Chapter 30

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Maybe this is pretty late but try to remember this〜Sunpaw is long red furred. Shimmerpaw is a yellow tabby. 

Sunpaw's paws were about to fall off and stumble on the sand. Her legs felt like stick and she couldn't feel like her legs were attached to her bodies. The pad of her paw stung and she kept cursing the sand that sunk her paws each step she took.

But finally, her effort and her stinging paws had carried the three cats to the nofur camp. The beach was still around them, but the nofur's camp ground was hard as the hardest rock that survived the hit of a wave many moons.

"Walk along the wall." Shimmerpaw ordered. "Sometimes, there are monsters that rumble on it. I wish to travel on the roof, but nofurs get mad when we do that."

"Monsters?" Crystalpaw said curiously. "What—,"

Before the young curious medicine cat could finish off her words, the ground rumbled. It felt as if the ground had turned into a wave to Sunpaw. All cats froze as they leaned as close as they can to the wall. Than the monster came. It had four paws, but they were round and rolling. The chest and the back was hard and straight and it had no tail. Inside, a nofur was eaten but Sunpaw could not sense fear in it. But what suprised the wise two older she cats was that the monster had a horn.

"That," Sunpaw let her breath out when the monster left. "Is a monster."

"The nofur was eaten!" Crystalpaw gasped in horror. She stumbled against the wall, fur straightened and muscles tensed. 

"Every monster eats at least one nofur." Shimmerpaw explained. She coughed a little than moaned. "And the air they breath out stinks!"

Sunpaw had the stench of a monster in her thick pelt. The smell was so bad that it made her sigh that she had to groom it with her tongue later. 

"Their keeping a monster, inside their camp? How stupid is that? Are they hostages or something?" Crystalpaw panicked as fi she was being captured.

Shimmerpaw shook her fur then answered. "The nofur and the monster seems to cooperate. I once saw a nofur getting out of the monster's stomache."

Dazed, Crystalpaw was angry to herself what a shocking creature nofurs and monsters are. 

"Now," Sunpaw settled things down. "I believe we shall talk about the prophecy now we are this far. Surely the nofur camp would have something to do with it." 

Shimmerpaw gave a quick nod. "Sure. Let's go over there than."

The yellow tabby flicked her tail to a damp place that seemed to be out of sight from anything. Silently, the three she cats gestured and hid in the sight of nofurs. Sunpaw had a prickle of scare when she crossed by a nofur just a rabbit ear length close.

"We traveled towards where the sun rises. And now we made it to here." Sunpaw meowed. "And now what? I didn't meet any cats that looks like a threat to the clans. In fact, the cats we saw or passed by were all just peaceful little kittypets!"

Crystalpaw had a serious face on. "Maybe..."

But her words stopped. Sunpaw scowled, "Maybe what?" Her inpatients was almost coming to the verge.

Crystalpaw seemed nervous. But she meowed, "Maybe we should cross the ocean. If nofur is allied with the monsters, perhaps they know a way to swim better. Maybe even better than MorningClan warriors."

It was a dum suggestion, but seeing monsters made Sunpaw felt the possibility. Shimmerpaw added,

"The direction that the sun rises end at the ocean. The ocean is their nest at rising. But if we traveled across," Shimmperpaw took a deep breath. "Maybe we would find more. What we never saw of."

Sunpaw nodded. Now they were here at nofur's territory, the quest was getting dangerous and more difficult. They had to take risks, and they all believed the nofur was some kind of key. "Perhaps we should go to the shore. Maybe monsters that can swim might be hunting there. Or something more."

"I agree." "I agree." Crystalpaw and Shimmerpaw said it at the same time. Casting a small chuckle, they got into action.

Even though all of their paws was about to slump off, they quickly went to the direction where the sun rises. Forward and forward they went. And the ocean breeze told Sunpaw that the sea was close. And finally, her black eyes reflected the blue water. It was nice to see the ocean, whether she was a MorningClan cat or not. It still felt nice and calm and steady.

Shimmerpaw was the most excited, and both NoonClan cats sensed that without any word. The MorningClan cat's eyes shimmered by the sight of the ocean. It looked like she wanted to jump in and get her fur wet at any moment.

But below, at the borders of the ocean and land, was there. Crystalpaw's prediction, was correct. Monsters were resting on. And when the cats were staring at it, a male nofur hopped on to one of it. In few moments, the monster gave a growl like rumble. Than it walked few steps behind, faced the ocean and put the back towards the land. It swimmer, but it was more of walking to Sunpaw. It walked across the ocean towards the sun and it shrinks and shrinks, until it was too small to see. 

"Wow..." Sunpaw could not help her amazed feelings pour into words. Crystalpaw's jaw hung open. Shimmerpaw smiled at the ocean. Perhaps Shimmerpaw knew this already. It was her growing up place after all. Sunpaw, on the other hand, was punished when the Army set their base camp here because she angered the second command or something. Her memory was worthless to remember when she was seeing something like this.

Crystalpaw mewed. "I didn't think monsters would actually swim, nor walked on the ocean."

"Me neither." Sunpaw breathed. Shimmerpaw silently smiled her gaze softly on the ocean.

"I guess there's only one choice now." Crystalpaw said.

"Yep." Sunpaw made a smile. "I guess we should hide on top of the monster until a nofur orders it to move. Or, if we can convince the monster to walk."

Shimmerpaw backed up. "Let's stick with Plan A."

Hurriedly, and almost excitedly, the three she cats scrambled to one of the monsters. Careful that none of the nofur saw them, they invaded to one of the monster. The ceiling was open, unlike the land monsters. The floor waggled a little by the monster's breath. When they hopped on, the monster didn't react. Sunpaw even hopped a few times but the monster was still sleeping.

"Is this one dead?" Crystalpaw considered. 

"Let's see." Shimmerpaw shrugged. "C'mon, let's hide before a nofur spots us." 

The monster's back was hard like the nofur camp ground. It was nothing compared to a cat's fur. But they scrambled to a cramped up tiny den. Sunpaw assumed it was a small den for the kits of nofurs.

"Now what?" Crystalpaw hissed beneath her breath.

Sunpaw coolly answered, "We wait."

And Crystalpaw and Shimmerpaw did as they were told. It felt like forever, cramped up in a kit's den. But at last, Sunpaw caught a bump of a nofur's foot step.

This nofur was male too. And he walked around the monster few times estimating from where his paw steps hear. Than, unexpectedly, the monster roared a morning yawn. Did the nofur use some kind of magic?

No cat dared to open their mouth. In a few seconds, the ground moved rapidly. They almost casted a meow of terror when they hit the wall by the sudden movement. The monster is moving!

"I can't believe it!" Crystalpaw whispered excitedly. 

"Shhhhh." Sunpaw reminded. "Let's not talk until the monster stops moving okay?"

And Crystalpaw went mute along with Shimmerpaw. It was sad that Sunpaw had to go on mute too. Even though it was dangerous, she could not help being amazed and dazed how the monster can walk of the ocean. Did StarClan gift them with magic?

But there was a dangerous side too. They knew nothing about the monster and what they can do. From the size, they can take down three cats easily even for a experienced warrior.

Curling still, and having nothing to do, Sunpaw fell into sleep.

Sunpaw woke up in the cramped den. She was glad not to be seeing the prophecy, or a vision again. Crystalpaw and Shimmerpaw were beside her, their heart beats able to be heard. And few moments until she realized, the monster had stopped.

"We're here." Crystalpaw breathed. 

Quietly as her voice can go, Sunpaw whispered. "We're going out." 

Smushed with small space, Shimmerpaw kicked the door open. The nofur was there, surprised to see us. He let a shriek of horror, and while that, the three clan cats dashed out of the monster. The monster was still asleep, and their plan has been successful. 

"Now what?" Shimmerpaw asked while panting her breath. 

Sunpaw spotted a beach beside them. She even found a cave—how lucky they were. "Let's go to that cave. Let's settle in if there weren't anything living in."

Quickly, before the nofur decided to chase them, they dashed into the cave. Sunpaw sniffed the air for any predator or prey. But she only found a strange scent of fish, and something big. About a size of a full grown tom. The MorningClan warrior found it familiar, but was not able to identify what.

"Do you smell that Shimmerpaw?" Sunpaw asked while still scenting the air. Shimmerpaw nodded, but hitched her forehead like she could not identify what it is.

Suddenly, they heard foot steps. Sunpaw protectively stepped forward form Crystalpaw. The noise was a sound of a claw clicking the cave floor. The red warrior looked back. The entrance was still insight, though Sunpaw believed they shouldn't run away now. The sky was dark, and they needed a place to stay. And it sounded and scented like there was only one, two warriors apprentices will have a good chance fighting it off.

Heart pounding, Sunpaw tensed her muscles. She can smell fear from her friend Crystalpaw. Shimmerpaw was beside, also ready to protect the medicine cat apprentice.

The sound came closer, but the darkness kept from the cats seeing what the creature was. They all could see a pair of eyes. Sunpaw gulped, and her flash back of training replayed in her mind.

Finally, the creature showed itself. It wasn't a dog, nor a nofur, or a monster. It had one thick brown stripe across it's face and muzzle, while whiter brown fur covered the body. It had a small tail, about the size of the dog they had seen yesterday. It's eyes were black, reflecting the bare moonlight coming from the cave entrance. It had teeth, possibly a predator.

The creature opened it's mouth. "Hello."

It wasn't a growl. Sunpaw was surprised, even shocked. This was not a cat, but it spoke cat. What and who is this? The only thing she knew was that it was a she, and not a cat.

The strange creature greeted again. "Hello. Clan cats I believe? Before you tell me your concerns or problems, please tell me which clan you came from."

Sunpaw, Shimmerpaw, and Crystalpaw were shocked as they can be. How does she know the clans? We're a ocean far from her.

"Who are you?" Crystalpaw asked carefully. Even she, a medicine cat, was surprised by the creatures appearance.

The creature, made a smile. "My name is Midnight. And you?"

As a respect, Sunpaw decided to tell who they are. Midnight, a creature they have never seen. Out of the years the Army have been traveling, neither Sunpaw nor Shimmerpaw could identify what it is. With moments pasting, Sunpaw spoke up.

"My name is Sunpaw, and she is my friend Crystalpaw. We are from NoonClan." Sunpaw waved her tail to the medicine cat. "And she is Shimmerpaw of MorningClan. We are searching for a cat who is a threat to us." 

The three traveling cats gulped. Midnight widened her black pearl eyes. She gasped, "MorningClan and NoonClan?" She said as if rechecking what Sunpaw said. "We have many things to talk about. Please, settle down."

Say hello to the badger everyone

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