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(Cat above is Neetlesplash)

Sunlight filtered into the den, casting streaks of light over the gray tom's body. Stormspot opened his eyes and gave his body a long stretch, his jaws opening in a yawn.

Today was the day; his final act of vengeance would be complete. His father avenged. His family avenged. The fire inside him extinguished.

He rose to his paws and padded out of the den. Most of the clan was awake and already tending to their duties. The apprentices were heading off with their mentors, Oakflame was sending out patrols. Stormspot bounded up to the red brown tom, ambition flowing in his viens.

"Oakflame, do you need me for a patrol?" He asked. "Would you like me to hunt?"

"Hunting would be great." Oakflame meowed. "Hunt near the ShadowClan border but be careful. Stay a good distance from it."

Or I'll cross it.

Stormspot nodded and bounded across the clearing and through the thorn tunnle. He quickly slipped through ThunderClan territory and with no hesitation, across the ShadowClan border.

He slowed to walking pace and silently crept along the pine covered land. He knew killing Neetlesplash would be a challenge. The brown tabby was bigger than and undoubtedly stronger.

But this is for Stonehaze. I have to kill him!

Suddenly, he heard voices ringing out through the trees. Stormspot quickly hid in a bush and crouched low to the ground. He peered out and spotted the source of the voices.

It was Wolfstar and Neetlesplash.

Wolfstar was letting out a slow laugh. "I discoved something very interesting the other day."

"Something to announce at the gathering?" Neetlesplash inquired.

"Yes." Wolfstar mewed. "Something I'm sure most of ThunderClan doesn't know about."

Stormspot's heart starting to beat faster. Had some cat discovered his plan?

Neetlesplash's ear twitched. "Most?"

"Fallowstar and Whitepool maybe the only ones who know of this little secret." Wolfstar meowed.

Fallowstar and Whitepool? Are they hiding something and if so, what?

"Come on." Wolfstar flicked his tail. "Let's go back to camp. The clan will be wondering where we went off to."

"You go ahead." Nettlesplash retorted. "It's been a while since I've gotten to hunt on my own."

Big mistake!

Wolfstar turned and began heading to ShadowClan's camp. "Alright. Don't be long."

Nettlesplash nodded and waited several moments for Wolfstar to get back to their camp. Finally, the brown tabby began treking through the forest, looking for signs of unsuspecting prey.

Stormspot followed him, stepping lightly so that he wouldn't be caught. The only unsuspecting prey here is you.

For several minutes of stalking, Stormspot's opportunity to jump the deputy never came. Nettlesplash was showing to be a harder target that he previously suspected.

Stormspot watched the tom, his eyes forming smal blue slits. Nettlesplash stood still for a moment before crouching low to the ground and began creeping forward.

Stormspot arose from his hiding spot. This is it!

In one quick heartbeat, he leapt and landed hard on Neetlesplash's back. The deputy grunted as he hit the ground, struggling under the weight of his attacker.  Stormspot continued to push the deputy down, not allowing him counter attack.

Neetlesplash tried to reached up and claw at Stormspot, but the ThunderClan cat would slam his paws back to the ground.

This ends now! Stormspot raised a paw and slammed it on Neetlesplash's head, hearing a series of crunches.

"This is for my father." Stormspot snarled.

The ShadowClan tom's once bright yellow eyes rolled to the back of his skull, turning dull and lifeless.

The deputy of ShadowClan....was dead.

They all were.

He had done it.

Before he was spotted, Stormspot grabbed Neetlesplash's body and dragged it to ShadowClan's side of the lake. He bit into the tom's neck and head then layed his body in the water. Neetlesplash's body floated only for a heartbeat before sinking to the bottom, his blood turning the once crystal clear water a faint red.

He washed off any traces of blood then quickly he turned and made his way back to camp. Oakflame greeted him as he slipped through the thorn tunnel.

"Did you have a good hunt?" The deputy asked.

"Absolutely." Stormspot answered.

Oakflame nodded and padded off to meet a border patrol that had just returned as well. Stormspot dropped his catches at the fresh kill pile then slipped into the warriors' den.

He curled up in his nest and wrapped his tail around himself. He let out a long sigh of satisfaction. His quest for vengeance had been a success. His family's deaths were not in vein. They had died innocently. Whatever feud was going on between Fallowstar and Wolfstar had taken their lives away. Wolfstar's orders did. So now the ShadowClan leader would know what he went through. He would find his warriors, his deputy, dead.

This is all your fault, Wolfstar. Your actions, your fued, your orders.

You have nobody to blame but yourself.

You gave me grief.

Now I've returned the favor.

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