Chapter 3

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"I got him!" the newcomer crowed at the top of his lungs. Spitting out dirt, Sammy growled. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see gray fur. By the sound of it, he had been attacked by another kitten, a tom kit this time. "Get off of me!" he spat, heaving himself to his feet with enough force to launch the other cat off. Crashing down on the ground, the gray kitten scrambled to his feet and hissed, "You're trespassing trespasser!"

"Wetpaw! That's enough!" a gruff voice called out. All three kittens flinched at the sound. At that very moment, a sturdy gray tom stepped out from the bushes, his yellow eyes glowing in the moonlight. Sammy's fur poofed up. Was he being ambushed?! He feared that was the answer when a large red tabby tom followed the gray cat. Approaching the young she cat, he pressed his nose against her head as he asked, "Are you alright Duskpaw?"

"I'm okay Woodfeather," the kitten, presumably named Duskpaw, answered. Trotting up to the older gray cat, the other kitten named Wetpaw asked, "Did I do good Sootbreeze?" Flicking his tail over the younger feline's head, the tom responded sternly, "A true warrior never gloats about victory during a battle he has not won yet. You would've been so distracted that your enemy would have attacked without hesitation."

"You guys are warriors..." Sammy rasped, his sky blue eyes widening. The four cats were now staring at him but he didn't care. He was in the presence of warrior cats, just like the ones in the stories that his grandmother used to tell him and Amaya. They were real. Realizing that he had been staring this whole time, he averted his gaze as he stuttered, "Sorry! I didn't mean to stare!"

"There is no need to apologize young one," a new voice spoke. A moment later, a gray and ginger tom stepped forth from the undergrowth. The other cats dipped their heads respectfully to the older feline as he crossed the clearing, heading right towards Sammy. Stopping just a few whisker lengths away, the elder sniffed the kitten's face. Humming softly, he lifted his head and remarked, "You are a kittypet."

"And... and you are a warrior cat... all of you... right?" Sammy stammered. He was in utter shock right now. The kitten continued, "I mean, are you guys... warrior cats?"

"Indeed we are."

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