Chapter 32

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"Are you sure this is a good idea? In, many ways?" Shimmerpaw whispered. The magnificent she cat's fur beamed by the early sunlight. As expected, she was the first one to wake up even thought the cats' muscles tightened and hurt.

Midnight was still shuffling in her home cave while Sunpaw and Shimmerpaw waited outside, paws on their beloved sand. Crystalpaw was still inside, eager to help the old badger.

"Is their a choice? It seems most likely that another five clans of us is the key to our prophecy." Sunpaw meowed. 

Shimmerpaw sighed. "It might be, but is letting the three clans meet five more clans a wise choice? There could be bloodshed, a one no cat has seen before. They are both warriors and if their ways are the same, they train too. And they could be more vicious than NightClan who shreds everycat to bits in battle!" 

"NightClan don't shred everycat to bits, they do follow the warrior code Shimmerpaw." Sunpaw pointed out with a faint hiss in her throat. "But there can be a possibility of peace and we can't back down now when we're this close to fulfill the prophecy. And how can we say no to Midnight when she is eager to guide us on a long way when she is close to dying of age?"

Shimmerpaw sighed again. "This sin't the Sunpaw I know who's always stubborn, selfless, cautious, and suspicious."

Sunpaw growled and did a light bump. 

 Shimmerpaw stopped her teasing attitude. "But we are putting the clans, total of right, in danger. This can lead to a biggest war no cat has ever felt."

"You should like a elder." Sunpaw commented.

"It's true though! My clan's safety is on t!" Shimmerpaw demanded.

"Yes, though—,"

"Sorry it took a while." Midnight and Crystalpaw emerged ready at last. "Ready to use your legs for one whole day?"

Are you? Sunpaw thought to herself but held her tongue. "Yes"

"Yes indeed." Shimmerpaw nodded. "Show us the way."

Midnight took the lead while worried Crystalpaw behind her small hindquarters. Sunpaw felt like it was the first time Crystalpaw has showed her medicine cat skills. The young medicine cat apprentice, studied Midnight as if searching what she can do to ease her aching bones. To be thinking of it, Sunpaw and Shimmerpaw and Crystalpaw has all been lucky to be able to travel without difficulties. Except for the hunger and some cold that leaf bare caused.

The sun already climbed up high. Midnight never complained, and the youngsters were more exhausted than her. Is this the difference between cats and badgers, Sunpaw thought.

"Let us rest." Midnight finally settled down when they found a secure bush. The view was very different from the beach now. It seemed like they were on NightClan's territory and her home NoonClan territory at the same time. There were trees and some ferns, but it was still a open space.

"Shall I hunt?" Shimmerpaw suggested, her stomach growling. Sunpaw was about to agree bu Midnight stopped them.

"Keep your energy. Hunt later we shall"

So they kept on moving. The more they walked, the hungrier they were. It wasn't so long they started walking again from their break but Sunpaw was exhausted. The two days of walking and running was starting to affect her energy.

Midnight stopped. "From here on, do not talk. We will be invading WindClan's territory soon."

We're going to be in one of the five clans territory already? Sunpaw was surprised how quick it was. She half expected three days of solid walking. But it seemed like Midnight's home and the five clans weren't so far.

Although Midnight warned them not to talk, it was not like any cats were talking before. Sunpaw found a lake, and they were walking towards it. When they got there, they took a sip of fresh water to soothe their throat. It has been almost a full day, since Sunpaw took a sip of water. The last time she did was in the nofur camp. 

They went pass a red nofur house but did not go near. From the sound and smell, Sunpaw assumed there were different animals. But she dared not to open her tongues to ask. She kept on reminding herself this was like sneaking into NightClan's territory.

Around the lake was a moor. Similar to NoonClan's even. Sunpaw even scented rabbits when she tasted the air. The heather stretched wide, and a unfamiliar scent was being carried in the breeze. But the openness made her feel the cold gust of wind more easily.

After the sun took few more steps after starting to walk around the lake, cats emerged. Sunpaw and her two original travel mates were about to hide, but Midnight had told them not to.

"Intruders!" A small, a  apprentice age cat yowled. He was small, in NoonClan he would have been a newly made apprentice. 

Behind a hill, a larger cat, a well trained muscular tom emerged. The two cats together seemed like a mentor and apprentice, and they could be according to Midnight about the five clans.

The two cats padded to them, three eyes cool (at least the apprentice tried to) and chin hi. 

"Greetings." The older toe meowed. "Midnight I believe?"

"Yes it is." Midnight nodded. "I heard walking two fox tail length is not considered as trespassing? Or did the old ways change while I was gone?"

He replied. "It did not. But I wish to hear why you have come. With—few loners."

Midnight's pearl gaze tuned to ice. "None of WindClan business I believe. Now if you are done, I wish to move on."

"Very well." The tom warrior dipped his head. He signaled for his bouncing apprentice to leave the three cats and badger alone. When they were far away until Sunpaw could not catch thei scent, Midnight hissed. 

"We must hurry. He will report us to the WindClan leader."

They hurried the pace up, hard to keep up. Than, as if something hit Midnight, she began to run once they were in strange plant things. Around, brown thick sticks stood along with thinner sticks spreading out. They looked like a bush, but taller and bigger. Sunpaw guessed it was a tree, she remembered from the times in her Army. But it seemed quite different from the ones she saw before."

Suddenly, Midnight turned. The badger's legs were short, but fast. Crystalpaw followed with Shimmerpaw and lastly Sunpaw behind her heels. Sunpaw's breath was rising and she was not able to smell her surroundings. Than they tackled the bush and was in open space. Not exactly open though.

There were cats. So many Sunpaw could not believe. A whole clan of cats actually. Since Midnight has stopped, she guessed this was the place. ThunderClan, one of the five clans.

"Intruder!" One of the cats, no, a kit squealed. A queen nudged the small young to her side and pushed her in a small den like thing. Few well trained cats stepped up, claws sheathe. From the gathering cats, came one confident one. He pushed away the crowd and came to the front. He had a mane around his neck and his fur was gorgeous, sun yellow-orange tom. His yellow eyes showed strength, but also wisdom.

"Who are you?" He asked, cautiously. The behind cats' fur prickled with alert.

Once Sunpaw caught her breath, she managed to meow few words. "I am Sunpaw of NoonClan, and I wish to speak with the ThunderClan leader."

Thanks so much for reading this far! And yes, this is where Part 3 ends! Next is Part 4, and who's POV do you think it will be? From Part 4, you will see old and new cats familiar to you so keep your eyes open for more!

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