Chapter 29

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"Why are we running?" Crystalpaw panted. Sunpaw leaped across the sand her strong legs pushing forward.

"I don't know what it is but the creature's teeth smells of blood." Sunpaw hissed. "I'm not sure if it's a friendly animal either."

Shimmerpaw kicked the sand up as she explained. "Their called dogs. I never seen one in the clan's territory but they live like cats except more fiercer and bigger. They fight fierce as a swordfish."

"What's a swordfish?" Crystalpaw panted her breath thin. Sunpaw heard the stomping paw steps  coming closer. Her blood rushed as she scented them closer. The dogs yowled, but different from what a cats' would make.

"Run faster!" Sunpaw yelled. With all her might, her legs kicked the sand from sucking in.

Crystalpaw groaned and kicked her small chubby legs. "I'm not a warrior okay?"

Without a response, Sunpaw and the two other she cats ran with what they got. She lead the two  cats to a coconut tree and climbed up their. Thankfully, this tree was not fully grown so they were able to reach the top. For the first time they got to study the creature that was chasing them. It was a brown furred, broad looking creature, it's teeth sharper than claws. She scented blood, but also a rabbit dung like smell while it yowled repeatedly.

"Now what? We won't be able to come down now!" Crystalpaw whined. Sometimes Sunpaw's medicine cat friend could be quite annoying.

"If we stay here for a bit, they'll eventually give up. Be patient. Oh my StarClan Crystalpaw!" Sunpaw sarcastically meowed her gaze still fixed on the dog.

So trying to catch their breaths, they waited for the dog to leave. But before the dog silently left them alone, another never-seen creature came running down to them. And this one was taller than the dog, and if it wanted to eat the cats, they were doomed. The three she cats couldn't do anything about it. Their furs were not pale green like the leaves to camouflage within. They held their breath.

Sunpaw got a better look at the new creature. Living with the Army, traveling all around the ground, she saw these creatures many time but she could not stop being suprised. And they have no fur—how strange. The only pelt they had was on their head and Sunpaw couldn't find any use of that. This nofur, what the Army called them, was a male one. The nofur was scrawling at the dog. 

Shimmerpaw observed closely while Sunpaw and Crystalpaw thought they were doomed for sure. The small medicine cat shrieked, "How can you be so calm when were doomed Shimmerpaw? Is MorningClan cats always this crazy?"

"MorningClan cats are not crazy Crystalpaw." Shimmerpaw growled her gaze cool. But it softened as she set her eyes back on the nofur and the dog. "I think it's a nofur."

The nofur was just below the tree. It's small skinny blue eyes met the cats but dropped them on the dog. Surprisingly, the nofur looked like it was scowling the dog. And with just a few moments, the nofur had a long red needle wrapped around the dog's neck as it pulled the broad creature. They left while the dog made a sad cry like a new born kit.

"That," Sunpaw said. "Was unexpected."

Crystalpaw bopped her head in agreement. She muttered how strange and unusual it was, and also said she felt bad for the dog. How painful it must be for a needle to be wrapped around on a neck.

Shimmerpaw, on the other fact, seemed calm. The yellow tabby stated, "We're getting close to the twoleg camp." She announced unexpectedly.

"So you're saying," Crystalpaw mewed. "That creature was a twoleg."

Sunpaw rolled her eyes. "Obviously. It walks on two legs."

"I didn't think they would actually walk on two legs okay?"

Sunpaw must admit she agrees with Crystalpaw. The red she cat thought all creatures have four legs to stand on instead of two hanging from the shoulder.

"We should rest here for the night." Shimmerpaw suggested. "The twoleg camp is like a maze. I'm not sure we would find a good place to camp."

Both NoonClan cats nodded. They one by one hopped off the tree and stretched their curved back bones. Once again, their feet's were on the soft sand.

"I'll go catch something." Sunpaw volunteered. "Maybe a crab if that's edible."

"It is," Shimmerpaw answered. "I'm going to. Too bad the ocean isn't nearby. We can catch fish that would fill up our belly."

Crystalpaw seemed disgusted. "Yuck. I heard fish is slimy and tasted like water with rabbit dung."

"Fish does not taste like—,"

Before the MorningClan cat could say anything more, Sunpaw covered her mouth. "We're wasting time. Try to make a nest while we're out and yowl loud as you can when you scent danger."

Crystalpaw snorted. "As if we have any supplies."

But the small medicine cat jumped on the coconut tree and started clawing off the leaves.

The two warriors apprentices searched for crabs or any other prey that Shimmerpaw says it is edible. Sunpaw managed to catch two crabs that will due for her hunger, and Crystalpaw's. Shimmerpaw caught two crabs also, and nothing more.

"How did you manage to catch two crabs on your first time catching crabs?" Shimmerpaw questioned curiously, or even suspiciously.

Sunpaw explained with two crabs mumbling in her mouth. "When I was in the Army, Vulture declared unusual she cats like me that no toms wanted should hunt be myself. Overtime since the Army moves once in a while, I was the professional at hunting any prey, or any new kinds of prey. Not like any cat cared though. No one wanted to eat prey that I caught I guess."

By the mention of the Army, Shimmerpaw froze. The one thing the two she cats had in common was that they had a horrible past in the Army. And they two, and Rainpaw, was the only ones who knew what it was like. Someday, Sunpaw hoped, that the Amy will soon drift apart and change their ways. Perhaps not like the clans, but a way to have freedom and loyalty.

"I hadn't realized how miserable everyone was." Shimmerpaw dropped words. "I, I only cared about myself. That I was trapped and I felt like I was the most miserable cat in the world. Oh Sunpaw, how can I apologize you? I should have noticed how much pain you've been having."

"It's just the last." Sunpaw said easily. C'mon, the prey is ready to be eaten any moment."

The two former Army warriors remained mute until they met Crystalpaw. The medicine cat was grumbling while she used the leaves to make quick shelter.

"Honestly," Crystalpaw grunted, "How does MorningClan sleep on sand every night?"

"Than why do you guys live in a dark cave as a camp?" Shimmerpaw coolly retorted back.

"We have—," Just before the NoonClan cat was about to retort, Sunpaw hissed.

"You don't give away camp information to other clans." She slammed the sand with her stumpy tail. Her fangs showed slightly.

Crystalpaw backed up. She looked frightened. She was shivering away from Sunpaw, and that was when the red warrior realized how mean and rude she was. I'm trying to change, Sunpaw reminded herself. I'm not in the Army anymore, I don't have to show my fangs to my den mates.

"I'm sorry." Sunpaw apologized in shame. "That was unnecessary."

Crystalpaw, blinked, than her eyes smiled followed by a smile on her mouth. "I forgive you. Let's eat those crabs! Mm!"

Shimmerpaw got the flesh part out of the crabs so they could eat. It was sad the fact the flesh part was pretty small despite it's size. It didn't fill any of the cat's bellies but no cat mentioned that out loud.

"So," Crystalpaw started up a conversation. "How's it going between you and Drizzleheart?"

Sunpaw almost gagged by her friend's question. How's it going? She thought to herself. How was it going anyways? By the thought of the tom made her blush red as her own fur.

Crystalpaw rolled her eyes. "Every cat in MorningClan has been noticing there's something between you two. Why didn't you ask Drizzleheart to come on this quest?"

"Drizzleheart has nothing to do with the quest. He is needed at NoonClan for his duty." Sunpaw replied her face burning with embarrassment. Did every cat, warriors to elders knew how strangely Sunpaw was fond with Drizzleheart. 

Shimmerpaw purred. "Love isn't it?" 

It even made Sunpaw more embarrassed when a cat that was not her friend said it. "It's not love. We're just good clan mates, or friends." Before the discussion of she and her relationship with toms continued, she turned conversation to a different direction. "What happened about Dazzle—paw and Thunderclaw? Are they like, getting close?"

Shimmerpaw blinked in surprise while Crystalpaw smirked behind. The MorningClan cat started to groom her fur and meowed. "Dazzlepaw still likes Thunderclaw and Thunderclaw—I don't think he's ever taking a mate again. You know, because of Twilightspeckle."

The young Crystalpaw asked curiously. "You mean that tom we met in MorningClan? Who's Twilightspeckle?"

Sunpaw explained this time. "Twilightspeckle was Thunderclaw's mate. They were very close, and well, Twilightspeckle was quite different. You know the daughter of StarClan?"

Crystalpaw aggressively bopped her head. "The cat that saved the clans from rogues, the destined one, and she was sent down from StarClan right? The Twilightspeckle?"

"Yep. That's her. Sunpaw meowed. "And now she's back at StarClan, living with the other StarClan warriors. But she's not that super powered psycho cat. She's pretty much a regular warrior."

Crystalpaw exclaimed bouncing up and down. "She saved the clans when I was a kit Sunpaw? She made peace between the clans. It's one of my dreams to meet her!"

"And?" Shimmerpaw questioned. "Her existence was what she needed to keep peace for the clans. And I don't think it's what she done. Saving the clans from the rogues is what any loyal warrior would do. And Twilightspeckle was just chosen to be."

Crystalpaw widened her eyes in shock. She had the expression of, that's true..., face. To think straight, Shimmerpaw was right indeed.

Sunpaw joined Shimmerpaw's retort. "Twilightspeckle is a loyal good warrior, a great example for any apprentices. But what she did was any cat could do anyways." 

"But not every cat." Crystalpaw urged. "She was brave."

"I guess. Tomorrow's a long day, let's sleep. 'Night." Shimmerpaw yawned then left on. Sunpaw got infected by the yawn as she settled on the nest. Crystalpaw stubbornly settled between the two grown she cats and huddled together. The covered their nose with their tails curled up. It was a cool night of leaf bare, colder of the bare nest. But wind was gone so Sunpaw was grateful. 


Sunpaw thought to herself again.Crystalpaw's words echoed in her head. 

She was brave.

If the nightmare really was a prophecy, which Sunpaw believed it was, than this was a quest. It was not just a journey. It was a destiny. And she knew one black furred fluffy cat that had a har destiny. Twilightspeckle, daughter of StarClan.

Although Sunpaw supported Shimmerpaw that Twilightspeckle was not so special as Crystalpaw thinks, she regretted it. 

Brave Twilightspeckle. Loyal Twilightspeckle. Caring Twilightspeckle. Loving Twilightspeckle. 

Brave, loyal, caring, and loving. It seemed to Sunpaw she had none of these things. And if these traits was the key fo Twilightspeckle to fulfill her destiny, does the red she cat have it? Or is she a coward? The clan's life rested on her shoulder, as she struggled to sleep.

The sixth chapter for Part 3. It was time to start thinking about Part 4. So I did. And I reviewed back the comments that asked who's POV I should do for Part 4. And the thing is, How will it surprise the readers? I thought very hard. Hardest I could think. And I hope you will continue reading to see the surprise...

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