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(Cat above is Maplefrost)

Stormspot silently made his way through ShadowClan territory. He was following a ShadowClan patrol lead by his next target— Maplefrost. Only two other warriors were with her and Stormspot recognized them as Hollystream and Dawnmoon. He paused and crouched behind a bush. He had to get Maplefrost alone. But how?

He took a step to continue following the patrol, but quickly pulled back and hid lower in the bush as he stepped on a twig causing it to snap. The patrol stopped and Maplefrost whipped her head around right in his direction. Mousedung!

"What was that?" Hollystream asked.

"It could've been anything." Dawnmoon mewed.

Maplefrost stepped away from the patrol, her eyes scanning the trees. "Dawnmoon, Hollystream, go ahead and go back to camp." She instructed. "I'll continue the patrol."

"are you sure?" Dawnmoon asked.

"Yes." Maplefrost meowed. "I'll be fine."

Dawnmoon nodded and followed Hollystream back throughout the forest. Maplefrost began padding around, sniffing the trees and tasting the air. The fur on her neck rose and her tail was swaying irritably.

Stormspot rose from his spot and began slowly following her. The orange and white she cat was unaware that he was behind her. Once he knew that Hollystream and Dawnmoon were out of earshot and most likely back at ShadowClan's camp, Stormspot let his claws slide out.

This is for you, Fernshade.

He reared up on his hindlegs legs and leapt at Maplefrost. The ShadowClan she cat grunted in surprise. Stormspot stood on her back and sank his teeth into the scruff on her neck and dug his claws deep into her shoulders.

"Get off me!" Maplefrost snarled.

She thrashed her body around in attempt to throw him off. Stormspot gripped tighter to her, blood flowing down her shoulders and chest. Maplefrost let out a cry of pain and Stormspot sank his teeth all the way into her neck.

The orange and white she cat's cry was silenced in a heartbeat. Stormspot leapt of her, blood dripping from his muzzle. Maplefrost's body staggered for a moment before falling to the ground.

She was with Toadleap now. Dead.

Stormspot smiled in satisfaction. He picked up Maplefrost's body and headed to the small thunderpath inside ShadowClan territory. He would leave her body there.

I didn't kill her. Stormspot thought to himself. A monster did.

He reached the black strip of land and laid Maplefrost's body halfway on the path and on the grass. He ranked his claws down her chest and shoulders, making her look more like a monster truly hit her.

Once the scene looked believable, Stormspot covered his tracks and raced back through ShadowClan terrible, back across the boder, and back into his own. He made his way to the lake and washed his paws and muzzle.

He hunted on his way back to camp, making up for the time he was gone. He slipped through the gorse tunnel and dropped off his catches. He looked around the clan and noticed that every cat seemed more lively since the attack. Fireclaw had returned to his duties and was smiling more. His kits were focusing more on their training.

Cloudwing padded up to him, a small smile on her face. "Good hunt?"

"Yes." Stormspot replied, giver her ear a small lick.

"It's nice to see clan smiling again." Cloudwing mewed. "I was worried about Fireclaw and his kits."

"Well, Fireclaw did loose his mate," Stormspot commented. "and his kits are growing up without their mother."

Cloudwing's eyes softened and she lowered her head for a moment. "At least they're growing up with a father. Did you forget that I didn't?"

Stormspot sat down and wrapped his tail around his mate. "Of course not." He waited for Cloudwing to sit beside him. "Did Deerspot ever tell you about your father?"

"Just that he was white tom with blue eyes. She said he was wonderful for ThunderClan. She said he died of greencough shortly after I was born." Cloudwing explained. "I wish I could've known him."

"He sounds wonderful." Stormspot mewed. "And you'll meet him one day."

Cloudwing smiled. "One day but not any time soon."

She reached up and licked Stormspot's muzzle and padded to the warriors' den. Stormspot layed himslef down, letting the sun's light warm his fur. He had to plan his final attack.

Two of his targets were dead. So far no cat had suspected any thing from him. No cat had accused anycat of murder. His plans were working. Now, there was only one cat left to kill.

His father's murdurer.

His final target was the deputy of ShadowClan.

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