Chapter 31

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It was very hard for Sunpaw to settle down with a predator like creature, or Midnight in front. But the brown furred Midnight seemed harmless, and she hoped her choices were;t going to be a regret to sit down.

Midnight spoke. "Where to begin now. First, like I have said, I am Midnight the badger, and I often help the clans from dangers. But—not MorningClan or NoonClan."

"You help NightClan? And NightClan never told us?" Crystalpaw gasped. But Midnight shook her slim head. Sunpaw, and probably her two friends, were both confused.

Midnight continued, "Not MorningClan, nor NoonClan, and not NightClan. There are more clans."

This time Shimmerpaw meowed, "Clans?"

The badger nodded again. "Yes. They're names are ThunderClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan, and SkyClan. Most call them self warriors, and have a warrior code that makes them. Leaders lead them, and deputies support, while medicine cats receive prophecies, and warriors hunt and fight, apprentices leaning to become one, queens giving birth, while retired warriors calling them self elders pass knowledge to young. They have been living around a lake not too far from here."

Sunpaw had a blank out. ThunderClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan, and SkyClan. She has never heard of these names. From the expression of Shimmerpaw and Crystalpaw, no cat seemed to know those names.

Midnight sighed. "Perhaps you would like to know how your clans were made." 

When all three cats slightly nodded, Midnight began a story. "Before ThunderClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan, and SkyClan was living around the lake, they were living somewhere else. Thriving by the rich prey, mouse, fish, squirrel, frog, and rabbits. Patrolling thei territory, marking borders. But one day, a terrible thing happened. SkyClan has been living in a forest, full of trees, but two-legs vanished the trees."

"Two-legs? You mean the nofurs?" Crystalpaw interrupted. 

"Yes, nofurs is what some call." Midnight agreed. She swayed back to about the clans. "Anyways, SkyClan did not find any territory around the rest of the clans and was forced to leave. They first started a clan together, but one cat by on realized how difficult it was. And finally, a swarm of rats stroke them. Those rats were vicious, sharp fangs that are poisonous when infected."

The badger paused. Sunpaw gulped. If this wasn't a elder tale, it was a horrible thing. It would be a nightmare if rats, that usually habit on NightClan territory, attacked NoonClan's camp. She couldn't keep her mouth from shutting. "What happened then?"

Thump. Thump. Sunpaw heard her own heart beat. Thump.

"SkyClan," Midnight spoke, "Was destroyed."

Sunpaw, and neither Shimmerpaw and Crystalpaw could not hold back their gasps. One whole clan, destroyed. Many warriors, die. 

Crystalpaw shook while she meowed. "Not all cats died right? Don't they have a medicine cat, a healer?"

Midnight blinked her pearl black eyes before speaking. "They did. And some did survive, but not SkyClan. SkyClan fell apart. Turning to kittypets, or loners, or some stepped a new path."

"What is the new path?" Shimmerpaw asked her eyes of curiosity, but fur bristling by the shock. 

"They began a journey you see." Midnight said. "A journey far far away from here. Across the ocean where you came from. Yes, the former SkyClan cats left to make three new clans naming MorningClan, NoonClan, and NightClan. How, I do not know since I was not alive. But I know their bloodline is the leading path to most MorningClan, NoonClan, and NightClan. And from the look of your faces earlier, I am guessing the other five clans ways are similar to  yours."

"Not similar." Sunpaw meowed. "It's the exact same. we have the warrior code. Leaders, deputies, medicine cats, warriors, apprentices, queens, and elders. We call ourselves warriors taking pride of our code. And does the five clans, ThunderClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan, and SkyClan—have another clan that hunts in the star speckled sky?"

Midnight made a wide grin. "StarClan isn't it? I'm a messenger to them you know? And I believe I have a task to do before I die of age."

By Midnight's additional comment, Sunpaw studied her closely. She had pale wrinkles, and her pink muzzle was grayish like a flower's shining time coming to in end. She looked awfully tired, and Sunpaw thought she was close of her time ending.

Crystalpaw offered. "I could get some herbs for you. I can see your breath harsh. You have helped us a lot, I should do something in return."

"No, it's just the age. A medicine cat—apprentice?" The wise badger guessed.

Crystalpaw nodded. Her paws twitched as if she is eager to do something to help.

Shimmerpaw meowed. "What is your task though?"

Midnight chuckled as if something Shimmerpaw has said was a joke. "My task is to guide you to the five clans. And I have a strange feeling, that I shouldn't let you go by yourselves and I should guide you to ThunderClan, a clan that might be friendlier than the other ones.

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