Chapter 5

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Featherpaw's fur blew in the wind. Two days had passed since her apprentice ceremony. She stretched, her jaws gaping in a huge yawn. Flicking her tail, she headed towards Stalkfire, who was by Ivypool.

Stalkfire glanced at her, his whiskers twitching. "Good, you're up. I was thinking about letting you join a patrol," he meowed. 

"I would love too!" Featherpaw gasped. Her first patrol! Her tail flicked with excitement.

Needlehawk sighed. "Don't be too excited," she growled, lashing her tail. She dug her paws into the earth, flattening her ears. "You probably haven't even learned how to hunt yet."

Featherpaw bristled, feeling hurt. She was about to reply, but Stalkfire stepped forward. "Needlehawk, quit it. I'm tired of your attitude, and I'm sure Featherpaw is too. You should stop taking your anger out on others. And yes, Featherpaw has been taught a few hunting moves," Stalkfire growled, lashing his tail.

Needlehawk got to her paws, bristling. "You don't tell me what to do!" She growled.

Ivypool hissed. "That's enough!" She growled. "Needlehawk, I'm sick of this. I'm putting you on apprentice duties for a few days until you learn how to sort yourself together," the deputy growled. She glared at Needlehawk.

Needlehawk glared back, her claws griping the dirt. Then she huffed and turned away, growling as she headed towards the fresh-kill pile.

Ivypool sighed, flattening her fur. "I'm sorry you two have to put up with her," she meowed. She flashed Featherpaw a sympathetic look. "She was nothing like this as an apprentice." She pricked her ears, then lifted her chin. "Cloudspark! Mistfang!" She called.

Mistfang popped out of the warriors' den, his eyes dull. As he headed for Ivypool, he flicked his tail. "Am I on this patrol?" He asked.

"Yes, and get your apprentice," Ivypool meowed. She looked around. "Where is Cloudspark?" She asked. 

Featherpaw flicked her tail. "She's probably in the elders' den with Jaywing," she suggested. She sat down, curling her tail over her paws. 

"Cloudspark!" Ivypool called again, heading towards the elders' den. 

Mistfang began padding towards them, Smokypaw at his side. The gray tabby apprentice bounded forward as he saw Featherpaw. "Hi Featherpaw!" He greeted cheerfully, his tail lifting. 

Featherpaw purred as she saw her friend. "Hi, Smokypaw," she greeted. His unique orange markings on his pelt seemed to shine in the sun. 

Cloudspark began to pad over to them, her tail drooping. 

Featherpaw turned towards Stalkfire. "Are we ready to go now?" She asked.

"Yes," Stalkfire meowed, heading towards the camp entrance. 

Smokypaw stayed at Featherpaw's side. "I bet you're excited about being on this patrol," he meowed. "Maybe I can teach you some new techniques on hunting!" He purred.

Featherpaw blinked at her friend. "Yeah, right, I can hunt on my own!" She mewed, lifting her tail.

"You two can keep it down," Mistfang meowed, flicking his tail. "This is a hunting patrol, not a conversation patrol," he meowed. He walked past them, parting his jaws.

Stalkfire peered into the undergrowth, his gaze traveling up a tall tree. He turned towards Featherpaw, his eyes bright. "Featherpaw, look," he whispered, pointing up the tree with his tail. 

Featherpaw glanced up the tree, her eyes fixing on a plump thrush in the tree. It was asleep in its nest. She blinked, her tail flicking, watching as its small chest rose and fell.

"I want you to try and catch it," Stalkfire meowed. "Your mother would be very proud if you caught a thrush," he mewed, a purr in his whisper.

Featherpaw crouched, her whiskers twitching. "But it's asleep. Would that be cheating if I caught it now?" She asked, flicking her tail.

Mistfang stood, turning his head. "Would a fox just move on after seeing you sleeping?" He asked. "We eat to survive, even if our prey is asleep or injured. That's how we survive," he meowed. Then, he slunk into the undergrowth.

Featherpaw then leaped on the tree, digging her claws into the bark. She climbed up until she reached the branch that the thrush lay on. She dug her claws in the bark, then crept forward on the branch.

Thats when the thrush moved. Its head turned, seeing Featherpaw. Featherpaw growled slightly and leaped, her claws extended. She caught the bird's tail feathers just as it took off. The bird screeched loudly and began to strike her with its small talons. 

Featherpaw hissed and grabbed the thrush's neck, then gave it a killing bite. Huffing, she grabbed the bird by its neck and climbed down the tree.

"Wow, that was amazing!" Stalkfire purred.

Featherpaw jumped onto the ground and set the thrush down. She lifted her chin, closing her eyes. "I'm going to be the best hunter ever!" She meowed, lifting her tail. 

Featherpaw then snapped open her eyes as she heard a loud crack above her. She looked up, seeing the branch above her splitting from the tree. She yowled in terror, frozen with fear. Splinters, wood, and bark sprinkled down on her. 

Suddenly, Smokypaw pushed Featherpaw away, his claws digging into her fur. With a loud thump, the branch broke as it hit the ground. Featherpaw gasped as woody-dust spread over her. Smokypaw was on top of her, his eyes wide.

Featherpaw scrambled from him, shaking out her pelt. A cough shook her body.

"Featherpaw! Are you ok?" Stalkfire rushed toward her, his eyes wide. He sniffed her pelt, checking for injuries.

Featherpaw groaned slightly, lifting her paw. A splinter was in her paw. Blood welled around the wound and dripped onto the ground.

Smokypaw coughed roughly, his paws trembling. He blinked at Featherpaw, his eyes cloudy. "Are you ok? You almost were killed!" He gasped, pressing his muzzle to her head. "You're too great of a friend to lose!"

Mistfang appeared from the undergrowth, two mice in his jaws. "What was that loud snap I heard?" He gasped. He glanced at Featherpaw, then at the branch. "What happened?"

"Featherpaw was almost crushed by this branch," Stalkfire meowed. "We should hurry to the medicine cat den."

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