Chapter 26

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It has been days after the bad dream. Sunpaw managed to focus on her training instead of fearing about it now. But now another fear sweeper over her, Crystalpaw was acting strange in her dreams. She looked hurt, like she hit her head really hard every night. And in some worse nights, she even start to yowl with a painful screech in her meow. And even the experienced medicine cat, Marigoldseed, has started to yowl like a lone wolf.

Sunpaw, as a friend and a clanmate, has asked Crystalpaw if she was okay and if there was anything she could help. But each time the warrior apprentice does, she answers,

"I can't tell you Sunpaw—I really want to but I made a promise with Marigoldseed that it was medicine cat business nothing important to the clan."

Sometimes, Marigoldseed is hard to deal with but she did not want to push her friend too hard. The yowls are getting louder each night, and it's been drawing the clans attention.

"I can't sleep with a cat wolf yowling all night!" One of the warriors, Hayspin, mumbled loud enough for few cats to here. The cat who was sharing tongues with, senior warrior Glowspirit warned,

"They're medicine cats. They have medicine cat reasons."

"But do they have to make us sleepy all day?" He whispered with a small rumble in his throat.

"Eavesdropping?" Sunpaw jumped when a old wrinkled tom's voice came behind from the heels of her foot.

"Sorry." The apprentice apologized ashamed what a foolish things she done. How can I gain trust when I eavesdrop.

"No, no it's fine." The elder Risingnose chuckled and settled next to Sunpaw. He purred that her fluffy fur gave warmth in his old spines. "Some say it's the Curse of Silentpounce."

Sunpaw gave a confused look that let the elder have a murrow of laughter. "Curse of who?"

"Just a tale, or a myth every NoonClan cat knows. Some believes it, others do not." Risingnose explained. "Do you want to hear it?"

"I would like to." The apprentice purred. Risingnose was a excellent story teller, she wondered why his name was not Risingtales.

"You have to promise me one thing though. Don't tell, or say in Leporddash's hear? Got it?" The elder warned as the apprentice gave a quick nod. She assumed why the reason why the queen is involved would be explained in the story.

"Well it all starts with three little kits..."


"Two she cats and a tom."  Marigoldseed announced to the cats who was in the clearing. Three new healthy kits have been born in the great clan NoonClan.

The queen, Leporddash purred weakly but brightly to her new son and daughters. Breezeheart purred with her brushing his face fur on one of his daughter's. 

"I'll name this little white she cat Onekit." Leporddash declared.

"Than this son shall be known as Groundkit."

"Than what about the last one? This perfect tabby needs a name too." The mother purred at the white she cat, faintly grey to be exact. "I have an suggestion."

"I do too." The father Breezeheart argued softly. They both said it together,

"Silentkit" "Silentkit"

The two new parents purred amused they were thinking of the same name. 

"She's a shy one but each little breath I take, she twitches her ears." Leporddash meowed.

"Yes, her ears detect ever breath we take. She will become a fine warrior." Breezeheart added.

And so the three kits were born between a loving father and mother.

Moons have passed from then, and the three little kits became warriors calling themself  Onewish, Grounddigger, and lastly, Silentpounce. Onewish has quick movement and great strength inside her small body. Grounddigger knows every bit of sand in NoonClan's territory. Silentpounce never misses any prey, and battles fiercely for what is right. 

But the clan had a problem. Each half moon, one cat perish in NoonClan while the one and only NoonClan medicine cat speaks with StarClan.

And no one knows the cause until one night when Breezeheart ate a prey but realizes the strange scent after finishing. The scent of deathberries that he once almost ate when he was a foolish young apprentice. He and his mate, saw one cat running away when they whisper in a den when no cat was there. They chased the cat running further and further from NoonClan's camp. But when they were, Breezeheart lost with the fight of deathberries and died on the way. His mate Leporddash continued her stalk to get revenge.

And soon she found one cat panting. Silently, she made a quick death bite on the neck killing her  own daughter Silentpounce.

And from then, at least once Silentpounce goes in her kind dreams. She visited Leporddash, Grounddigger, Onewish, Leporddash's mother and father who soon died. Even Silentpounce's former mentor Eaglehaze. The dead cat gave bad dreams to the cats, and they soon called that the Curse of Silentpounce.


Ringingnose closed his eyes a little bit when the story ended. Sunpaw had something that daughter her attention. "So you mean the cats that are actually here, like Leporddash, Eaglehaze, Grounddigger, and Onewish had that bad dream."

"Yes. They never told me what the bad dream was about though. They don't like mentioning Sikentpounce."

Than that nightmare I had, could it possibly be Silentpounce? "But what does Marigoldseed and Crystalpaw has to do with it?"

"I told you, it's just a myth. Just one of my guesses."

Than Voletooth padded to the two cat's side. "Are you telling your story again Risingnose? Please don't make Sunpaw say about it all day like Antpaw and Rushpaw."

Sunpaw purred and meowed, "I'm an apprentice but I am a mature cat so don't worry about it."

Voletooth grinned than let out a easy purr. "Would you like to join my hunting party? I need few hunters to restock the fresh-kill pile."

It surprised Sunpaw that she has been invited to the hunting party by a senior warrior. "I would be honored to."

"Take it easy. Don't be so surprised you know? Your one of the best hunter and fighter and every cat sees that. Glowspirit, Hayspin, and Flakepaw is coming. Fiddleheart has an emergency so she can't come. I'm hoping that Drizzleheart will go too. Meet us at the entrance than." The senior warrior padded off leaving the elder and the apprentice alone.

Risingnose yawned, "I need to get some herbs from Marigoldseed now. Thank you for hearing my story without disturbing it! Young cats these days tend to stick their chatty mouth in my stories!" The elder gave a nice stretch and went off.

As instructed, Sunpaw waited at the camp entrance where Glowspirit and Flakepaw gave a nice greeting. Soon came Hayspin than Voletooth and Drizzleheart. It's been days I went on a patrol with Drizzleheart. Sunpaw thought. And she made a small smile in her mouth almost a smirk when she tried to hide it.

"I can see the smirk on your face." Hayspin whispered teasingly. Sunpaw blushed and looked away from Drizzleheart. Hayspin smirked and went off to follow Voletooth. 

A scent of rabbit struck Sunpaw's nose. From the scent it was plump for a leaf bare rabbit and it was a healthy one. This was rare prey, she tapped a nearby cat and went into action. It was Drizzleheart whom Sunpaw has signaled to and he cooperated well.

Sunpaw chased the rabbit while Drizzleheart was ambushed, than pounced when the prey was in his claws.

"Nice work you two!" Voletooth purred. After that, the hunt was successful. When they went back to camp, every cat gathered around the hunting patrol.

"Nice catch!"

"Plump rabbit it is!"

"Can!t believe it's leaf-bare!"

It was a feast to all cats. Sunpaw enjoyed her stomachs filled and she couldn't take another bite. But the enjoy faded, when she thought of sleeping again and hearing that "voice".

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