Chapter3: apprenticed

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Ever since her dad died Silverkit could barely eat or sleep for almost 2 weeks. After many days of starvation Silverkit knew that it was hopeless and that she couldn't do anything to her father's death.

"Come on sis,you know you can't do anything about dads death, you can't just bring a cat back to life." Riverkit meowed pressing her blue-gray pelt against Silverkit's white- gray pelt.when will she stop annoying me for this? Silverkit thought." I'm fine Riverkit. I'm over it now."She meowed starring challangingly into her sister's eyes." Well Snowstar will soon have a surprise for you today." Leafwhisker meowed padding up to Silverkit to wash her pelt." What?" Silverkit asked her voice becoming happier. " You are going to be apprentices soon!" She meowed looking proudly at her kits. " Wow really?" Silverkit and Riverkit meowed together excitingly.Leafwhisker hooded still grooming Silverkit's pelt." That's exiting news!" A kit meowed padding up to them. Silverkit looked at the kit witch looked smaller and younger then Riverkit and Silverkit. " I'm goldenkit,One of Sunblossems new kits." She meowed hopping around them." So that's why you look so tiny." Riverkit meowed flicking her tail in amusement.

" LET ALL CATS OF DEWCLAN GATHER BENEATH THE HIGHROCK FOR A CLAN MEETING!" yelled Snowstar from the highrock. " He's going to. Make you apprentices." Meowed Leafwhisker eagerly." Can I come see? Can I? Can I?" Meowed Goldenkit looking up in pure happiness." Ask your mother first." Leafwhisker replied." Ok." Goldenkit said as she hopped over to the other side to the Nursery.As they padded out out the nursery Silverkit felt a wave of excitement flood over her and she almost forgot about her father's death." We will make two little healthy and strong kits apprentices today." He called as Silverkit  and her sister sad down in front of their mother."Silverkit and Rilverkit, come to the base of the highrock." Silverkit felt herself grow hot with nervousness but a another wave of exietment washed it away.And as they sat down Silverkit thought about how it would be like to have a new den and be able to hunt and fight. Silverkit was to consintraded on her thoughts to hear Snowstar say the words of Starclan but a call of her name snapped her back from her thoughts.

    "Silverkit do you promise to learn the warrior code and follow it even at the cost of your life?" Snowstar asked looking down at her " I-I do." She stuttered." Then from now on you will now be known as Silverpaw. Your mentor will be Wavefur." He meowed flicking his tail over to a blue Tom whose pelt looked like the water in a ocean. " Wavefur, you are strong and smart. You know how to get out of dangourous situations easily. Please pass your wisdom onto your first apprentice." Snowstar said resting his gaze on Wavefur." I will." He replied holding his head up proudly as he padded over to Silverpaw and licked her ear." Riverkit, do you promise to learn the warrior code and follow it even at the cost of your life?" He asked Riverkit turning his gaze on her. " I will! I will!" She replied exitingly." Then from now on you will be know as Riverpaw. Your mentor will be Blossemwing." He meowed only to turn his gaze from Riverpaw to a Siamese shecat with nice sleek fur." Blossemwing, you are a great hunter with amazing reflexes and fighting skills just like your brother Wavefur. I want you to pass your wisdom onto this apprentice." " I promise that I will do my best." She meowed as she padded to Riverpaw and congratulated her quietly.

    "These apprentices will start their training tomorrow." Snowstar meowed as he leaped off the highrock. Just as Silverpaw was about to go to the fresh kill pile to eat and talk to her new mentor Snowstar padded up to her." Silverpaw, can I speak with you?" He asked. Silverpaw shot a glance at the freshkill pile and her friends before turning back to Snowstar. "S-sure." She replied." I will come later!" Silverpaw yelled to her friends as she padded after Snowstar. Silverpaw followed him to his den and gulped nervously before going through the moss that stood in the entrance and stepping into the leader's den that looked different then any den she had ever seen.Snowstar signaled with a flick of his tail for her to sit down and listen.After she sat down her mind instantly wirled with questions. Why does he want to talk to me? Did I do something wrong? What is he going to tell me? What will I tell him? She thought nervously." Silverpaw, I want to ask you something." He started."I want to ask you if you have had any wired dreams lately?" He asked.

      "No,why?" She replied only to find curiosity in her head.Snowstar looked at the ground his excretion and eyes filled with seriousness and questionable thoughts." I had a dream, about a proficy I said that a Silver light would save the forest the the darkness of shadows. I don't know what it means." "Why would you ask me? Why not a metactine cat like Bronzepelt? She can interpret dreams." Silverpaw asked as her mind only wirled with more questions then before." Because I thought it would be about you so I wanted to see if you know anything else about this." He replied turning his gaze to her." Silverpaw, you remind me of my old daughter." He meowed. Silverpaw felt astonishment grow inside her. She had never known that Snowstar had kits before and that she reminded him of his daughter.

"W-WHAT?" She yelled making her voice echo in the den. " Hey Silverpaw are you here? your taking quite a long time." A voice meowed from the entrance of the den.At the bottom of the moss a gap showed a ocean colored paw and Silverpaw knew it was just Wavefur. "I-I'm coming." She replied after glancing at Snowstar and then padded out of the den.she pocked her head through the moss and came nose to nose with Wavefur. He stepped back to leave room for her to step into the clearing." So how was it." He asked. Silverpaw padded into the clearing before looking through a hole in the moss and saw Snowstar's face. His expression told her not to tell Wavefur. She looked back at him and meowed " H-he was just telling me how uh how I need to sleep in the apprentices den tonight instead of the nursery like how I'm used to it." "Oh ok." He replied as he padded to the fresh kill pile and grabbed a mouse.Silverpaw followed him and picked out a magpie for herself and padded over to the maple tree where her friends were talking and eating in the Shade of the great tree.

    When she got to the tree Silverpaw could only feel hunger in her stomach and she just wanted to eat the whole fresh kill pile.When Silverpaw sat down next to her sister and mentor she was greeted with a lick on the shoulder by her sister and a smile by her mentor.As she started to pluck the feathers off the magpie she saw Snowstar come out of his den and glance at her worriedly and then got his own piece of fresh kill from the pile and sat down next to the new deputy Seedstain. " So when do you think we will start our training?" Riverpaw asked. Silverpaw looked around to look at her sister and replied." Snowstar said that we would start our training tomorrow.didn't he?" As soon as she replied a strike of thunder shot down from the distance of darkening clouds witch were becoming closer with each moment.

      "A storm is coming!" Oceanfur meowed." It looks like it's going to be a big one to."Blossemwing meowed as she got up and looked up at the darkening sky of sunset."You two should get some sleep soon, we are going to have a busy day tomorrow " she said looking at Wavefur for his approval." Oh come on Blossemwing they should have some fun before they go to bed." He meowed looking at the apprentices."Wavefur. Do you want me to put mouse bile and beetles all over your nest tonight?" Blossemwing hissed fiercely.Wavefur flinched as if he had already experienced the feeling of having mouse bile and beetles in his nest." Ok,ok Blossemwing the apprentices need some sleep.But just a little bit of fun?" He asked flattening his ears." Please." "Ok, but only for a little while." Blossemwing meowed as she trotted off into the warriors den.

   "Yay." Exliamed Riverpaw."Can we go into the forest Wavefur?" She pleaded. "Ok but your going with me." He replied as he got to his paws." Yay I don't think I have the forest before." Silverpaw could've help saying. "Then let's go!" Riverpaw meowed as she nudged Silverpaw to her paws.All three cats raced to the entrance of the camp witch was a sandy cave like rock with a large hole that made a tunnel like entrance.Silverpaw was the first to run through the rock and appear on the other side of the rock only to see the beautiful green trees and bushes.She wanted to just run through the forest and see everything possible and she finally felt like an apprentice.she would. Finally be able to explore and be like the warrior she always wanted to be.


         I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Silverpaws. I hope I didn't take to long getting it out so I hope u liked it. Plz follow me so you get notifications on when I post a new chapter of my stories and make new art for u guys! Anyways I hope u know that I'm going to be busy in a month or so so hang on for the next chapter of my stories. Again plz vote and follow me and thanks for viewing.bye :3

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