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Stormspot lead the way through the forest, Bailey and their kits behind him. A couple days had passed since Poppycloud discoved where he had been living. The news the tom brought with him only made Stormspot miss ThunderClan even more.

As they padded along the forest, Stormspot's ears twicthed at the sound of screeching and cat wails. He looked around but couldn't see anything.

"That sounds like a badger." Bailey commented.

Stormspot nodded in agreement. "Bailey, take the kits back. I'll go check it out. I won't be gone long."

Bailey nodded and lead the kits away, turning over her shoulder and calling out," Be careful."

Stormspot nodded and descended further into the forest. As he walked, he discovered where the screeching had been coming from. It was coming from inside ThunderClan territory. His heart began to race as he took off running into his old clan's territory.

Just up ahead he could see the scene. A badger was attacking a ThunderClan patrol consisting of Oakflame, Ashshade, Fireclaw, Spottedflare, and Barkflight. The five cats looked to injured to fight. The only one who looked like they could still go on was Oakflame but even the deputy look ready to crumble beneath his own wieght. But them Stormspot noticed the badger turn and lung for a scrap of bloody dark brown fur on the forest floor.

It was Fallowstar!

The ThunderClan leader was lying motionless, blood flowing from a blow to his head. The badger reared up and raised a paw, ready to attack the still tom again. But before it could, Stormspot leapt from where he was and landed on the badger's head. He began clawing at its head and eyes, holding on tight as the badger thrashed its head around, attempting to throw him off.

Stormspot ranked his claws over the badger's eyes, blinding it. The badger trew him off, shrieking as it turned and lumbered off back into the forest. Stormspot hissed as it left, making sure it knew not to return.


Stormspot turned around. The patrol starred back at with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Oakflame asked.

"I heard the all the noise and I was afraid it was a ThunderClan patrol. So I came to help." Stormspot explained. "I didn't mean to trespass. I'll go."

Stormspot turned to leave but was cut off by a, "Wait!"

He turned around to Fallowstar slowly staggering to his paws. The dark brown and white tom slowly limped over to him. "You came to help?"

"Yes, I did. I promised to protect and defend my clan even at the cost of my life. And as long as I'm still breathing, I will never break that promise." Stormspot mewed.

Oakflame padded over to the two toms. "Fallowstar did you loose a life?"

"Yes. Why?" Fallowstar meowed.

"Because Stormspot saved you from loosing another. That badger was going for you again then Stormspot showed up amd sent it away." Fireclaw explained.

Fallowstar turned back to Stormspot. "You came back to help us even after I banished you?"

Stormspot nodded. "I was honored for my loyalty and dedication, wasn't I?"

He then sat down and wrapped his tail around himself. "I know that what I did was wrong. But I was grieving. Grief makes us do terrible things sometimes and we all grieve in a way we know will help is overcome it." Stormspot meowed, remembering his talk with Badgernose.

Stormspot waited for a cat to reply and what Fallowstar mewed made him shoot his head up.

"I'm sorry."

Stormspot starred at the leader. "What?"

"I'm sorry." Fallowstar repeated. "I now see that I was wrong to banish you. We need a warrior like you. A warrior who no matter where they are or what situation they're in, their love and loyalty for their clan never dies."

Fallowstar stepped forward and rested his muzzle on Stormspot's head. "Welcome back to ThunderClan."

Stormspot starred as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Fallowstar had welcomed him back. He was a member of ThunderClan again!

"Thank you, Fallowstar." Stormspot mewed.

"Might I add that the cats he killed were Maplefrost who killed Marshtail, Toadleap who blinded me, and  Neetlesplash." Ashshade commented.

"Yes." Spottedflare agreed. "Sounds like Stormspot actually did the forest a favor."

Fallowstar dismissed the two warriors and waved his tail. "Come on, let's go back to camp."

Stormspot's heart swelled with excitement as he padded back with the patrol. When they slipped through the thorn tunnel, all of the clam looked him.


Cloudwing raced over to him and Stormspot bounded a head to meet her. Cloudwing pressed her muzzle to his , both cats purring in affection.

"What are you doing here?" Cloudwing asked.

"I'm a member of ThunderClan again." Stormspot meowed. He pressed his muzzle to hers again. "I missed you so much, Cloudwing."

Cloudwing licked his cheek. "I missed you too."

Snowstorm, Raindrop, and Hazelbreeze ran up to their father. Stormspot's family was whole again.

Fallowstar leapt onto the Highledge the best he as he not been treated of his wounds yet. "Cats of ThunderClan! My patrol suffered a badger attack that costed me one of my lives. But thanks to Stormspot the badger is gone and I was saved from loosing another life." The leader called. "Stormspot has been welcomed back into ThunderClan as I owe him one of my lives."

Poppycloud rose to his paws with the rest of the clan joining in. "Stormspot! Stormspot!"

Stormspot smiled as his clan welcomed him back. Then he remembered: he told Bailey he wouldn't be gone long. How would he see her again? They could join ThunderClan. After all, my kits do have an interest in the clans.

"Fallowstar," Stormspot called. "Ma I request something?"

"Go ahead." Fallowstar replied.

"While living as a rogue, I met a she cat named Bailey. She saved my life and later we became mates and had kits." Stormspot began explaining. "My kits show an interest in the clans and I feel that one day they'll make excellent warriors. If they agree, may they join ThunderClan?"

Fallowstar turned his head, pondering. "Tomorrow, you, Oakflame and I will go see them. I'll talk to them about it and if they agree, then yes, they can join."

He leapt from the Highledge, dismissing the clan. Stormspot turned to Cloudwing, ready to explain the situation.

"Cloudwing, look I-"

"I know you have another mate and kits." Cloudwing cut him off. "Poppycloud told me. I'm not mad. I had no doubt that you stopped loving me."

"I never did." Stormspot mewed. "I will always love you."

Cloudwing stepped forward and licked his cheek. "I for one can't wait to meet your other mate."

"She's a wonder cat and loving mother." Stormspot mewed.

Cloudwing smiled and padded to the warriors' den, Stormspot followimg. They went to the nest that they shared and curled up next to each other.

Reunited. Whole again.

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