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Stormspot smiled from where he was lying, watching as Bramble practiced his stalking and pouncing with his father's tail. A few days had passed since his journey into ThunderClan territory. A few days since he had seen Snowstorm.

Bailey was out in the forest, along with Violet and Stone. The kits were nearly four moons old and were anxious to explore the forest area around their home.

But suddenly, from where she had been laying, Owl's head shot up and she pointed with her tail. "They're back!"

Stormspot looked over but his eyes widened as he noticed that his mate and two kits were not walking back, but running back. Bailey's eyes were wide with fear as she hurried her kits in front of her.

Stormspot rose to his paws. "Bailey, what is it?"

"Some cat's following us!" Bailey replied.

As if to confirm her claim, the sound of twigs and leaves crunching under a cat's paw could be heard coming closer.

"Get behind me." Stormspot instructed.

Bailey nodded and got behind him, her kits behind her. Stormspot shifted into a fighting stance, his claws unsheathed. He was ready to fight whatever cat would show itself. The cat's eye suddenly peered through a bush, their yellow gaze staring right at him.

Then, to Stormspot's surprise, the eyes widened and the cat leapt from the bush. Stormspot blinked a couple of times. He couldn't believe it.

It was Poppycloud!

"Stormspot!" The patched white tom exclaimed. "I can't believe I found you!"

"Poppycloud?!" Stormspot half greeted, half questioned. "What are you doing here?"

"Stormspot, you know this cat?" Bailey asked from behind her mate.

"Yes." Stormspot replied. "Bailey, kits, this is Poppycloud. He was my first apprentice." He turned back to Poppycloud. "This is Bailey, my mate, and our kits- Bramble, Stone, Violet, and Owl."

Poppycloud dipped his head politely. "It's nice to meet you all."

From behind Bailey, the four kits ran up to Poppycloud, their eyes wide in awe. "Are you a warrior?" Stone asked.

"Yes." Poppycloud replied. "Your father trained me well."

Stormspot smiled. "Poppycloud mentored your older cousin, Sparktuft." He added.

"Really?!" Bramble asked.

Poppycloud nodded. "He became a fine warrior." He turned to Stormspot. "I now know what you felt like when I became a warrior. It's an amazing feeling to see your apprentice earn their warrior name."

Stormspot smiled as he remembered that day. He remembered the pride and excitement he ft as he watched Poppycloud and his siblings stand before their clans, not treated yet from the battle.

"Anyway, how is everything in ThunderClan?" He asked.

"All is great actually." Poppycloud replied. "Shadedsky was expecting kits and a couple of day ago they were born—two she cats and a tom. Badgernose received his medicine cat name and a few days ago he went back to ShadowClan. And youalready know about our eight new warriors."

Stormspot smiled. "That's all wonderful." Then he tilted his head. "Eight new warriors? I only know my kits and Fernshade's became warriors."

"Oh! Well, we figured out what happened to Mumblestep and Cedarflame." Poppycloud explained. "They left ShadowClan shortly before the battle know what happened. They lived as loners for a while. They wanted to come to us right away but were afraid that Fallowstar wouldn't let them join. Not long ago they showed up and explained their case to us and now they're members of ThunderClan."

Stormspot let out a sigh of relief. He felt good know his friends wefe safe and okay. I guess they left ShadowClan for the same reasons Pinestripe did. They were tired of how Wolfstar lead ShadowClan.

Stormspot shook his thoughts away, not wanting to remind himself of the things ShadowClan had done. Poppycloud ended up staying longer than planned, catching Stormspot up on ThunderClan news and even showing his kits the hunter's crouch. Soon, the sun began to set.

"It's getting late. I'd better head back and hunt. If I don't come back with prey in my mouth, Larkwatcher will have my tail." Poppycloud meowed, humorously.

"Safe travels back." Stormspot mewed. "It was really good to see you again."

Poppycloud nodded. "It was good to see you too." He nodded to Bailey. "It was nice meeting you, Baily. And your kits."

"Farewell, Poppycloud." Bailey mewed. "You're always welcome back here if you wish to seee Stormspot again."

"Bye Poppycloud!" The four kits shouted.

Poppycloud nodded his thanks and goodbyes and turned to leave. He paused and looked back.

"Goodbye Stormspot." He mewed. "I'll see ypu again. One day."

Stormspot smiled and watched as his old apprentice turned and descended into the bushes he had first emerged from. He starred at the bushes as if he expected Poppycloud to come back or another old clanmate to appear. One who wondered what happened to him of still cared.

But no cat did. The forest was silent.

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