Chapter 2

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His paws silently crushing the soft green grass, Sammy looked around at his surroundings as he went deeper and deeper into the woods. A little bit of moonlight shone through the leafy canopy, illuminating the area. The young kitten soon found himself in a small clearing. Sniffing the area, he could smell the birds and rodents that called the forest home.

He could also smell other cats.

"Maybe I should've gone back inside when I had the chance," Sammy mumbled under his breath. His golden tail lashed about in anxiety. Someone or something was there with him. He was being watched, he knew it. Backing away slowly, he shook his head as if to shake off his nerves. His sky blue eyes never once left the shadows, wary of any possible movement.

Nothing moved.

"Heh, must be my imagination. Look at yourself, acting so jumpy," Sammy quietly scolded himself. Purring in amusement, the young kitten turned around and began walking away. The rain would be coming soon, he could sense it. He also still had the feeling that he was being watched but he ignored it for the time being. It wasn't until he heard running footsteps that Sammy knew he was in trouble.

The fur along his back raising, Sammy whirled around with a hiss. He was swiftly bowled over by a powerful force. The kitten and his attacker rolled around in the grass, hissing and spitting at each other. Sammy found himself pinned to the ground on his back. Gritting his teeth, he brought his hind legs up and kicked as hard as he could, flinging his attacker away. Scrambling to his feet, he turned to face his opponent.

It was another kitten, around his age. A young she cat with golden and white fur. Shaking her head, she opened her yellow eyes and looked up at Sammy. Both youngsters froze, staring at each other in silence. Sammy had no idea what the other kitten was thinking but he believed she was very beautiful- wait, what? What was he thinking?! She just attacked him! He looked away, embarrassed to look at her.

That's when he found himself pinned by a different cat.

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