed in the amazing scent of the pretty flowers that bloomed around the territory. The Great Blossom looked beautiful in the moonlight, and some of the blossom petals were falling down around it. 

"Hey, Nightpaw!" 

Nightpaw turned as she heard a familiar voice call her name. She saw Spirepaw rushing towards her. "Hi, Spirepaw!" She greeted.

"I can't believe I'm here. The Great Blossom is so pretty," Spirepaw meowed, beginning to purr. "I can't wait to know what made you cross the border," he taunted.

Nightpaw flicked her tail, seeing Mudpaw come up to them. "Well, Nightpaw, already make a new friend?" Mudpaw purred. "Who's this?"

"I'm Spirepaw. And you are?" Spirepaw questioned.

"I'm Mudpaw. I'm Nightpaw's brother," Mudpaw responded. 

"Quiet, you lot, the gathering is starting!" Berrynose hissed.

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