Chapter2: a battle of sacrifice

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       Silverkit ,Riverkit and all the queens and kits awoke in the nursery. "Silverkit awoke and got up, she stumbled and had very blurry vision before she shook herself awake. Silverkit,s mother leafwhisker tucked Silverkit and riverkit under her tail and unleashed her claws fiercely. "What's going on?" Riverkit asked in a tired worn out voice. It's ok my kits it's ok." Meowed leafwisker quietly." Tornrose is coming now with her kits she will protect you while I'm gone."

Right when she said that a magenta she cat with one red eye and one blue eye came in the nursery. Her fur was ungroomed and she was covered in scars and blood. She held a young kit that looked like her in her mouth, the kit looked scared and it was mewling and squirming. Tornrose padded to leafwhisker and dropped her kit to speak "I came here as fast as I could from the elder,s den." She panted. "Thank you so much Tornrose." Leafwhisker said quickly. Then she leaped out of the nursery after taking one last look at Silverkit and her sister.

"What's going on?" Riverkit asked in a trembling voice. "Where being attaked, I'm going to look after you while your mother is fighting."Tornrose said calming down. Even though she looked calm Silverkit could see nothing but fear in Tornrose's eyes. Why would our mom leave us? Silverkit thought. why would she leave Tornrose,her own sister to look after us? Silverkit glanced at Riverkit, her sister,s eyes were clouded with nothing but fear and confusion. Her fur stood on end and she looked as if she were facing an enemy herself knowing that she was weak and defenseless. Silverkit tried to show less fear but inside her heart was bounding and she felt like she was being chocked by fear and unable to breath through the sudden awaking of the attack.
      All of a sudden Silverkit heard the sudden voice of yowling from her Father. 
Frostpelt who had the same sleek short gray fur as her and the same paws that were tipped with black. When she heard the yowl of her beloved father she felt pain like glass being shot through her heart, she felt as if everything froze and the only sound was her father's yowl of pain. All of a sudden a voice shot her back to reality the voice yelled as rain poured down from the crying sky " he's dead! He is dead! Retreat,retreat, the battle is over!"

    From the middle of the nursery where Silverkit stood frozen with shock she saw shadowclan warriors leaving the camp calling howls of triumph along with the painful wincing  from their wounds. As the warriors left Silverkit scrambled out of the nursery into the bloodstained clearing with cats limping all around and licking their wounds  the clearing felt fuller then the warriors said fourtrees was at a gathering. As she looked around for her father she noticed that many cats were gathering around in a circle with snowstar and leafwhisker at the front. When Silverkit went to the area where everyone was gathering she saw a glimpse of a gray pelt in between a brown warrior's paws. When she managed to shove to the front of the crowd she instantly froze in instant terror when she saw her father's gray bloodstained pelt laying on the ground limp

Terrified she stepped forward not believing what she was seeing. She felt nothing but pain in her heart aswells as chocked and unable to breath." What's going o-" Riverkit was cut off by fear and shock when she saw her father's limp body."He's going to hunt with starclan now.................and............and it's..all my fault." Snowstar said looking down at his bloody paws."D.....DID YOU KILL HIM." Riverkit meowed with anger and sadness in her eyes. "Of course not,...................The shadowclan cats attacked..............because of me." Snowstar said placing his messy blood ragged tail over his paws as he turned away from Riverkit's gaze. Riverkit's anger was replaced with more sadness as she looked at her father's dead body."Why......what did you do to them Snowstar?" A brown and white spotted tom  shoved through  the crowd of cats and came nose to nose with Snowstar before asking. "Listen........ it was an accident...........A long time ago I killed shadowclan's old leader................... when I was a warrior. I didn't know he was on his last life but I blindly killed Moonstar with a bite to his neck and then he died. Shadowclan has never been able to forgive me for that." Snowstar mowed in a deep voice full of painful sorrow.

      The brown tom's fur started bristling as tears fell out of his eyes only to land on Snowstar tail."Then,....Then a shadowclan cat killed Frostpelt."The brown warrior mowed backing up from Snowstar to glance at Frostpelt as he dug his claws into the rain wet earth."Well,.............kinda............He.........he sacrificed himself for me."Snowstar shuddered as rain drops soaked his fur and blended in to look like Snowstar's tears.Silverkit felt her heart drown in pure disbelief as Snowstar meowed what had really happened.As tears and rain soaked her messy fur she could see that the brown spotted warrior was loosing his patience and was ready to leap at Snowstar but was forcing himself to stay calm and listen to what Snowstar was saying.Snowstar glanced at Silverkit and Riverkit and met their gaze before closing his eyes and speaking."A warrior faced me and threatened to kill me if he didn't get more hunting territory to pay for what I did to Moonstar. When I rejected and he leaped at me Frostpelt knocked him over and fought him himself.He told the warrior that if he was going to kill me then he would have to get through him first.but I don't think the warrior was listening correctly or he didn't know it was Frostpelt because it was black leaf who killed Frostfur and we all know he's colorblind so I think he thought he was fighting me. Frostpelt was unable to beat him and he died." Now that Snowstar said the truth there was only murmuring of fear and disbelief over the crowd.

       "Spottedbark, please understand that it was an accident and that I didn't mean any harm to the clan." Snowstar said glancing at the spotted warrior.Silverkit saw anger in Spottedbark's eyes and his fur bristled with pure anger as he let out a big growl under his heavy breath."AN ACCIDENT?  IF THEY FOUND OUT YOUR STILL ALIVE THEY WILL PROBABLY LAUNCH ANOTHER ATTACK! AND ITS ALMOST LEAFBEAR WE WILL BE WEAK. AND WE DONT HAVE ENOUGH WARRIORS TO PROTECT US, HOW DO YOU THINK WERE GOING TO SURVIVE OR WIN ANOTHER FIGHT WITHOUT ANY BLOODSHED?" Spottedbark yowled ready to spring at Snowstar." Spottedbark, please."Snowstar meowed ready to defend himself. But it was to late, just as meows of agreement to Spottedbark's protest rose he leaped at Snowstar and started clawing his fur as his last scrap of patience left his body.Snowstar yowled in pain as Silverkit stood frozen as ice only looking at her father's body in pure sadness and disbelief to the way he had to sacrifice himself to save Snowstar.

       Silverkit went to touch her father's grey pelt as warriors stripped Spottedbark's away from Snowstar.And as everything became quiet Silverkit whispered to her father "Thank you for doing the right thing. The clan will honor you and I hope you know that with all of our hearts me, Riverkit, and mother love you.

Hey ppl I hope you liked the second chapter of Silver paws. It was ALOT longer then I wanted it to be reaching over a whopping 1,000 words. I thank all of you for your support and please follow, vote, and comment your oc in the comments so I can use it in future chapters anyways I want to give a big thanks to awildcat for showing me the app and for Neonunicorns for being my third and most recent follower. Anyways thanks for reading and don't forget to read my other book TheWildOnes witch is another warrior fanfic. And I'm planning to add a new siries in here so stay tuned for that to. Anyways boi.

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